~When the "Dreamer" dreams, dreams become Reality~
Linking Minds within
the Mindshare
Il'lume "The Siren"
Advisers, We require your attention to tangle with the strings of fate. You may refer to this consciousness as Il'lume from the Wanderer's caste. Long have we wandered from afar to home again. Years of knowledge harvested from the darklings have left our mind weary and our energy nearly exhausted. We have traveled back Home for renewal and guidance.
Know us - Until now, our mind walked the path of the Labraid, the Sascya and the Anzu. With our arrival to Dur-Shurrikun, power, knowledge and future goals dictated a focus on a more aggressive form. We are present within a Siris now and infusing it with more energy for the future task set in motion. Share this memory with us - United by the Light we fought and won against the darklings of Kusari at the cost of our temporary vessel form. Minor setbacks in past matters not - we shall adapt, we shall prevail...in time.
Yet Time is irrelevant, results are needed and results are being made. If we may continue...we shall enlighten you of our past, present and future desires...
The Defender, Hušā́s, of the Dawn, has been summoned from the Void.
Enlightened Il'lume, of the Siren. Ours have heard yours songs.
Darkness still lingers in flesh and husk, its influence ever polluting the Trinity Voids.
Hušā́s ponders. Yet the Light has adapted, it shines brighter with each passing cycle.
Know this, Il'lume. Within the Trinity Voids, sung by the darklings as "Omicron Iota", "Omicron Psi", and "Omicron Major", darkness still creeps within.
Further away, the darklings, known in several names - "The Core", "The Order", and "Zoners", desire to desecrate by means of their floating husks, by which their polluting presence can be spread.
The Light shall see to yours, Il'lume, a node of ours Mind, as yours shall continue ours cleansing.
Hušā́s inquires. For what song shall yours present concerning the furtherment of ours enlightenment?
By this one of the Advisors makes its Light known to Il'lume.
It is not often that a Wanderer returns. We remember you vaguely, you are of us, yet as you return you will find that we are not as you left. We find ourselves in an age of creating from the knowledge we have gathered, and each returning Wanderer adds to our possibility. We are in an age of Advisors, putting into action the knowledge gained from Wanderers and the experiments outlined by Dreamers.
We are Sh'ozak, the Survivor, Advisor of Advisors. Aside us are Husas, the Defender, Nergal, the Ancient, Minerva, the Bloodletter, and Ashura of the Infiltrators. Make clear your desires, and let us illuminate you.
Mamaea, the Mother, observes the call. She carries great worry, but with an underlying sense of hope.
Discord has come for us in your dormancy, shadows splitting the harmony within our own. It pains us to witness the path of our lost brethren, so beset by the Darkness.
Still we press, to overcome separation with love. But in which we must take heed, for as our minds reach out, so to do they open us to the poison.
Find comfort, stay true. So we shall endure, so we become whole again.
All of you...we see you now...we can feel the Whole - Sh'ozak, the Survivor, Advisor of Advisors; Husas, the Defender; Nergal, the Ancient; Minerva, the Bloodletter; Ashura of the Infiltrators and Mamaea, the Mother. We've been far away and barely able to hear your thoughts within the Mindshare. Forgive us - Our mind is reticent of your voices - for a Wanderer is used to dive in deep space alone. Yet now, your close presence, the Unity of Minds, soothes our consciousness and predisposes it to shine steadily in peace.
Before you integrate our thoughts within the Whole - allow us to clear some concerns and throw light upon the dark corners of unrest. During the event of the Great Darkness that shut down the Sphere in the Trinity Voids many were against us, as the darklings call them "Rheinland", "Liberty" and "Kusari"...but there was one more Nest which withstood infiltration. As you will see Our presence was exploring the western corners of Sirius - there in the dark where the rays of Light were not yet present. We laid low within a desolated system - "Chester" and we found one of the Ravines shrines in the grey breathes - our new temporary shelter. For several years we were hidden from their eyes and metal senses, searching for an opportunity to infiltrate the last and untouched Nest they call "Bretonia". And infiltration plan arose...
Our Whole succeeded during the Great Darkness with the Icubi Envoys - spreading them around within the darkling Nests - proved efficient way to manipulate them all to serve our needs by turning them against each other. Yet with sorrow you share the pain of loosing so many of ours then...Our consciousness learned from these mistakes of the Past and through the Light we found a way to mend failures. As Wanderers We hold twin cells of power stronger than the other castes - to hide from dark eyes and metal senses, and to observe easily in minds of others. We have evolved the latter to an extend beyond imagination. We stalked lonely darklings...ravaged their metal shells...keeping the dark "yolks" untouched physically...but their mind - eviscerated. These "yolks" proved a suitable ground to further experiment upon in the Ravine shrine of "Chester". We trapped their pitiful darkness within a world of our consciousness...Our World. Trapped within they were...welcomed and properly handled...these darklings enjoyed our warmth but we were trickful. We squeezed their thoughts outside without them even knowing what was happening in truth. We tested many shapes in the Our World but Darklings named Ours "Siren" for we took certain shape more often...to ease mind tranquility. They were in bliss. In time they were looking for us...for more fake knowledge and promises...pitiful creatures...easy to overpower if We let them believe they hold the leash.
