I am Sebastian Riordan, Minster of Trade for the Crayter Republic. Our government has not had much opportunity of late for work with your corporation but this communication might stand to remedy this. Our scientists have discovered a fascinating microbe on our colony world of Borneo in the Tau 44 system which we are attempting to bring to commercial application. I'm told its features are quite unique and our team has been busy with it at our laboratory facilities aboard Sabah Research Section.
We would like to hire a team of your experts to consult on possibly furthering our genetic manipulation of the subject before taking it to mass production and hope that should our plans succeed, a partnership of sorts can be formed for future business focused on this project.
Please, send any questions or concerns to my office and we look forward to discussing this proposal at length with you.
Thank You,
In service to the Republic
Sebastian Riordan
Minister of Trade
Crayter Republic
• Sender: Felix Vespier, Sales & Marketing Division
• Recipient: Sebastian Riordan, Crayter Republic
• Subject: Borneo Project
Mr. Riordan,
Cryer Pharmaceuticals has the utmost devotion towards human science engineering and are honored you've chosen us to fulfill your needs regarding this matter on Borneo. We would like to move this forward by deploying a Mobile Med & Research Team to Minato Harbour with all the necessary accoutrements and supply ships necessary to ensure success is achieved, assuming your government is willing to pay the best scientists in Sirius their due course to facilitate your endeavors.
We will be assembling a team shortly and will send specifics in our data burst transfer packet to go over the particulars. We'll just need to schedule a date and time for accepting the arrival of our people to your facilities.
• Sender: Dr. Persimony Felcher, Pharma & Medical Research Division
• Recipient: Sebastian Riordan, Crayter Republic
• Subject: Borneo Project
Mr. Riordan,
Allow me to introduce myself. I am Dr. Persimony Felcher, PhD in Pharmacology and Biotechnology. I've recently been promoted to head of the research division and I'll be taking care of related contracts from now on.
First and foremost, I must apologize for my colleague going incommunicado for a good while. Our company had a little "incursion" with a group of terrorists around our labs in the Sigmas, so we had to move a lot of assets, including my personal mobile laboratory vessel.
Despite the loss of assets, we are ready and willing to continue our dealings. While our company recovers, any potential for the development of a new product is a great opportunity. Instead of classic payment, we ask that the resulting product would be branded under Cryer Pharmaceuticals, and that we receive a share of the profits. This does not discredit your scientists, but is rather intended to be a joint operation and bring fair profits to both ends.
Once we've come to an agreement, I'll dispatch my personally trained team of experts to your lab, and they'll help you further the research.
Dr. Felcher,
We are eager to get to work your science team on Borneo. Your proposal for trade marking rights is an interesting one, but one I'd suggest modifying. The Crayter Republic is willing to share joint branding between your corporation and our own corporate entities on any and all non-medical focused products that result from our jointly focused enterprises during this operation. Furthermore, all medical-focused products or services generated will be granted exclusive branding under Cryer Pharmaceuticals and profits undisputedly given to your company.
I hope this counter is appealing and one that can allow us to move forward?
In service to the Republic
Sebastian Riordan
Minister of Trade
Crayter Republic
• Sender: Dr. Persimony Felcher, Pharma & Medical Research Division
• Recipient: Sebastian Riordan, Crayter Republic
• Subject: Borneo Project
Mr. Riordan,
I've discussed your counter to our offer with the executive board, and we'll accept your terms under one condition: all the research will be done in a Cryer facility, that will be built and maintained in the Tau-44 system.
The facility will serve multiple purposes and contain two main chambers:
A dedicated joint research lab, where both Cryer and Crayter scientists can work together to research the newly discovered microbe and its potential usages.
A private chamber to which only Cryer personnel have access, for our private research and business unrelated to the microbe. The Cryer corporation will be able to use this chamber for all intents and purposes, and will not be obliged to inform Crayter authorities of their doings. Nevertheless, Cryer guarantees that all the conduct in this chamber will follow the guidelines of Crayterian law.
In addition to research, the Crayter Republic will be allowed to use this facility for staging military forces and resupplying their ships, and in turn will offer defensive forces in case of an assault by our common enemies.
If you find our condition agreeable, we can move forward with the deal and begin construction of the facility ASAP.