Interspace Commerce Executives looking to impress their CEO (and win favor in the eyes of shareholders for future promotion potential) have decided to maximize the option that IC secured during the Furyoku Station Project: the ability to purchase goods at cost from Isehara Refinery, Okinawa. A bulk purchase of Plutonium was just recently completed and now the product must flow to a profitable destination!
Harrisburg Station, Pennsylvania has, in recent years, turned into a great 'Station of Industry' that often outpaces efforts to keep up with its own growth in the wave it rides that is the Pennsylvania economic boom. Power requirements are constantly being increased and new reactor modules tacked on where links available to meet the demand. When the administration was contacted regarding the deal of the day in Reactor grade Plutonium from a Liberty Corporate entity that funded their construction and still have a hand in daily operations, there was only one answer. Harrisburg Station is ready for the shipments.
In the nearby base of Valley Forge Flight School, Pennsylvania, record numbers of fresh graduates leave satisfied Interspace Commerce prepared them for a profitable road ahead. They are 'highly encouraged' to participate in Job Shadowing in the operations of both Interspace Commerce and Renzu, and trips to Shikoku to begin this sponsored program are without charge.
Event start
This event will begin after the morning server restart on Friday, Oct 14th.
Primary Objective:
Pickup Plutonium from Isehara Refinery, Okinawa and deliver to Harrisburg Station, Pennsylvania.
Secondary Objective:
Pickup New Pilot Graduates from Valley Forge Flight School, Pennsylvania and deliver them to Renzu Shipyard, Shikoku.
Tertiary Objective:
Pickup Pearls from Planet Junyo, Shikoku and deliver them to Planet Miura, Okinawa.
Alternative Objectives:
Provide Corporate or Private Security Escort for any traders as they run the routes.
For the primary objective deliveries, this is a tracked event. There is no forum requirement and no screenshots of delivery will be needed. Payments will be sent directly to your ship when Event Coordinator receives event data.
All delivery of Plutonium to Harrisburg Station, Pennsylvania will be recorded for LATER bonus payment. This will work similar to Forum trade events in that way, without any need to report inRP on forum, unless you choose to do so. Sell point will show $1 event bonus only.
When Event Coordinator receives final list of participants, bonuses will be disbursed to appropriate ships. Larger values will have ships private messaged (/pm) ingame, to ensure ship can handle incoming credits or just reply with Bank ship account.
Any ships participating and wishing to communicate Bank Account data in advance can use: /PM AWES-Msg <text here> to advise regarding payment directions.
Event completion
This event will have a hard stop once limit is reached.
This event has a limit - upon reaching limit any further purchases will advise ship at station.
First ship that hits the limit for the event should communicate this to Event Coordinator (on this thread or other methods) so others can be informed
Provide shipname so some credits for this alert can be provided.
Primary Objective - 4500 bonus per unit over dock prices, paid directly to the delivery ship AFTER the event conclusion.
Secondary Objective - bonuses already built into this recently added event type item. No further credits on delivery for this event, as this is considered the high value return item.
Alternative Objectives:
Providing Corporate or Private Security Escort can be compensated without the need for Forum reports.
Simply grab 1 (one) unit of Plutonium cargo at the buy point for selling at the destination.
This will record your participation in the route. Any more than 1 (one) unit per trip will just skew the results for your Escort ship.
You can then use: /PM AWES-Msg <text here> to advise Event Coordinator about to brief about ships involved (including cargo hold size) in Escort.
Pay will be determined by size of convoy and amount of product transported during Escort.
Of course you can accept direct pay as well from traders!
Enterprising unlawfuls might find it more beneficial to make reasonable cargo demands for Plutonium in order to prolong the deliveries (and their supply of 'customers'). Unfortunately, just regular commodity sell points for this event.
On that point: a reminder to all lawful traders participating that these efforts are completely covered by the recently revealed AWES Insurance & Claims Program. After 2 successful reporting communications, piracy and loss coverage will be in force, should the worst happen. Another option to consider if unpleasant unprofitable encounters arise!
AWES is proud to bring another event to the server will the help of our friends from administration, development, and many different factions.
We will continue to provide ongoing trade events as much as we can. The intention of these events is not just creating opportunities for making traders rich in a weekend, but to give a bit of predictability for sources of interaction and activity between traders and all the security escort, military, and even unlawful forces in areas of event. Hopefully in this way some satisfying RP can be had by all.
There are other non-trade activities in the works as well - they just take a bit more planning and development!
If you have ideas that you think would well implemented in the game MOSTLY BY PLAYERS for events, we are open to privately discussing and seeing how we can make this happen, provided it fits within our realm of activity/influence. You can also just use: /PM AWES-Msg <text here>
We want to be part of the solution! Help us build regular activity!
Progress Tracking - participation updated
A total of 29,470 units delivered! Payments for latest deliveries processed!
All bonus payments here required no forum posting - just running the cargo to sell point where tracked!
[15.10.2022 01:47:46] /gc alan.walcott 45000000 event pay for 10000 units delivered
[15.10.2022 01:47:46] [2022-10-15] 01:47:44 You have sent 45.000.000 credits to Alan.Walcott with a comment.
[15.10.2022 01:48:12] /gc sam's|dse 45000000 event pay for 10000 units delivered
[15.10.2022 01:48:12] [2022-10-15] 01:48:10 You have sent 45.000.000 credits to Sam's|DSE with a comment.
[15.10.2022 01:48:52] /gc bes-dumfries 18900000 event pay for 4200 units delivered
[15.10.2022 01:48:52] [2022-10-15] 01:48:50 You have sent 18.900.000 credits to BES-Dumfries with a comment.
[15.10.2022 01:49:56] /gc 23715000 event pay for 5270 units delivered
[15.10.2022 01:49:56] [2022-10-15] 01:49:54 You have sent 23.715.000 credits to Bird.of.Hermes with a comment.
A total of 150,000 units delivered! Payments for latest deliveries processed!
The event has now concluded. Thank you to all participating ships for your deliveries.
Watch for our next event coming soon!
[15.10.2022 14:33:51] /gc alan.walcott 112500000 event pay for 15000 units delivered
[15.10.2022 14:33:51] [2022-10-15] 14:33:49 You have sent 112.500.000 credits to Alan.Walcott with a comment.
[15.10.2022 14:35:07] /gc bes-dumfries 37800000 event pay for 8400 units delivered
[15.10.2022 14:35:07] [2022-10-15] 14:35:05 You have sent 37.800.000 credits to BES-Dumfries with a comment.
[15.10.2022 14:36:17] /gc 11857500 event pay for 2635 units delivered
[15.10.2022 14:36:17] [2022-10-15] 14:36:15 You have sent 11.857.500 credits to Bird.of.Hermes with a comment.
[15.10.2022 14:44:40] /gc vlad's.leviathan 312665000 event pay for 68370 units delivered plus 5m reporting final delivery
[15.10.2022 14:44:40] [2022-10-15] 14:44:38 You have sent 312.665.000 credits to Vlad's.Leviathan with a comment.