Owner's Name (and Organization's Name if applicable): Steven Howard, independent Bounty Hunter
License requested and reason(s) for it: Permission to use LGT-8d "Bandit" Liberty Light Gunboat Turrets
Evidence of friendly reputation with Liberty Navy and Liberty Police:•NavyPolice
Additional Notes, Comments, Questions or Requests: As a longtime bounty hunter with more than a decade of experience, I have already requested the use of such turrets for Prime.Number and Small.Fish. Now, since I acquired an Orca called the Big.Fish, I would like to update the license so that all ships I legally own can also legally mount the LGT-8d "Bandit" Liberty Light Gunboat Turrets.
By filling this application you hereby agree to these terms and compliance with the Laws of Liberty and will be held responsible for any violation.
Your request has been reviewed and approved. We will be adding your license after payment of 50.000.000 credits is made to Liberty-Bank-001 with evidence attached to this transmission.
- William Hawthorne, Director of License Requisition Center