Ozymandias Wrote:I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
Outpost Ozymandias is located somewhere deep within the Kepler system. Recently liberated from the control of Slavers who had moved in, the Outpost serves as the home base for a mysterious group of Freelancers. Their mission is unknown. Moreover, who they serve is unknown. What is known about them is they have been actively seen in Kepler, Kansas, and different parts of the Edge Worlds including the Taus, Omicrons, and Omegas. They are not easily identifiable but tend to answer inquiries from others in clipped responses whilst doing whatever it is that they do. The ships they fly are often fighters or bombers. However, a larger vessel (supposedly a Bustard Carrier) has been rumored but nothing has been confirmed as the ship has never been directly seen or reported.
The Outpost's access is restricted only to those cleared for need to know by the stations inhabitants. However, limited access is granted to certain individuals for the purposes of maintenance and deliveries. These individuals are monitored under guard during these deliveries and maintenance and are put to death if they stray from their designated course and purpose onboard the Outpost. It's location is considered classified/top secret by those with access and any who know of it's location are sworn to secrecy. NDA's are often drawn up for those cleared for access to knowledge of the location of the Outpost with the understanding that death is the consequence for revealing the Outposts location and/or it's secrets.
What goes on in the inner workings of the station are unknown. It's purpose for existing is unknown. All that is known is the Outpost exists somewhere within the dense radiation cloud of the Dark Matter storm encompassing the entire Kepler system; it's existence a looming spectre over the other mysteries of the dark system.
Access to Outpost Ozymandias for the purposes of deliveries or maintenance must be cleared by the Outpost Administrator. This is on a case by case basis. All deliveries and maintenance are subject to escort by authorized personnel. Any deviation from the proscribed course laid out is considered a violation of the agreement and the violator will be terminated.
After deliveries or maintenance are complete, the NDA will remain in effect for the location of the Outpost and access to the station will be revoked. Any intelligence received that the Outposts location has been revealed to outside sources not authorized will be terminated by Outpost personnel or authorized hunters. Expect a minimum of one week processing time for access to be granted unless prioritized. Fill out form 7720-10 in order for access. Take great care to properly fill out this form. Any mistakes may be subject to denial of access and your organization or vessel placed on a watch list. Once proper authorization is granted, your vessel name will be entered into the Outposts system for access. Your organization (if applicable) will not be given access, only your vessel name. Ensure that the vessel name and ID is properly filled out on the 7720-10 when submitted.
Any other requests for access must be routed up to the Outpost Administrator. Form access is below.
[b][u]What group do you represent & why are you requesting access?[/u][/b]
[font=courier prime][color=cyan]ANSWER HERE[/color][/font]
[b][u]Vessel Name, Type, ID, and IFF[/u][/b]
[font=courier prime][color=cyan]ANSWER HERE[/color][/font]
[b][u]Outpost personnel reserve the right to search you at anytime onboard Ozymandias for any reason. Do you agree to this?[/u][/b]
[font=courier prime][color=cyan]ANSWER HERE[/color][/font]
[b][u][i]Any[/i] deviation from the approved course will result in your termination. Do you understand?[/u][/b]
[font=courier prime][color=cyan]ANSWER HERE[/color][/font]
[b][u]Name, Date, and Signature[/u][/b]
[i]By Signing this form, you agree to never speak of Outpost Ozymandias' location within Kepler. Any intelligence received that you have given it's location to another individual will result in your termination.[/i]
[font=courier prime][color=cyan]ANSWER HERE[/color][/font][/td][/table]
[Additional Info]
The Outpost is defended by weapons platforms, however they are not actively hostile to anyone unless you are placed on the banlist. If the station is discovered by passers by (which is difficult to do in and of itself) you will not be granted access to dock. Any attack on the station will be visited on the attacker three fold by strategically placed weapons platforms located around the Outpost.
Dropping from the Muninn Network ...
Reconfiguring for public network ...
Rebooting integer factorizations ...
Restarting discrete logarithms ...
Power cycling elliptic-curve discrete logarithms ...
It had been over a month since the mysterious freelancers of Outpost Ozymandias had sold the station to an interested investment entrepreneur keen on moving and developing for future financial gain. The new group liked the name of the station, that didn't need to change. The armaments however were not required and the new owners quickly went about reconditioning it for the purposes at hand. The was much to be done.
Unofficially, the group had already began talks with various hauliers on the estimated level of supplies required for the stations movement, expansion and of course development, this wasn't a cheap procedure.
To set things in motion, the owner and commander of the installation now set themselves the task of making contact with the various authorities which would decide the fete of this project.
It is a strange feeling being hired to move Outpost Ozymandias - Out-Oz we called it. We bought it in a fire sale, a very decrepit base. Made more decrepit given it was in a high radiation zone in Kepler.
DSE- thought it was going to be a bonus year when the contract for rebuilding Goldgeist was secured by us. By leveraging our ability to construct bases in the most inhospitable regions of Sirius we had thought of using Out-Oz as the replacement. Alas the red tape proved too difficult - the radiation and ionic corrosion proving to be too risky to move through both Kusari and Liberty space.
But here we are, moving our ships to Keplar, along with a crack team of deriggers and even some ALG experts in toxic radiation containment/treatment. It will be a big payday for all given the "danger money" bonuses to be scored.
Upon Cliff's arrival at Outpost Ozymandias, it was clear he was familiar with the station and how it was set up. It was clear he had his own ideas on how to move the station, James had no stipulation of how, as long as at the other end it was re-constructed in exactly the correct way. Factory to one side with room and scope for future expansion, room for civilian traffic on the other
It was clear the DSE were set to make the moves necessary on this. to successfully move the station. They had already considered it once before so actually doing it at someone else's expense was more than within scope .
James greets Cliff on his arrival, offers casual conversation as expected followed by presenting co-ordinates for the move to be level with the plane, at exactly"Position: 50436 82 -79752 Orient: 166 28 177"upon undocking to face the trade lane. Factory modules to be on the side of the planet Pittsburgh, the entertainment levels to face open space. If there was any view to be held, it was most certainly not toward Pittsburgh. The station was set for expansion the the moment it's final move is complete. James had no doubt that this business venture was to be a success. Overheads being through the roof, James merely thought to himself "You have to spend money to make money".
And we are off! Out-Oz has been dismantled into suitable modules and stowed in the Hunter as well as the Tempest and Fury. We were glad to get out of the savage ionising radiation that dooms Kepler, and I think to a man we were grateful to enter Colorado. All looks good, and the few Xeno's that cross our slow passage through Colorado cause us no grief.
I have gone ahead to survey the site where Out-Oz will be reassembled according to our client's requests. Pittsburg and Out-Oz - a perfect fit. Having scoped the site and popped up the survey bouys it was just a small wait for the convoy to arrive. They had, after all, taken a break at Fort Bush as expected for the traditional Coffee and Donuts as a welcome home to Baltimore Shipyard.
With professional ease the crews start their "Hercs" and launch them to finish the job. The HL54-C Maintenance Drone operators are also hard at it.
Everything was set in motion, the DSE's Cliff Hunter had given every last detail of thought to the move and no rock was left un turned. The DSE had done this before James was sure. On observation, the DSE workers operated with complete efficiency and confidence.
All that was left to do was... everything else.
The factory module was placed to the rear underbelly of the station, with room for the intended industrial expansions, directly in front of these modules a drydock was to be built. This was to take in deliveries of vast supplies required for import and later fitting equipment made to the intended purchaser of advanced equipment. This part of the station was to have no internal access to the upper levels intended for entertainment of every kind.