Sender: Ali Joutsen Recipient: Corporates representatives Subject: Business Contract Encryption: Medium Location: Sisu Jaegers Main HQ, Planet Hamburg
Beginning Encrypted Feed
Hyvaa paivaa to whom it may concern. My name is Ali Joutsen and I am employee of the Sisu Jaegers - Sampo Foundation.
We are trying to increase standards of our services in the Omegas by getting a base there. Recently our expedition has found and completed a survey of wrecked base in the Omega-55 system. Scans shows that wreck could be repaired and repressurized allowing human life, we want to use this but we need help.
As base is in bad state we are in need of supplies (detailed list is in "Attached data" below) to be delivered to the "Malfunctioning Depot" in Omega-55 system in order to make needed repairs to hull structure. And If you agree, this is what are we asking you to do.
As we need to have this done fast this message has been also sent to three more factions. Price will be transferred to first faction who will send prof of delivery/ies.
IMPORTANT: Location of base will be revealed ONLY to factions who will accept contract via D.M. protocol.
Basic Alloy - 15.000 / 15.000 - 2500S.C per unit -CON-EX-
Reinforced Alloy - 10.000 / 10.000 - 1000S.C per unit
Aluminium - 10.000 / 10.000 - 3000S.C per unit -CON-EX-
Super Alloy - 5.000 / 5.000 - 4000S.C per unit -CON-EX-
Hull Segments - 15.000 / 15.000 - 1000S.C per unit -CON-EX-/?
High Performance Alloy - 5.000 / 5.000 - 4000S.C. per unit -CON-EX-
Solar Panels - 3.000 / 3.000 - 6000S.C per unit -CON-EX-
This list will be updated regularly as deliveries will be completed.
Faction who will deliver the most will be awarded with additional 20 million Sirius credits bonus.
Best regards Ali Joutsen
Ending Encrypted Feed
Ali Joutsen Employee of the Sampo Foundation
Sisu Jaegers
Constellation Express will be happy to assist you in this endeavor. Your services to ConEx have shown the mettle of your organization. With the refurbishment of this installation, traders everywhere will be happy to have more access to your services.
I have already put the order in for a handful of our ships to begin making way to Omega-55 with the appropriate cargo. Thank you for this opportunity and we'll be in touch!
My name is Rachel Snyder. Mr. Wagner is a working owner and is currently working with our ships to make these deliveries possible! I have just received word that the following shipments have been made:
Solar Panels X3000
Aluminum X10,000
High Performance Alloy X5000
Hull Segments X2500
Please note to all other participants that an outstanding communications was delivered to Universal Shipping for a convoy delivery of all Basic Alloy commodities. Please earmark these items for Constellation Express and Universal Shipping organizations. Thank you!
Sender: Ali Joutsen Recipient: Corporates representatives Subject: Business Contract Encryption: Medium Location: Sisu Jaegers Main HQ, Planet Hamburg
Beginning Encrypted Feed
Hyvaa paivaa mister Rachel Snyder.
I'm very happy that your organisation is helping us, also I am impressed that almost everything is delivered in so short amount of time and it seems that you are the only one interested in this assignment. That means that of-course you will be the ones who receive the bonus 20 million credits mentioned in first message and also 20% discount on our services. Please send me Id of the bank account you want the payment to be wired to upon completion of contract.
With the exception of Basic Alloy, this satisfies the requirements for this project. Our communications with Universal Shipping have remained stale. We have contacted Gateway and other independent partners to complete the Basic Alloy requirement of this project. We will notify you immediately of that delivery.
This run was assisted by an independent contracted who calls himself Backpack. He was of great help in completing this run. We were also assisted by the Hitman organization. Attempts to communicate with Gateway and Universal Shipping failed, unfortunately.
All payments may be forwarded to {ConEx}Deposit
Please inventory your freight and let us know if there is anything missing or if there is need to provide more cargo. We still have ships in the area and will be happy to assist!
Sender: Ali Joutsen Recipient: Corporates representatives Subject: Business Contract Encryption: Medium Location: Sisu Jaegers Main HQ, Planet Hamburg
Beginning Encrypted Feed
Everything seems to be in order. Confirmation of payment can be seen in Attached data.
It was pleasure to work with you mister Snyder. I will be happy to cooperate with you in future.