P/-PAE-Shipname - PAE freighters, transports, liners and else.
Polaris vessels do carry names after the stars and constellations, preferrably of arabic origin due to their rather underuse in Sirius. Samples are Aldebaran, Deneb, Kurhah and many other. See this for more information.
The Polaris Incorporated is a Core-affiliated corporation with headquarters on Nauru, Omicron Delta. We have pivoted our goals and activities to reflect our focus on exploiting the rich but wild space of the Omicrons. Unlike our rivals we have no pretences towards building an interstellar empire. The Polaris has many wealthy and powerful allies within all the Houses and outside them, we frequently partner with our allies on a contract basis or satisfying commercial demand for the goods and resources we manufacture and process.
Every employee is an important asset for the Polaris, and their life is valued well, with generous compensation for the risks they undertake; nevertheless many do not endure the challenges the Edge Worlds offer and choose to return to a safer, less exciting life within the Houses; others have sadly died in the line of duty. Families of such employees are entitled to benefits for their loss of a hard-working pioneer, a soldier of our Polaris Security Forces PMC, or a humble employee of Polaris Advanced Engineering.
Polaris aims to achieve commercial superiority within the region, dominate the iridium ore extraction industry, and secure access to Knossos' Xeno Relics for both research and sale to private collectors or House research agencies. The Polaris do not participate in inter-House conflicts and maintain neutrality towards each and every House, however this does not preclude doing business with any side; in fact, the corporation has seen great returns from conflicts between the Houses, but sees no need to do the work of the House armed forces and Bounty Hunters' Guild.
-- Arjun Randolph, PR Officer
For the Polaris' employees eyes only.
STRIKE A LONG-TERM CONTRACT WITH HOUSE STAKEHOLDER APM remains superior and to start seizing the internal business we have to ensure our profit and rapidly extend it. Striking a long-term deal on mutually beneficial conditions with any House stakeholder seems to be a good start for this long-term game to begin, and there is no different if its a Liberty or Gallic corp, as long as they pay well for our goods and service.
SECURE IRIDIUM EXTRACTION & STORAGING One of the most familiar business for the habitants of the Omicrons is Iridium extraction and processing, either on or under surface or in space. The Core has secured, at least pretends to, a large rich deposit of Iridium Ore in Omicron Delta - our task is to make extraction rapid, storing safe and flow stable. Perhaps one of the already established Modular Installation owners would sell us their property.
SEIZE CONTROL OVER PLANET KNOSSOS Knossos has something only Nauru could offer to us but on a completely different, much larger scale - the Xeno artifacts, legacy of the past, relics that might either be just a pretty decor or a storage of technology to boost our technological progress by decades or even more. Seizing it through any way possible is an important task to accomplish in nearest months.
SECURED OMICRON DELTA Where our HQ and most of business lays; Omicron Delta is not as safe as Rho and should eventually become such. It is impossible to push every our enemy out this sector but we can create series of secure corridors for our and companions' use.
PUSH CORSAIRS OUT OF OMICRON XI To have stable extraction operations we need direct access to the Knossos, not just raids or seizing opportunities while the local Corsair forces are busy dealing with the Outcasts or our Security Forces. Finding weaknesses in Corsair defences in this system is important to success by making a rapid strike that will push them out, without involving ourselves in a long conflict for every sector of the system's map.
ESTABLISH DEALS WITH MOST OF LARGE CORPORATIONS The utmost importance to not just stay afloat but also spread influence and gain power is the variety of clients to deal with. We must ensure our corporation's growth remain stable and eventually be able to replace APM and the Core, not just be in the shadows of it.
PRIMARY: CENTRAL-SOUTHERN OMICRONS The systems of Omicron Delta, Kappa, Rho, Xi and Zeta carry the utmost importance for ensuring our profit remain stable - those who attempt to interrupt our operations in these areas, exploit local resources we care about or in other manner interrupt our business should be punished. Capturing prisoners is permitted but not necessary.
