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//// Tokkeitai Internal Dossier - "Goryō" Access only \\\\
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//// Tokkeitai Internal Dossier - "Goryō" Access only \\\\
Kusari Uchugun
08-22-2022, 08:16 PM,
(This post was last modified: 08-28-2022, 08:23 PM by
Kusari Uchugun
For the Emperor!
Posts: 990
Threads: 146
Joined: Mar 2011
Tokubetsu Keisatsutai
Name: "Goryō"
Age: 43
Birthplace: Planet New Tokyo, Tokyo City, Mitaka district
Current occupation: Deputy Director, Psychological Operations, KNI / Tokkeitai, Head of Operation
Name: "Kikosaku"
Extrajudicial; Arrest, interrogation, imprisonment, liquidation
Within the KNI: Military espionage, psychological warfare, propaganda
Permanent tasks focused on by "Goryō":
Surveillance of Government officials, excluding only the Emperor and the Shogun
Surveillance of mid-command and above Naval Forces personnel
Surveillance of the upper echelons of the Keiretsu and the Hogosha
Surveillance of high-profile nobles or businessmen within Kusari
Surveillance of high-profile foreign individuals within Kusari
Report to the Emperor and Shogun on a situational basis
Situational tasks:
Utilize "Kikosaku" on the listed entities above
Staging riots, terrorist attacks and other means of propaganda
Handle external communiques of the KNI
Personal priority targets (Sorted by priority):
"Masashito Shimamori", Lord Speaker of the Imperial Diet
"Sanae Miyasu", Imperial Prime Minister
"Victor Steiner", Director of the SIS
"Revenant", former 'Keeper' of the Auxo Technocracy
"Caliban", SIS external asset
"Kiyoko Hayashimura", Head of Operations 66th Expeditionary Battlegroup
"Keiji Namura", self-proclaimed Gas Miner Guild Guildmaster
"Ravenna Nagash", 'Executor' of the Deterrence
"Akihiro Mitsuo", Itto Kaisa of the Naval Forces
"Nina Rodriguez", Centurion of the Brotherhood
"High-ranking opportunity targets"
Priority targets, listed by situational priority
Intended goals:
Suppression of corruption
Capture key foreign entities potentially harmful to the Empire in the future
Removal of illoyal entities in locations of importance
Eroding the last bits of meager support for terrorist organizations
Ensure the continued reign of the Kogen branch
Recruit valuable assets
Kusari Uchugun
08-25-2022, 12:09 PM,
(This post was last modified: 08-28-2022, 08:24 PM by
Kusari Uchugun
For the Emperor!
Posts: 990
Threads: 146
Joined: Mar 2011
Prioritized domestic individuals:
Masashito Shimamori
Age: 49
Occupation: Lord Speaker of the Imperial Diet, Shimamori Clan
Place of residence: Shimamori-ji, Minamimito, Island of Haneda, Planet Honshū
Personal relations of interest: Sanae Miyasu, Akechi Kinoshita (+various other Shimamori affiliates)
Political assessment: Modest-progressive, loyal to the throne, anti-war rhetoric
'Issues': Overly diplomatic, actively space faring
Suggested approach: Pay an unofficial visit; use as domestic asset
Kiyoko Hayashimura
Age: 36
Occupation: Kaisho-ho of the Naval Forces, Leading figure of the 66th
Place of residence: Nish
ōkyō, Planet New Tokyo
Personal relations of interest: Admiralty Board
Political assessment: Social Democrat
'Issues': Illoyal to the Empire, fond of the Republic
Suggested approach: Surveillance - once required: imprisonment or liquidation
Keiji Namura
Age: N.A.
Occupation: Gas Miner Guild, self-proclaimed Guildmaster
Personal relations of interest: N.A.
Political assessment: N.A.
'Issues': Steers a course of ignorance and status quo preservation towards the Empire over Sigma Affairs
Suggested approach: Kidnapping and replacement with a Kusari-friendly asset
Akihiro Mitsuo
Age: 43
Occupation: Itto Kaisa of the Naval Forces
Personal relations of interest: Ourselves
Political assessment: Entirely loyal to the Empire
'Issues': None
Suggested approach: Recruit as direct asset
Status: Active asset
Prioritized foreign individuals:
Victor Steiner
Occupation: Director of the Bretonian Secret Intelligence Service (SIS)
Personal relations of interest: Agent Skirka of the SIS, the Technocracy of Auxo, Alfred Steiner
Known attitude towards the Empire: Reserved, lack of respect, potential anti-Kusari rhetoric (?)
Suggested approach: Situational dependent kidnapping and interrogation
Occupation: Technocracy of Auxo, former 'Keeper'
Personal relations of interest: Contacts within Kusari space
Known attitude towards the Empire: Reserved, yet showed respect in form of transparency
Suggested approach: Surveillance, situational dependent interrogation
Occupation: Suspected external agent of the SIS
Personal relations of interest: SIS, Revenant, Kusari contacts
Known attitude towards the Empire: Potentially hostile
Suggested approach: Surveillance, situational dependent interrogation
Ravenna Nagash
Occupation: 'Executor' of the Deterrence Corsairs
Personal relations of interest: Senatus de Imperio Corsario, various Corsair entities
Known attitude towards the Empire: Relative cordial
Suggested approach: Surveillance / External agent material (?)
Nina Rodriguez
Occupation: Centurion of the Brotherhood Corsairs
Personal relations of interest: Fukushima Ayado, various Corsair entities
Known attitude towards the Empire: Relative cordial
Suggested approach: Surveillance / External agent material (?)
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