I just got to mission #22, the one where you kill the Black Guard Carrier, and then I remembered, joystick rocks...
Anyway, what do we all think of the prequel to Freelancer?
EDIT: I guess I'm not on the right mission yet, but, it is #22.
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.
StarLancer: Why Capital Ships don't have torpedoes in FreeLancer.
Seriously, I think it's in mission 2 or 3, when you are attacked by two Carriers, then the Battleship ANS Yamato comes in, fires 10 torpedoes, 5 on the right side, 5 on the left side, and they go boom like that! The there is when Fort Baxter is attacked by a Coalition Cruiser that launches something like 10 torpedoes... and then gets destroyed by the Reliant, with their own set of Torpedoes....
Also, the coalition sucks with bombers. They stand back at 3 k, and fire their torpedoes. When you bring Gamma team with you, at least, you usually clear the sector from fighters before they arrive to blow up the capship!
''Throw a Jackhammer misile in the single weakspot it has!!!'' <--- Weirdly rings a bell....
I was stuck for ages on one mission, which sucked cause I really wanted to finish the story and find out what happens in the end of Starlancer. But then I beat the mission and found out it was the last mission, and there was no more story after that. Which really sucked. I wished the game had gone on for longer, and the Coalition started to push the Alliance back. Would be awsome if it had told the events right up to the last stand at Pluto...
ST was great, the 4th or 5th mission defending the reliant was a bitch though, took me like 2 weeks to get through, without a joystic, i hate those things and never use them. Epic game.
I loved Starlancer!!! The only mission I didn't like, was the last one with the ion-cannon (or something like that). The story was awesome, because its one of the few space simulations without aliens.
I must admit that this is the only thing that disappointed me when I first played freelancer. I really hoped to fight the coalition again.