744 AGS - The symbol of the Mazagran massacre, DeGrasse, returns to Champagne. Widespread disgruntlement can be heard across the system as sympathy towards the Maquisard heroes remains at high levels.
744 AGS - Sirian wines, REVIEWED!
744 AGS - The Front Front de Libération de Gallia issues humanitarian food delivery contracts to assist the people of planet Metz.
744 AGS - Top10 hottest Marseille entertainment spots.
Marseille and Provence back to Corsican hands!
After times of brutal oppression all people of Marseille have collectively let out a massive sigh of release - the dicatorship of the Gallic Union looming like a dark suffocating hand over the planet's people's neck is over. Our Marseille correspondent Titus Agostini reports:
"This is an incredible breakthrough for Gallia, first of many planets have officially regained independence from the Gallic Union and were returned back to the people to decide how they wish to run their world. The Corsican bordellus no longer have to hide their business and serve all sorts of substances to their guests without worries. Fireworks can be seen booming all across the entire planet, and Marseille is slowly once again becoming the symbol of luxury, decadent vices and freedom for all sorts of groups"
This amazing victory comes at a taxing time for Gallia. Especially the people of Lorraine and famine ridden planet Metz are watching, and our contacts planet wide tell us that large amounts of populace are opening up to living the dream Marseille is living, of prospering under independent governance rather than being oppressed by the centralised brutal self- serving dicatorship of the Gallic Union. All clues indicate that Lorraine and planet Metz will soon follow Marseille.