Unlike planned, a sudden spike in traffic separated Sanae and Sapphire on their flight to the landing pad, so Sanae was forced to send Sapphire coordinates instead. They will meet directly at the bar, owned and still sometimes frequented by Kusari's Minister for Economy and Industry, Dainihon Nagao.
Knowing her surroundings, and being a couple of minutes ahead of Sapphire, Sanae arrived at Gen Nagao, a decades old family run bar in the middle of the Imperial district on New Tokyo. While the exterior left little doubt at the traditional values and history of the bar, the interior was more modern.
Sanae wore casual attire, a rather simple dark grey summer dress, over her adornment of gold chains and mini-plates, forming a seemingly endless unity of gold moving with her every movement.
"Kon'nichiwa, Kurihara-san. It has been a while, uh, I expect a Gaijin guest today. So please hold the good bottles ready!"
She told the bartender, a beautiful woman in her mid-forties. Kurihara, knowing Sanae well from usually frequent visits, just nodded before attending her other guests again.
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Having arrived at the set of coordinates Revenant was forwarded, she made her way in quickened haste to the bar in question. Having taken the time to dress to impress, she took on a more sophiscated attire for outings, donning a frilled dark blue wrap dress, having masking her own face in foundation makeup to hide her scars. She went the extra mile to even apply some lipstick and eye liner, with a very subtle brown eyeshadow. Though, of course, the foundation couldn't truly hide the burnmark that streaked across the bridge of her nose and eye. A slight flash within the eye was had, discolouration, from a laser bolt, partially blinded.
Knowing the extra effort she put in to appear more high class, she definitely kept on the higher pace, trying to cover above her head with her brown jacket, trying to protect her hair from chaotically poofing from the rain. Though, sadly, due to the weather conditions, her hair still became messed up, eventually returning to its curly state. She swore silently, cussing to herself pondering why she even bothers trying to control her own deviant hair.
Having finally arrived, she huffed out in relief, placing her jacket under her arms, resting over her armored bracers, that housed her wrist mounted personal device. Noting Sanae, she approached her with a smile. Albeit, it felt a little forced, there was some misery hidden beneath that appreciative smile, if one was perceptible enough to pick up such subtleties. Despite that, she was relieved to be with a familiar face.
"Hey... Apologies, I didn't realise how busy it would get here. Or how wet it gets. "
Upon noticing her entry, Sanae turned to her long years friend and for a few moments, all of the pretending so indoctrinated by her position - the set up friendly yet formal face, the calm and almost stiff gesture - slipped in awe and surprise on Sapphire's looks. She did not look like a literal wreck, unlike the last time they actually met in person. She looked like someone actually living a happy life, at least so it seemed now. Although, it did not take long to notice the scars, causing a hint of regret to flush her expression, but not for long. It was not Sanae's fault that she was moron enough to pursue risks over peace for so long.
"Hey. No worries, it keeps surprising me too at times. Honshu has more stable weather.. now, sit down already!"
She leant back in her chair, briefly letting her view wander across the bar - "at least no important figure head of a Ministry or something, not for now" - she thought to herself. Then she caught her eyes wandered over Sapphire again - she really looks unusual like this, even for the little time Sanae saw Sapphire in the past, this attire was entirely uncommon.
"You're already trying to adapt, aren't you? One could barely tell you're not living here for years already, with that style."
A sly smile escaped her before she signaled the bartender.
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Chuckling, she sat down opposite to her, relaxing as she crossed her legs. It was unusual to be in an actual bar again. Trying to keep her mind at calm, she exhaled,
"I wouldn't want to show up looking like a dirty vagabond. "
A grin emerged, she had to think of her family to find some inner peace. To convince herself that not everyone is going to betray her. At least not yet. She wanted to make a joke comparing the world to New London, but she refrained, Tokyo wasn't /that/ bad.
Dismissing her offer almost regally,
"Ohoh, don't worry, I can pay for myself. I've taken quite a liking to Port Tawney or Red Wine... Must be something in it. "
Leaning against the table, she rested her chin onto her hand, tapping her fingers in a pattern.
"These times are so peculiar... But I am glad I am here to experience it."
Port Towney? In a traditional Kusarian bar? Sanae almost chuckled; such innocent naive thoughts, the relaxed gesture. After the tale Sapphire told her about her kidnapping, she was relieved to see her like this.
"Alright! A red wine for you, hm, Hi-Tory Kawakami from 825. I think you'll like this one. I heard my Sis mention it recently. "
Before Sanae could explain it further, Kurihara already appeared and took their order. A bottle Hi-Tory for Sapphire, and Awamori, a beverage actually exclusively to a region of Honshu, for Sanae.
