Sender ID: Fiorella Arianna de Marco Recipient ID: Rose Dragons Representatives Subject: Trade Deal Buongiorno
Allow me to introduce myself first - I am Fiorella Arianna de Marco and you may - or you may not - remember me as I have fought alongside you in a few occassions in Kusari against our common foes there.
Whether you remember me or not is not that important as I am approching you with a simple trade proposition. I found myself in a need for a larger quantity of RoboCultivars manufactured in Kusari and I would like to acquire them from more legitimate means than a simple, crude cargo piracy. The main reason for it as I would like all of them to be of the same generation, the newest 7X models. Given your struggle against the Samura, Kishiro's rival, I am hoping that you might be able to arrange an under-the-counter deal with your suppliers in Kusari.
I am well aware of your reservations against me or my people, so I will be willing to reward you handsomely for your help in this matter. I believe that a hefty sum of credits will be useful for whatever needs you might have in your war. The quantity I am looking for are two fully loaded trains, give or take.
Let me know if you are interested - and if you are - what your price for the goods will be.