The camera turns on and the transmission starts. The director can be seen drinking something out of a very fancy glass.
I think an introduction is in place. My name is James Hollywood and I lead the Unioners. I need to make this quick so I won’t beat around the bush. We usually don’t contact middlemen companies but this time is an exception. We’re in a rush and the Deterrence strongly suggested your services via private communication. So we’ve decided to give you guys a contract you can’t refuse.
You might be aware of the Pacifica base in Bering. Well, we’re in need of materials related to the construction of the base. The engineers have provided the Direktorat a list of times they would need and since Pacifica is our home we will fund their expenses. With that in mind we need the following items to be delivered to Pacifica:
Amount: (Units)
Ablative Armor Plating
Tripoli Shipyard, O. Gamma
Reinforced Alloy
Kreutzberg Depot, N. Berlin
Drill Bits
Boulogne Base, Picardy
Industrial Materials
Mainz storage facility, Frankfurt
Nuclear Devices
Limoux Base, Languedoc
Optical chips
Invergordon Space Port, Inverness
Units Rochester base, New York
Boulogne Base, Picardy
Robotic Hardware
Units Rochester base, New York
Note that other independent merchants will also be participating in this contract, including Unioner ships so keep in communication via the comms system of Pacifica of the amount delivered.
Usually, we would pay 3000 credits per unit for every item delivered but this time we will double the rate for all independent contractors. Meaning they will be paid 6000 credits per unit. And since this is a special offer for you, New Horizon Industries, we will triple the base rate for pilots under your tag. This means you will, upon giving us proof of delivery, receive 9000 credits per every unit delivered. Do it well and you'll get an extra reward. This is a very urgent offer: You have until 20.5.829 AS. 24:00 UTC to deliver all the items. Good luck, the clock is ticking."
Have a good evening' and safe skies."
The man salutes with two fingers as the stream cuts off.
Sender: Vecesco Trebitti | CEO of New Horizon Industries Recipient(s): Direktor James Hollywood Origin: Omicron Minor Encryption:Charlie-Kappa-Hotel-Zulu-Delaware
Herr Hollywood,
I have not expected to receive an order from the Unioners, but I must say, it's quite generous of you to offer us extra credits as an incentive.
Luckily, our company has lots of expertise in the logistical area. We'll send our transports right away and do our best to fulfill your order to the last bit.
Please make sure that the station allows all pilots with an NHI- transponder to dock safely and unload their cargo. We'll see to it that each delivery is properly documented for your convenience.
Thank you for choosing NHI! You won't be disappointed.
May the sun rise wherever you go, Vecesco Trebitti CEO
The camera turns on and the transmission starts. The director can be seen drinking something out of a very fancy glass.
I won't beat around the bush. Amazing. Nothin' less than amazing. You delivered a total of 107.200 units of cargo in 8 hours. Deterrence was right to praise you. We've paid a combined reward of 976,425,000 Sirius credits to the merchants. The job is done and you did well. "
Have a good evening' and safe skies."
The man salutes with two fingers as the stream cuts off.