Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Security Clearance: < GRANTED >
Sender ID: Captain Alice Shepard
Receiver: Fleet Admiral Kemp-Smith
Subject: Request Funding
Good morning Fleet Admiral,
There is no doubt our Fleet and others within the Liberty Navy are advancing in technology. With that in mind there have been a few instances where friendly forces could have reached us quicker but we lack the Hyperspace Matrix module. This Module will allow other friendly ships to lock on to our position and get instant coordinates for use in conjunction with their Jump Drives. I know the budget can be tight at times but It is my belief we will benefit from this expense fairly quickly. What are your thoughts sir?
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Security Clearance: < GRANTED >
Sender ID: Fleet Admiral Martin Kemp-Smith
Recipient ID: Captain Alice Shepard
Subject: Funding Request
Captain Shepard,
Command is fully aware of the forever evolving technologies that are becoming invaluable in a modern, functioning and adaptable force.
A Hyperspace Matrix, which I had the great fortune of being able to fit one to my Flagship, Anchorage; was one held in surplus within Salt Lake Station. I can wholly attest to it's function and suitability for regular service use, given that the situation should call for its deployment.
On to the topic of budget, while I won't divulge the expenditure of the discretionary defence budget, I can authorise the use of what became surplus budget from the Supremacy Project. Specifically, where we deliberately over evaluated the cost of materials to allow for both asset loss and inflation.
As such, your request for funding with regards to the aforementioned technology is approved. I will notify the Clerks at the Treasury Department and the funds will be released once I have received the corresponding purchase order from the supplier.
In service to the Republic,
Martin Kemp-Smith
Fleet Admiral Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Security Clearance: < GRANTED >
Sender ID: Captain Alice Shepard
Receiver: Fleet Admiral Kemp-Smith
Subject: Request Funding
Good morning Fleet Admiral,
I have an update for you, the purchase of the Module has been purchased from Bowex for 450 Million Credits. We are now at Norfolk getting it installed now. Downtime should be a day at most.
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Security Clearance: < GRANTED >
Sender ID: Fleet Admiral Martin Kemp-Smith
Recipient ID: Captain Alice Shepard
Subject: Module Fitting
Captain Shepard,
Command has signed off on the purchase order, per our previous string of communications.
The Treasury has duly notified me that the funds have cleared the treasury account under the designated budgetary account, as required. Once the module has been fitted to the Vermont, your former standing orders are still in effect. Until then, enjoy the brief down-time, Captain.
In service to the Republic,
Martin Kemp-Smith
Fleet Admiral Liberty Navy 46th Fleet