James Creed enters his office aboard Salt Lake Station for the very last time as he has made known his resignation from the role of Fleet Admiral of the 46th Fleet.
He proceeds to get together his paperwork that will be handed over to the new Fleet Admiral, Aden Tanner.
Martin Kemp-Smith will be assigned as Aden's second in command and will take the role of Admiral, to oversee anything that Aden needs him for.
James sits at his desk for a while after he has gathered his private things, which he needs to box up ready to be transferred to his personal ship which is getting prepared to leave Salt Lake very soon.
After a long sit at his desk he proceeds to pack all of his spare uniforms that are present in his office wardrobe that he uses when he is on duty at the Station. He proceeds to make his way to the Large Canteen area in his civilian clothes for his last taste of atmosphere aboard the Station and as he arrives there everyone stands to attention and salutes him. James salutes back and proceeds to make them stand at ease and enjoy their food.
Hilda is hard at work in the Kitchen and glances over and gives James a big wave as she glides across the Kitchen with more dishes to be given out. James drinks his Coffee and proceeds to leave the Canteen and make his way to the Command Centre, where low and behold an alert comes through and all available fighters are scrambled to launch.
James looks on as the operatives launch and once again race to the rescue to protect Liberty as they have always done.
James proceeds to have conversation with the Command Centre Chief Officer in charge before he has a last walk around the Station.