To: Zoners, Freelancers and residents of the Omicrons.
Encryption: None
Subject: Station storage
Date: 26-06-829
Waskaganish Outpost is now in operation. As the station evolves, so will be our needs and offers.
Here is the most updated list of commodities we are looking for as well as equipment and commodities available for sale.
You might not have heard of us before, intentionnally.
We have been recruiting members to create the Waskaganish Outpost Committee to run this station and define our common goal: build a remote station for research purposes on aliens such as Nomads and The Wild.
Most of the members and current visitors are pilots and crews who we've met at the Livadia Shipyard, Corinth Research Annex, on Freeport 11 or Freeport 5. Coming and going, we've established a link of trust between us. By timing it right, the station was deployed in the beginning of 06-829 and the construction went quite smoothly. Everyone got their fair share for the work they've done and with that, some stayed, some left but we hope for them to visit again, same goes with you.
A vessel from our shipping crew was peacefully followed by a ship from the Technocracy of Auxo up to our station.
Our intentions were questionned, so I will reinterate: we intend to do research on equipment and ships from aliens known as Nomads and The Wild.
Your warning on invasive studies against Gammu were heard loud and clear. We have no intentions to do so.
Our stance on the conflict between The Order and The Core is the same as Houses politics: we have no interest.
Our pilot was warned that the station's presence would be reassessed if we would collaborate with The Order and The Core.
About that last one:
we will be trading goods and commodities with both faction with the only intent to fulfill the needs of our station.
As it is not our station's purpose, we won't house either, as we would with anyone else, if we suspect that they have malicious intents against Gammu.
We do intend to stay in a neutral relationship with all of our neighbours but the aliens mentionned above.
Knowledge gathered on our station will be kept under tight security to avoid any conflict escalation.
When, or if, information and data is shared, it will be done sparingly and to thrustworthy crews only.
You can also expect ships patrolling the system to ensure security of all and gather data and information on them for research purposes.
Our defense ships will only respond to ships showing hostilities.
With the help of an outsourced contract, growing was much faster than expected.
Within less than 15 days, our crew doubled, from 200 crew members working on our station to now 400.
Construction was fast but the station still had a lot of work and fixing to be done.
Altough, with a larger crew, maintenance and repairs are now going to be done much faster.
Much ressources would have to be brought over the next few days for the station to be fully operational.
The maintenance is complete and the station is now fully operational.
Some defense weapons were also built as a deterrent against hostile alien ships who would try to approach our station.
We now intend to fill the station's storage capacity with goods for our research as well as commodities for outgoing visitors.
To add to the maintenance crew already present on the station, recruitment for science specialists from various fields will begin to get research started.