SECONDARY: PATHWAYS INTO HOUSES Less important that our primary area of operations but still holding certain importance, the system leading from our domain and inside the safe House space must be secured enough to keep commodities flow through these locations. This might include the necessary of coordinating effort with the House authorities and assisting their border guard or, sometimes, with local hostiles to prevent loss of income although by sacrificing some money from corporation's funds.
COMMERCIAL: HOUSE SPACE We do not care for House internal politics and affairs, we only care for cargo being delivered in safe and sound. Escort only to attack those who posses threat and ignore if they do not. The Bounty Hunters do bounty hunting, we are not they.
Rank permission, restrictions & requirements are for the Polaris' employees eyes only.
The Polaris Security Forces (short PSF) is the military branch of the corporation, responsible for safety of organization's installations, regular patrolling, executing operations within the area of interests and escorting the commercial vessels to the House space and back, ensuring safety of all assets and personnel of the Polaris. It is the less popular branch of the corporation due to obvious risks of the wild Edge Worlds but is being paid accordingly. The PSF is led by the Chief Security Officer, more often referred as the Colonel, who is the absolute and only leader of the military and is the member of the Board.
CHIEF SECURITY OFFICER (COL.) Chief Security Officer or otherwise just the Colonel is the might, strength and skills so valued by the Polaris, but also is the absolute power of the Security Forces and no one can override their orders. They are responsible for everything related to security: operations, research, logistics and even diplomacy on certain degree, as only on their allowance any unusual temporary combat alliance might happen on the battlefield. There can be only one Colonel at time.
Restrictions: None.
Requirements: Candidate for the Colonel rank has to be a part of the corporation for at least 4 months and command an operation against hostile installation in the region with successful outcome or eliminate/confiscate cargo from at least 50 targets and report with appropriate evidence.
MAJOR (MAJ.) The best of the best, burdened by command, but endowed with extremely wide-ranging powers, the Majors are the elite of the Security Forces officer corps. Knowledgeable of the territory the Polaris exploits, having ties with many House and Inter-House organizations, these officers coordinate the actions of those below them from the bridges of literally any class of ship, deciding the outcome of battles by their mere presence.
Restrictions: None.
Requirements: Being part of the corporation for at least two months, command an operation against hostile forces in the region with successful outcome or eliminate/confiscate cargo from at least 20 targets and report with appropriate evidence.
CAPTAIN (CPT.) Holding more knowledge than Lieutenants, yet nonetheless fewer than Majors, the Captain rank is the second most-present in the ranks of the Polaris Security Forces. Tasked with commanding individual capital warships, they form a venerable and highly capable part of the ranking structure, tasked with mainly undergoing offensive and defensive operations.
Restrictions: Cannot use a battleship.
Requirements: Being part of the corporation for at least a month, participate in an operation against hostile forces in the region with successful outcome or eliminate/confiscate cargo from at least 5 targets and report with appropriate evidence.
LIEUTENANT (LT.) Having mastered the basics of survival in the hazardous space of Edge Worlds, Lieutenants are the most common unit of the Polaris' military might. They are efficient, ambitious and receive a decent salary, compensating for most of the dangers that await them during their deployment. Many, however, remain at this rank, fearing the responsibility for others that comes with further promotion.
Restrictions: Cannot use a battlecruiser or higher.
Requirements: Being part of the corporation for at least two weeks and successfully eliminate at least one hostile or confiscate illegal (by the Core Laws) cargo and fill a report with evidence of hostility, violation, confiscation or destruction.
CADET (CADET.) Cadets are the freshly accepted members of the Polaris Security Forces who lack practical skills and experience to survive in the wild and hazardous environment of the Edge Worlds. To progress further they have to learn quick and act fast, following the orders of their commanders and showing obedience or initiative, when required. They can expect a low, yet decent enough salary and place in barracks but until they prove worthy nothing else will come.
Restrictions: Cannot use a cruiser or higher.