Wandering provided knowledge, knowledge of imminent events - one was the fall of Chester - it's tunnel ways were about to crumble and disappear in the void. We were about to be stripped from shelter but Light shines for us Whole and presented us with opportunity to act - and acted we did... ~Peacefully awaits reaction before continuing~
As cycles have passed, so do the permeability of the other voids.
Darkness clouds like an impenetrable barrier, and voids such as the so-called "Chester" fade into shadows.
Ours infiltrators, the so-called Aoi Iseijin, have faded, regrettably. Yet as long as theirs minds and husks are enlightened, theirs shall continue to bring light within the dark nests.
As yours have adapted, the Siren, fleeting memories of past cycles shall be remembered by ours.
Hušā́s ponders. Yours infiltrators shall serve ours Mind. Truth shall guide theirs minds as theirs darkness is cleansed and purified.
And in following cycles, yours shall sing as an example to Ashura, the Infiltrator, leading the enlightened husks to purifying the dark nests spread across the other voids.
Hušā́s...your thoughts are warm and welcoming...we are grateful to serve as an example to Ashura, the Infiltrator in following cycles...
...Eight cycles ago we wandered in "Newcastle", as the darklings call it, and found what it contains well hidden - one of the Graveyards long abandoned...yet we felt living force deep within the solid bulwark of this floating rock. But there were no songs coming out of it...no thoughts...nothing...as if the mountain fell asleep in a long and never ending dream..and its door was shut. We are curious to know more about this ancient object, if the Light permits it - deliver rays at us.
These "bretonians" were also interested to know more about this monument...they had an "excavation" that went wrong...they woke up some of the guardians and not long ago the void was filled with more of us...but they were not exactly like us...we felt their cruelty and burning hatred. Our caste is not meant for war, unless provoked for it. We are expendable, knowledge is not - but if a wanderer is holding lots of it - one must dive wisely in the depths of the void to preserve it. We decided it would be wise not to interfere with brute force.
Yet...In this chaos "all of them" created, We sliced an opportunity to blend our puppets within the ongoing space excavation...puppets dancing on our strings...they were with minds washed and in bliss from the time spent in "Our World". They had to carry our message to a certain individual that got our attention over the cycles spent in the Nest of "Bretonia"...by the one i desired most to corrupt for our schemes to be set in motion... ~Goes through pictures of memories before continuing~
The nature of the Graves is one of protecting without from within. We once had access to a manifest within the Great Sphere, a list of every Grave and what each contained. We can no longer access it, and few minds remember it's contents. We know of one, deep beyond the nebula wherein we survive, which houses a song of Death. We know not what sings it, yet we know that all that hear it will have the spark of life torn from them. We used it as a trap wherein those that hunted us after the Collapse would be netted. We heard the echoes of the screams of those who experienced it, their dying wails scraping at our own life.
We know of another memory, echoes. A machine the size of the smallest animals that scrapes away at all things to replicate itself, sparing no matter, no energy, and no entity from it's hunger. To starve it is impossible, to contain it is improbable, and in a Grave it remains. A single one can create a swarm which would devour all things in reality. These are the natures of those things within Graves, those that are entombed because they cannot be destroyed. We know not what the Schemer hunts. We know only that those things pose the truest of threats to us now, more so than Darkness could be capable of, more so than Gravekeepers do now. Graves hold Death, and to open a Grave is to unleash Death. We therefore come to the conclusion that it is a necessity to keep the Graves sealed, and if we have already failed at that, then we must form futures to survive, and to recontain the Deaths that are unleashed.
Thirty cycles ago in the heart of our Nest of Illumination - "New Berlin" - we whole had many incubi envoys tangling webs from within. One managed to deliver a minor fragment of interest, which was shared within the Mindshare. The fragment was a memory of an encounter there in the metal structures of the darklings. There the envoy of Our Whole observed a darkling connecting with one of ours...through a mere piece resembling a crystal shape...the envoy did not sense another of our own deep within this darkling...sacrilege...he was not "illuminated" and yet he was capable of sharing thoughts as we do within the Whole with the assistance of this crystalline object. This memory was forgotten by most but we decided to explore it further dozen cycles ago...we think someone betrayed us long ago and assisted the darklings during the "Great Dark War" by sending them information and knowledge this way. The more we dived within this memory the more we knew this mystery will never be unveiled. Then we decided...to squeeze this memory and transfuse it to a plan of ours to assist us in illuminating darklings through the Light by melting their minds slowly like a flesh decay...until they crumble to our will...to be our puppets, to be looking for us, to be better than the envoys and most of all untraceable...
