Official Communication Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Security Clearance:Vanguard
Sender Name: Admiral Martin Kemp-Smith Recipient: 5th Fleet Admiralty
Respected Admirals of the Fifth Fleet,
Firstly, I believe I've had the privilege of meeting a few of you around Liberty at various times. For those of you that don't know me, I'm Admiral Martin Kemp-Smith of the Fourty-sixth Fleet.
As you know, there has been increased Insurgence activity in the very heart of Liberty and this simply cannot be allowed to continue. I am planning a reconnaissance mission to strategically map their home system of Vespucci, and would like to begin efforts to strengthen the ties between our Fleets.
On this note, I intend of dispatching several of our own light reconnaissance squadron, Recoil - along with my personal Flagship, the Anchorage. I would like to formally request the current position of the Akhetaten, furthermore, ask if she and her crew would accompany us on such an operation.
If this is acceptable, please respond at your earliest convenience and we can sort out a plan of action from there.
Martin Kemp-Smith
Admiral Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Navy 46th Fleet sender and is not to be passed on to anyone outside of this transmission.
Communication channel opened... Encryption:HIGH ID: Rear Admiral Luke Briggs Target: 46th Fleet Command Subject: Vespucci Reconnaissance
Admiral Kemp-Smith,
We are aware of the recent surge of activity from the Insurgency, however I must say that I am skeptical on whether or not it would be a wise tactic to send two capital ships into enemy territory for recon. At most I would recommend using the Akhetaten as backup- she would stay behind under cloak in case you get caught in an ambush. The Akhetaten is currently stationed within the California system, so reassigning her and her escorts should be simple.
However, before I agree to deploy a major asset such as the Akhetaten, I will require a full tactical writeup detailing your plan of action.
Furthermore, I am patching Captain Uhmen in to this communication line to make things easier.
That'll be all.
Regards, Rear Admiral Luke Briggs
Liberty Navy Fifth Fleet
Hopefully I am not too late to the party. The Akhetaten and the battlegroup assigned to it have completed their requested resupplying at Norfolk shipyard and our departure from the base is imminent.
Taskforce Akhetaten will be moving to the Kansas system. I can only assume that with this most recent redeployment the Akhetaten will be required to operate with vessels belonging to the Forty-Sixth fleet more often than not in light of your most recent operations in close proximity to the Kansas system.
I would be most pleased if you would provide me with the location of your headquarters in the Kansas system, Admiral Kemp-Smith; a more direct means of communication is very much required in operational situations such as the current one.
The Akhetaten will be roaming the system in stealth while the rest of Taskforce A will be in close proximity to Battleship Delaware - I will be contacting the latter regarding our arrival in the system in due time.
That is all the information I can provide at the time.
Official Communication Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Security Clearance:Vanguard
Sender Name: Admiral Martin Kemp-Smith Recipient: Captain Uhmen, Maria
Captain Uhmen,
You are, in fact, just in time. It's good to hear from you again.
The bulk of our forces are now stationed in and around the Battleship Delaware. We also have a reserve force in holding in California that is on standby for rapid deployment via Jump Drive.
I would advise rendezvousing near the Delaware and we can further discuss this matter in person.
Until then, Captain.
Martin Kemp-Smith
Admiral Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Navy 46th Fleet sender and is not to be passed on to anyone outside of this transmission.
Official Communication Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Security Clearance:Vanguard
Sender Name: Admiral Martin Kemp-Smith Recipient: Captain Uhmen, Maria | 5th Fleet Admiralty Subject: Operation Order
Captain Uhmen,
I have drawn up a rough Operation Order for the upcoming Joint Operation between our Fleets. Amendments and suggestions are, of course, welcomed and encouraged at this time. Your Admiralty are also welcome to weigh in on any of the following.
Operation Order Wrote:1. Situation
a) Enemy Force
It is expected that the Insurgency still operate a very fully-fighting capable fleet, though exact numbers and specifications at this time are unknown. It is anticipated that, naturally, they will defend their home systems with their full capability and this is not expected to change. Recent events lead me to believe that they've fully withdrawn all their forces back to Kansas and Vespucci on the development of our recent operations.
Exact numbers of deployed forces shall remain classified by all participants in the interest of operational security.
2. Mission
Our mission within Kansas is two-fold. Firstly, to pre-emptively disrupt and scatter any Insurgent forces to strengthen our position within the system. Secondly, to engage and remove any assets their forces have in system - I.E Bases, Depots etc.
3. Execution
1) Scheme of Maneuver
All participating forces are to depart the vicinity of the Battleship Delaware and move in two groups. The first, to move and hold a defensive position at the B4/5 Northing (marked on attached map. The second group, to move to the center of C4 securing eastward.
2) Formation
Formations of the battlegroups may remain to the discretion of the senior ranking officer of each group, naturally.
3) Route
N/A - minimal distance between the Delaware and the holding positions.
4) Coordinating Instructions
Commanders of both groups may communicate via normal channels.
4. Service Support
1. Medical
Emergency medical can be sought on the Delaware. To include CASEVAC where required.
2. Equipment and Munitions
Again, the Delaware has been deployed for this reason. Resupply of any nature can be done there.
3. Captured Resources
Should enemy equipment, vessels and the like be captured, they are to be securely brought to the Delaware and placed under guard by her escorting Cruisers. This is true of any prisoners, though are recommended to use the brig on the Delaware specifically.
5. Command and Signal
1) Frequencies and Callsigns
Frequencies and callsigns will remain of those in SOP's in place by both fleets respectively. Same goes for secondary forces present.
2) Signals
To be left to the discretion of commanders in the field to allow for flexibility.
3) Chain of Command
Standard Naval SOP to be observed: Senior ranking officer present takes command.
- If 46th takes seniority, 5th and secondary forces to heed and follow lawful issued commands.
- If 5th takes seniority, 46th and secondary forces to heed and follow lawful issued commands.
- Secondary forces and officers to report in to senior officer in the field and standby for orders.
Attached is a copy of the map to show marked holding positions. Further action in the field may be required and will be left to the discretion of the senior commanding officer.
Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Navy 46th Fleet sender and is not to be passed on to anyone outside of this transmission.