Planet: Diedus System: Omega-11
Planet Diedus is the only planet within Omega-11. The analyses showed a heavy volcanic activity on the surface. Even if the temperature is between -70°C to 50°C, the volcanic activity is a problem for a potential extraction opperation. More surveys need to be done until a final conclusion. Once the volcanic activity will be reduced, researches will be made. Perhaps Diedus hides the metal that we need to restore the others and the old systems.
From the Rheinland military, they suggested to inform one of their compagnies as Kruger or Daumann for such opperation. Some months ago, the Outcasts, the Hyperspace Starfleet told there was a volcanic planet within Omicron Epsilon. It will be a planet that we will look for another time. For the time being, Diedus will be under observation.
Planet: Myriandrus System: Omicron Epsilon
Planet Myriandrus is the only volcanic planet within the system: Omicron Epsilon. The analyses showed that the temperature vary between -143°C to 378°C. Those are extreme temperatures.
The scanner showed a potential Vibradium depot on the surface of the planet. However, precautions will need to be done. The ground is mostly magma and unstable. This planet will be under observation until a proper moment before extraction of any ressources.
Planet: Goddess Geode System: Baffin
Planet Goddess Geode is the only one crystal planet. From an informant, this planet was the same as the described one that we know. Analyzes showed a high quantity of Vibradium. It will be the main target for the extraction.
The only thing that needs to be done is to find the adequate tool to extract the metal in question. Because of what happened in the past, everything turned into ruins. It will be hard to find the extraction tool, but it is the only tool able to do the job.