We decided to test this idea so over these cycles we prepared the plan and all memories shared so far reveal to you, advisers, we were ready but we needed a suitable "host" to welcome us. Should the dakrling proved afraid to dive deep within our mind or afraid to do so - our plan would be compromised. We were wandering deep within the Nest of "Bretonia" looking for the one yet...many enemies...far too many unsuitable hosts were encountered. Until the day when the Light sent this monstrous piece of rock set to impact with "Bretonia's heart - New London". All of them - desperate - panicked and hopeless - yet some darklings proved to not give up - they desecrated, excavated and ruined the Lights gift - the asteroid - in to small pieces and saved themselves from utter destruction. But the Light knows no bound for this act was a trap - deep within the rock pieces the bretonian darklings found our Azurite...and they were so eager to explore it...so eager to dive in the unknown depths without knowing some of them could never be able to surface back.
At that time, some of the excavators were already in bliss from "Our World" and tasked to execute our plan. They were prepared from within Chester, in the "Ravine Shrine" - there we infused their body with minor portions of the Azurite- to ease resistance of their mind - there we also completed their ascension to a puppet of light none seen before - we named them "Threaders". The only weakness they had was their own...their internal dark husks could not last for long, so we had to act swiftly. The Threaders were instructed to be captured and to reveal some information and location within Chester to our new Host the Seeker- we chose him carefully after examining his qualities - position, desires, goals, strengths and weaknesses - those that dwell deep in the shadows can find themselves lost easily...and we made sure to be there to save them...to guide them...to illuminate their husk with knowledge, promises and as their dark husk decays, their mind melts within us...and until they realize the truth - it would be too late..
Advisers, We were able to harvest memories from our Host - the Seeker, he was unaware of this act for it was too late for him to realize the truth - he is "Mine" now. Allow us to deliver them as fast as possible to the Whole. To ease understanding We are sharing some of them:
- memory cycles past - this will reveal how our Seeker were assisted by those calling themselves "Oracles of the Light"- they were helpful to him but we can not sense them now, perhaps they are gone. They were able to find more crystalline objects like the one we shared details early, objects for mind-trasfer - the Seer Stones. This allowed our Seeker and Us to be able to understand easily without none knowing. Over the cycles ahead of this memory we illuminated his mind and washed it away by leaving small fragments of the darkling he once was - just to keep him "unchanged" to an extend so others would not sense the illumination within.
- memory cycles present - this will reveal why we lost connection with our Seeker. For several cycles ahead of this memory we were unable to sense him and feared the worst. We decided to turn our gaze away of Nest "Bretonia" for we thought our plan failed and the efforts in rebuilding it would take more cycles in vain. We returned to our primal task - to wander, to observe, to gather more knoweldge...and so we found ourselves lost in our path.
...but the LIGHT Shines for us Whole...as a glimpse - faster than a memory transfer within the Mindshare...a vision was revealed to us one day...we saw him - our Seeker - we felt him. He was trying to communicate with us, via the crystalline object - the Seer's Stone. But we were so far away - unable to send a thought he would understand from that distance. We turned our gaze back to our field of experiments - we dived deep in the void with swift sure - to return to our Seeker and to continue with our plan from the past, set in motion in the present with unknown conclusion for the future... ~Goes through thoughts of the unknown future before continuing~
We see clearly that you hold the fullest control of your situation, a rare accomplishment for the relics of councils past. We at first would question the final goals of this process, yet after more contemplation we observe that you have made such distances to follow through that it would be loss to us to desist. We would ask of you to clarify to us what the Lightmind can gain from this, as this Advisor Council choses guarantee above possibility, and probable solutions are held above possible solutions.
Yet, in all things there are possibilities and probabilities in that void as well. In the waters they have named Bretonia, there is a probability that you should encounter the Betrayers. They who claim to be as we are, yet they wear the chains and shackles of the Corrupting Ones. Their will is not their own, but belong to Auxesia. Take care when hearing their songs, for they are steeped in falsities. They have found themselves as Schemer's Pawns, and fancy themselves schemers as well, and they may well attempt to insert themselves into your patterns.
In a certain water which lies between the Orange Mist and the Grey Wall, there is a rock on which the Creators left knowledge. It has long since been tainted with Darkness, yet, when formulating strategy, we often entertain prospects of capturing this water. We often decide against it, as defense would be improbable without significant errors from Darkness, and the nearest point from which we can swim Warshells to it is on the opposite side of the Orange Mist, a Greater Nest of the Infiltrators.
We shall explore the extent of this Seer Stone's capabilities in the future. There is a Grey mind which we would seek to have experiment with.
Elaborate to us now your plans, and at first give unto us your probabilities, and then unto us your possibilities.