Requirements: Approved application to the Polaris Security Forces.
A special unit focused on covert operations, the Special Reconnaissance Regiment is top of the tops from the Security Forces who have mastered skills required for this field and satisfied physiological and psychological requirements set for for the operatives of the SRR. Nothing but this is allowed for regular employees to know, nor needed.
OPERATIVE Poetically saying, if PSF personnel is shield and sword of the Polaris, the SRR operatives are a poisoned dagger that strikes when you expect the least. Well-trained and equipped with cutting edge armour, weapon and augmentations, those individual also pass certain mental training and chemical enhancements to be the as perfect infiltration, sabotage and diversion unit as possible with current technological level.
Restrictions: Due to specifics of their tasks, they can use a wide variety of vessels and equipment but never larger than a gunboat or a frigate.
Requirements: Approved transition from PSF (minimum Captain rank) to Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR).
Polaris Advanced Engineering (short PAE) is the industrial and logistical branch of the Polaris; dedicated to analysing the organization's findings, as well as producing and exporting goods to the clients. Most of applicants do show interest exactly in this branch, as it implies safety under watch of the Security Forces or in the foundry, laboratory or else related place and also communicating to people by words, not gunfire. Led by Chief Commercial Officer, or simply the Director, PAE is all the logistics, research and engineering might the corporation has to offer.
CHIEF COMMERCIAL OFFICER The top notch of the Polaris Advanced Engineering; embodiment of its brain and ambitions. The CCO is setting plan and direction for entire PAE to follow, its his utmost responsibility and depending on how well it do, the company's income might change significantly. While carrying almost unlimited power in the Polaris, the Chief Commercial Officer also is the most important and the most reponsibility-overloaded person in the corporation, with even the Colonel having less to care about.
Restrictions: None.
Requirements: Candidate to the Chief Commercial Officer position has to be part of the corporation for at least two months and be actively engaged in commercial, research and logistics affair as the Senior Staff, deliver 200,000 units of Iridium Ore to a stakeholder, 20 CODENAMEs and build at least one equipment on the Polaris' or rented Modular Factory.
SENIOR STAFF Skilled and experienced, the Senior Staff mastered their field and do the most important job in the company by coordinating lower staff according to orders received directly from the CCO. Their permissions wide and income is high but responsibility and amount of paper work to do are overhelming.
Restrictions: Can use any ship available at PAE disposal.
Requirements: Being part of the corporation for at least a month and successfully deliver 50,000 units of Iridium Ore to a stakeholder and fill a report with evidence of extraction, delivery and income. Alternatively, find and secure any 20 CODENAME weapon for Polaris Security Forces' use or construct any equipment on Polaris' or any rented Modular Factory.
JUNIOR STAFF Not as heavily underskilled as Aspirants but still in need of experience and skills, Junior Staff are entrusted with more important work and wider permissions, while having more responsibilities in return. Many do not go further of this rank as they see no need to take too much of responsibility and satisfied by their position and its benefits.
Restrictions: Cannot use any transport or liner over 3,600 cargo or higher.
Requirements: Being part of the corporation for at least two weeks and successfully deliver 10,000 units of Iridium Ore to a stakeholder and fill a report with evidence of extraction, delivery and income. Alternatively, find and secure any 5 CODENAME weapon for Polaris Security Forces' use.
ASPIRANT Yesterday's graduates of various technical, economic and management universities, freshly hired graduate students have a lot to learn before they can move up the career ladder and get to do something really important - until then these inexperienced employees are running low-level assignments and gaining the experience necessary for promotion.
Restrictions: Can only use freighters.
Requirements: Approved application to the Polaris Advanced Engineering.
Not really an intelligence but still capable of primitive work either too hazardous or routine to a human. The Polaris robots are widely used in mining operations when controlled by an operator, cartography, repairs in space or cargo deliveries between station sections or city districts that does not require careful approach of a human. In military their use is similar but also include utilisation of combat and kamikadze drones. The corporation is looking forward advancing their AI technology through capturing and adapting Gammu AI technology.
