*Incoming transmission*
*Source: Geisha liner "Hasenpfote"*
*Sender ID: Hans von Goeben*
*Location: Edinburgh System*
*Encryption: Medium*
*The transmission contains a simple text message*
Dear ladies and gentlemen of the Gaians,
this short-range frequency and location used for sending the following message was provided by one of your Captains after a chat at Freeport 14 . During our conversation, they made clear that the Gaians still care about the paradise planet in Edinburgh and patrol the area. Therefore, a business opportunity between your organisation and my humble self arose. In exchange for a generous payment to support your cause (of which I wholly advocate the ecological preservation of precious ecosystems, by the way), I'd like to request a small favour:
The retrieval of an old case filled with data storage devices, from the surface of Gaia. Of course this demands some context.
About five years ago, during my time as a freelancing scientist, I met a Gaian named Flora at the bar on Freeport Six. Asking for the reason why I was wearing a lab coat outside a lab, we started talking. While talking for a bit, she revealed that her research group was still looking for a biologist to help cataloguing as many native species as possible around the equatorial coastline of Gaia. Despite knowing that this planet is usually off-limit for foreigners, Flora made clear that for this job, an exception would be made. Neverminding the payment, accepting such a golden opportunity was a no-brainer as a biologist. Unfortunately, the payment was done in cash and without a contract, so I have no evidence of this business anymore.
The mission went smooth, and after a two months, we had a whole collection of data. Before leaving, Flora insisted on leaving a back-up buried below the glade we resided at. Apparently, she has already done that multiple times before when going on such expeditions. Not questioning it, this hidden data treasure might prove useful now. Not only is a documented ecosystem valuable in itself, but should the bioweapon unleashed on Gaia mutate, local defense strategies can be formulated more quickly the more information about organisms are known.
Should Flora not be among your ranks anymore due to the many unfortunate events of the last few years, or should your databases not contain these information anymore, I'd gladly offer you a copy of the collected data. They are not encrypted, only protected by a physical lock, so there is nothing stopping you anyway. All I'd need is the original case with the unlatered devices. The contained information will partially be used for writing a book about Gaia, of course after consultation with your group. And for personal safekeeping.
So, before I provide the exact coordinates of the case, I'd like to hear your opinion about this matter. The first part of the promised payment will be made once the proposed deal is accepted, then the majority of the sum comes after I received and checked the data. All in all, I'd consider 75 million Credits as acceptable for your trouble.
With best regards,
Hans von Goeben.
PS: Obviously, visiting the surface of Gaia is one hell of a biohazard. Should you lack equipment, I'd be happy to help out. The Hasenpfote is equipped with the necessary gear.
*Incoming transmission*
*Source: Geisha liner "Hasenpfote"*
*Sender ID: Hans von Goeben*
*Encryption: Medium*
Flora! What a pleasant surprise to hear from you personally, especially after all this time! Hope this message finds you well!
I'd love to catch up on years worth of stories right away, but let us first discuss the proposed business.
After revisiting pictures I just dug up of our trip to Gran Canaria, you are correct. Wasn't Gaia we visited together, but the former Zoner stronghold in '48. It appears that my middle-aged brain might've mixed some things up. Ever since Leeds, I have a harder time remembering certain stuff...maybe the toxic fumes during the evac. But that's a story for another day.
Speaking of remembering things: Since it wasn't you who had hired me on Freeport Six, I honestly got no idea who this person was...certainly a Gaian, since she organized a permission from your leadership for me to join her research camp on Gaia. Hell, if only we had /something/ documented about the job, and not only the collected data. What happened to those after the job was done is also unknown to me, though.
So...with things set straight about my embarrassing mix-up, how would you judge the suggested operation? Maybe even having some interest in it?
From: Flora To: Hans von Goeben Encryption: Very Subject: Cache
I'm doing well, thank you.
You're not giving me a lot of information to work with, though. A mysterious data cache buried on behalf of a mysterious Gaian benefactor? What sort of information does it have? Why do you not have a copy of the data? Why do we not have a copy of the data?
Don't get me wrong, but none of this is making any sense. For all I know, there might not even be a cache at all. What is this about, really?
*Incoming transmission*
*Source: Geisha liner "Hasenpfote"*
*Sender ID: Hans von Goeben*
*Encryption: Medium*
Ah, it does sound a tad suspicious, doesn't it...