"I am glad.. you are still here. After what you told me earlier, I am glad to know you try to settle down, find a place here in Kusari to stay at. Let us not gloom over this, though, right? It's about time you could relax a little..."
She watched Sapphire with curiosity and got lost in thoughts. Sapphire mentioned her partners, yet said it is about a place for the family. Was there not something she forgot here? A child.. did Sapphire have a child? Sanae forgot, if she did and somewhat felt too guilty to ask now.
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She clasped her palms together, almost giving a cynical smile as she thought to herself, recalling the deal she made with Harbinger. She perked up at the mention of red wine. Rubbing her thumb,
"Hi-Tory Kawakami? Sounds interesting. I haven't heard of it."
Her expression relaxed a little, sighing in admittance.
"I admit, it has been weird to be able to relax without the imminent fear of danger... Although, mind you, my er... current task isn't quite finished. Have errands to do. When it's finished, we'll see... I'll likely look into places on Honshu, see where my assortment of imps can live in relative peace."
There was a ponder within the back of her mind if she will ever be freed or spared from the deal she is undertaking. She didn't think so, but there was the courtesy of at least securing the future for her friends and family.
"It's a secret tip for Kusarian wine, if I understood Sis correctly. From Planet Miyazaki."
Errands, Sanae sighed. She knew what errands imply: More risk. Raven will never learn, will she?
"Just make sure.. not to end up in some escape pod while doing your errands. I'd hate to hear about this. Oh.. and.. Honshu, huuuh. Don't make me force you into becoming a direct neighbor of mine!"
She wholeheartedly smiled now, what was intended as joke, didn't even feel like such a bad idea now that she spoke it aloud. After all, why not? If she survived her errands and really settles down, it could be quite enjoyable to have an old friend nearby - both for herself and Sapphire.
Knowing a little priority is always given to her, Sanae did not react surprised that their beverages were already on the way to their table...
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She continued to rub her chin in ponder.
"I think it will be my last mission for a long while. "
Raven eyed the bottle and glasses being brought over, sliding the wine glass to her as it was placed down. She also took the liberty of pouring the Wine into her glass, pouring some in Sanae's too. Placing the bottle aside, she slid Sanae's glass over. Raven picked her glass up in a regal manner, taking a small sip to taste test it, slightly smacking her lips quietly to assess the taste.
"Oh? You reside there? It's a big world, Sanae. I doubt you have a mansion the size of the entire Planet. "
She chuckled, wine glass cupped in her palm, taking another prolonged sip. The drink mildly intrigued her, there was something to the taste that was alluring yet so foreign. Lowering it, she spoke once more, curious about something. She lowered her voice inquisitively, talking in hushed discretion.
"...so... what's the deal with the Corsairs in Kusari nowadays? Couldn't help but notice it... "
"Oh, no, of course noooot. But I'll still give it a try anyways, make you a neighbor, watch the mansion for me when conveniently all the staff, me and Sis are out, you know."
She chuckled slightly and drank a sip, slightly shivering from the taste. She didn't get around to having any alcoholic drinks for quite a while. She just wanted to take her second sip when Raven raised the.. peculiar topic.
"I don't know where you picked this up.. but my feelings tell me, you were told entirely wrong things."
Sanae let out a small sigh, this wasn't exactly what she expected. The Corsair affair? This experiment of the Uchugun and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? But she knew Raven would want her curiosity satisfied, it was only fair. And she didn't know much more which would not appear in a news announcement the next days regardless. "All I can tell you is, that they experiment with Crete. Give them a trial and see if they can be in any way beneficial to the Empire. Nothing large, nothing ratified. I personally do not think it will wield any useful results."
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Still leaning upon her palm with a devilish smirk, Wine has always influenced her psyche to act up in a more deviant manner. Feeling more relaxed, she took another prolonged sip, entertained by the idea of the expermient.
"This Wine is most splendid. "
Lowering her voice again,
"...mmm... that's a sentiment that was shared by another... let's hope they don't give in to their ... mmm ... primitive urges to perform barbaric acts... hope the Outcasts keep away. "
There was some sincerity to her concerns, she took another brief sip, the idea of Corsairs coming close to the Houses invoked a venomous hatred, one that she held back for now.
"...suppose you want to use them to fight your enemies and the miners guild, eh? did you hear about the Core teaming up with the Outcasts? careful with Omicroners, they're nuts. "