DRONE An utalitarian deisgn allowed the mass production of such drones for use in Polaris' interests. They are cheap and make almost no threat alone but are dangerous in a swarm; mainly used as reconaissance, repair or delivery units but there are variations for mining and kamikadze attacks in space.
Restrictions: Cannot use any ships except Repair, Scanner or Utility Drone, Surveyor, Scrapper or Arrastra with mining purpose only.
Requirements: Approved drone documentations by the PAE staff.
For the Polaris' employees eyes only.
Polaris utilise various technologies available at their disposal and considered optimal for tasks set by the Board. Those are to be easy to maintain and service and with relatively low fuel consumption (consequently no exotic, outdated or damaged engines are to be used) or combat capacity to compensate high fuel and service cost. The APM vessels were forked by the engineeres of Polaris Advanced Engineering to suit such requirements better, and although visually there no change, the ship's "inner" gone through many changes aimed on optimising many ship's parameters, as well as allowing more deep integration of augmented pilot into ship's system, increasing their effectiveness at the flight and fight.
Augmentations and transhumanism has always been common at the Edge Worlds'; it is difficult to survive in the harsh environment of the Edge Worlds -- thus it is of utmost importance to adapt to the conditions, done through the replacement or otherwise extension of current capabilities of the human body with augmentations. The Polaris did not develop their own augmentations yet and at the moment is fully dependant on APM and their H+ clinics to provide trustworthy implants and augmentations for corp's employees.
For the Polaris' employees eyes only.
The Polaris Inc. highly values cooperation with all organizations within the Sirius Sector and Gallia and engages only on rare occasions against hostile forces unless deemed necessary. Neutral entities are to expect equal and fair treatment, whereas allies and hostiles will be treated on a case-by-case basis by Polaris personnel.
OUTCASTS The cooperation with the Outcasts is one many dislike - yet remains beneficial in the Edge Worlds due to the conflict with other organizations. While the alliance is not of use directly through their cardamine trade, utilizing them as allies against the Corsairs or to further our agenda is critical to extending our control over the region.
THE ORDER The conflict with the Order is rather result of Imperium Omicronis' dream rather than something worthy of our attention. Their attempts to interrupt our operations is something to bother us: at least as long as they continue they remain an enemy, with the Nomads being the only priority over them, yet no resources shall be spared to hunt them down in every corner of Sirius - there is no such need, they are dying very well on their own.
THE TECHNOCRACY OF AUXO These arrogant defectors that are now rumoured worship anything relatively more advanced than themselves has never really bothered us; at least as long as they stood out of our domain. However now their presence within the Omicrons become more and more frequent, and therefore should be taken to bare minimum. A valid target within the Omicrons, especially if trying to steal something we might commercialize.
Everything written on this page is iRP information that is accessible as written for either guests or employees only. Information separation was made to keep everything laconic and prevent threads spam.
Our faction is heavily RP oriented and is open to organic RP opportunities and development. To keep interactions with our members interesting and prevent bias taking place, we highly encourage creation of RP forum account assigned to a certain character. In simple words, we are for creation of forum RP alts and keeping player's identity discreet.
We are interested in feedback and proposals for improvement, however we will not take into account any criticism delivered in non-respect form. Your feedback can be directed to the respectible thread.
We value our and your time, fun and interest. Its obviously important to give what you expect to receive and we will do our best providing such experience to our friends and foes.
To honour the effort made by the former official Core faction, we tribute them by using design similar to their and respect the RP they did by not claiming to be the major branch of the Core or else. We are open to RP with members of now disbanded Core| and would warmly welcome them in our ranks, should they find the Polaris' concept interesting and suitable for their character.
While we honour and tribute the Core|, we do not share their Imperium Omicronis dream and see Core as the militarised corporation, what we will attempt to RP; hopefully - enjoyable for everyone involved.