Well, it doesn't seem logic to me that they can indeed go into house systems (Except if they just are flying by to reach another freeport).... They cut themselves from them, no?
Yet, I often see Juggernauts chilling in home systems, and even in Gallia (Btw, Just Exploring isn't an excuse. the GRN WILL go after you, even if you claim your ship is a colonial ship. It haz cap guns, and Gallia don't want this in their house.). Now, while I can understand why some Zoners are there, some of them just takes the ''Zoner Neutrality'' too far, no?
I think he's asking why the Zoner ID is a go everywhere ticket, and commenting on how some abuse it.
EDIT: And yes, ingame lore does indicate that Zoners hate the houses and will do anything to get away from them, and this RP is not reflected in the slightest ingame for the most part.
It's a measure of diplomacy, profit and freedom over taking sides in foolish wars.
Everything is abused to a certain degree, the bigger the advantage the bigger the abuse by players.
It's human nature i fear.
I have seen hundreds of vessels in galic space "just exploring" what makes you single out the Zoners asides from what i detect being a personal grudge against a anonymous person?
Zoners are suppost to be hostile to the Galic Navy and Police for being outsiders. If your character is in control of the ZOI in question feel free to throw out whoever you may like.
In my opinion, the only Zoner warship that should be doing anything in house space other than just passing through is Yoda, and that's because he has a reputation for just being 'around'.