Gendarmerie Public Announcement - Liberty Corporations and Traders
As per the recent diplomatic developments, we would like to welcome Ageira and other traders and corporations of Liberty to Gallia who welcomes your business with open arms - we hope you come to Gallia and engage in commerce in our secure and diverse house. Let me introduce the Gendarmerie. We are a fully enlisted military force that is in charge of policing the civilian populace of Gallia, security of our landmarks, auxiliary role in the Gallic Navy's combat operations, and of course protecting informing, and assisting traders such as yourselves.
Please always keep an eye on the Gendarmerie Public Announcements so you stay in touch with our recent developments and important announcements, from traffic situations to large-scale issues and law changes. We are contacting you on the open Liberty-wide channel right now for your benefit, but in the future will assume you will be regularly checking our Gallic-wide announcements when on our territories.
We will be the ones protecting you on our territory from those unique to us criminals like the: Brigands
These are extremely crafty criminals and arch-rivals of the Gendarmerie. Many of them are former Gallic Royal Police and Civilian Gendarmerie corrupt officers that had no place in the new corruption-free fully enlisted Gendarmerie. They act as your regular pirates but also sophisticated loan sharks that deal with people's misery and throw the vulnerable into de-facto contractual slavery. Never do any deals with them, and immediately contact the Gendarmerie if you ever encounter one.
The Maquisards are deluded zealots and terrorists that live in the past and don't support our safe secure vision of Gallia governed and safeguarded entirely by military forces like the Gendarmerie. They are like vultures. Rather than extorting credits, they have been known to be begging people from Sirius for resources for their lost cause, trying to poison their minds with their deceitful anti-Gallic Union propaganda. We urge our new guests from Liberty to not succumb to their lies and immediately report Maquisard's presence to the Gendarmerie, the Main Fleet of the Gallic Navy, or the Security Bureau, and to never accept their physical propaganda. Make no mistake about their seemingly friendly attitude towards people from Sirius. They are volatile terrorists that can turn on you brutally for the smallest of reasons.
We also happen to have an issue with several drugs like theNox that has destroyed many lives. Nox is a dangerous hallucinogen that can make you lose consciousness and damage your brain beyond any repair. Do not believe the lies of the peddlers, and avoid taking any substances you are not used to, report to the Gendarmerie anyone who tries to sell you this dangerous filth.
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#1 Stellar Saxon 04/29/830 01:34
This is insulting beyond all comprehension. The Gauls are perpetrators of genocide, and are more broke than the foreign pot-stirrers claim Bretonia to be, totally unable to pay any semblance of reparations as if money could ever make up for the noble Bretonian lives lost in the Tragedy of Leeds. Blood for blood. Six billion Gallic lives for six billion Bretonian ones. Death to the so-called Union which compromises with the remnants of the madman Charles's forces, death to every Gaul that dares enter Sirius, and death to the traitors in the illegitimate New Londonite "government" that mismanaged the war so horrendously our proud people suffered those blows. God save the Queen!