Turn on the Music! Dexter Cup 829 - Hot Pursuit Hosted by the Hovis Initiative
Today with your speakerUnknown
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This time we go illegal. That's all you need to know.
[tr][td][url=link]RP Name[/url][/td][td]Inter-House/Edgeworld/Bretonia/Rheinland/Gallia/Liberty/Kusari/Hispania[/td][td][url=link]Forum Name[/url][/td][td][img=38x28]ship img url[/img][/td][td]Charname (in Game)[/td][/tr]
Rules and Modes:
Extreme/Death Race (Experimental)
- Guns are allowed
- LFs, HFs, VHFs and Freighters (nothing above that, pick whatever to finish the race fastest)
- CD and CM, Mines are allowed
- Just reach the finish line with whatever you've got
- You will have Cops chasing you
As suspected, the race will start at the Hood Asteroid Field where the Race Gates are located. Prices? What prices... Come on you're here to enjoy yourself and entertain the audience!...
...of course I'm joking, here are the Prices for the Racers:
1st Place = 200 Mil
2nd Place = 100 Mil
3rd Place = 50 Mil
Cops get 50 Mil for each eliminated Racer.
Sorry, we're running on low budget here, but if this series continues and involves bigger sponsors and companies the prices will definitly boom!
// The names on the list are not final and need to be updated, but for now any thoughts? Basically it's a Hot Pursuit. Racers start in one System, the Cops on another and on go the Cops go hunt for the racers. Any Ships between LF - Freighters are allowed and it's on you to decide if you want a more robust surviving ship but sacrifice speed or go for a LF to preserve speed. You can destroy Cops too but you gotta take in mind that THAT will cost you time, so whatever strategy you plan, it better be a good an efficient one. Also depending on which Region we are, the according Cops will be able to join, this time it's BPA since we start in Bretonia.
Non-Official Registration List (Players on it are just an example):