But I can assure you that I am telling the truth. As mentioned, there is unfortunately no proof of being recruited by one of your agents for that operation. The payment was (in good ol' Freelancer preference) in cash, there was a golden opportunity to see this majestic planet, and also a free ticket to get away from the dull cities and bleak stations for some time. So I didn't insist on a written contract, or asked pesky questions. Although this woman made clear that questions were unwanted, anyway.
The cache does exist. I still got the exact coordinates of the camp noted in my old lab journal. It contains multiple data storages with ecological and anatomical data of until then uncatalogued species. My best guess right now is the same as all those years back: That the Gaians wanted this paradise further analysed. Got no further proof about its content or existance though. I can go there personally under your watchful eyes in the distance if you, or your people, do not trust me. And you folks are also more than welcome to have a look at the mystery box yourself. There is nothing I have to conceal.
And lastely, I do not know what the Gaian in question did with the original data. Again, no questions asked and no leaks to other researchers was the premise for getting recruited. Plus, there was no incentive whatsoever to get a copy of our findings for individual use back then. Only fact is that she hid a copy of these data in a container and buried it. The reason behind this mostly eludes me (maybe she wanted physical backups rather than digital ones), but right now, this action is a blessing for me.
All I know is that these ecological data should still be hidden there, and that they have a certain personal, and especially economical value to me now. I am asking you and your community if the data I helped getting and processing may be retrieved, and also utilized by me. Of course without hurting the Gaians in any shape or form.
Look, we've travelled together, Flora. And it can definitively be said that we are not strangers even though it has been a long, long time since our last meeting. Therefore, do I not earn at least a bit of your trust? Should this whole thing turn out to be a bust, the Gaians may still keep the initial payment plus a bonus as an expense allowance. And you may feel free to hit me over the head with any empty cache.
From: Flora To: Hans von Goeben Encryption: Very Subject: Cache
But arranging you a trip to the planet would be beyond my abilities even without the quarantine in place. What I can do, however, is have someone go fetch it for you. For that I'll need coordinates and information about the cache itself - size, weight, safeties. Anything necessary to extract and open it.
Though, before that, there will be a condition - we get to look through the data in the cache before handing it over to you. If that's okay with you, I'll make some calls. We can sort out the... donations after we've had a peek inside.
*Incoming transmission*
*Source: Geisha liner "Hasenpfote"*
*Sender ID: Hans von Goeben*
*Encryption: Medium*
Thank you, Flora!
All these terms are absolutely acceptable, contacting anyone who you consider necessary for the operation included.
The coordinates of the glade we resided at are the following (In standard GPS format): 3° 6‘ 0 S 60° 1‘ 0.12 W
At the time, this location was the only visible clearing in a vast area. Unless there was a wildfire, it should be relatively easy to spot from above. It's also about two hundred meters from the ocean, close to a beautiful bay.
The search party should look for a medium sized outlier at the glade's northern edge. Below a noticeable protrusion, the cache was buried around three meters deep.
I can only estimate the weight, but it shouldn't exceed thirty kilograms, and its shape was rectangular. One side not over one meter long and about ten centimeters in height. It's covered by a layer of stainless steel to prevent corrosion and protect the mediums. A simple lock is the only safety precaution taken before it was buried, so no need to watch for elaborate mechanisms.
ALso, should the need arise, I'm able to offer biohazard gear and also decon procedures onboard the Hasenpfote.
Again, thank you for your trust and effort to see this through.
From: Flora To: Hans von Goeben Encryption: Very Subject: Cache
I'll see to the cache being retrieved. It make take some time, it's difficult to get a surface expedition approved. I appreciate the offer of equipment, but we've had plenty of hands on experience on Carlisle already. As is probably obvious given Gaia's recent history.
Either way, I suggest you enjoy the hospitality of Providence in the meantime. I think it'll make a good place for the handover, once the cache is secured and decontaminated. I'll make my way to Edinburgh as soon as possible. I might be able to see you there beforehand.
*Incoming transmission*
*Source: Geisha liner "Hasenpfote"*
*Sender ID: Hans von Goeben*
*Encryption: Medium*
Excellent! After taking care of some work on Freeport Six, I'll be on my way to Edinburgh and stay there until the deal is done. Feel free to contact me anytime, be it for business or simply catching up. Regardless for what reason, I am looking forward to see you again. Until then, godspeed and safe skies!
From: Flora To: Hans von Goeben Encryption: Very Subject: Cache
I'm in Edinburgh, box in hand. I was told the Institute will be most grateful for the data, once they trawl through it all, at least. Let me know when you've had enough of Providence's luxuries and I'll bring the cache over.