This is a broadcast to inform the Empire at large that the Deterrence is conducting a special operation regarding the recruitment of a foreign Battlegroup to further increase our influence in Liberty house space via liberation of resources, artifact trade and technological exchange. These ships, identified as Liberty Insurgency ships, are to be allowed free passage through Corsair space, and docking rights. Of course, they are to follow Corsair law, but treat them as our own.
Attacking, sabotaging, or by any and all other means disrupting the operations of the foreign Battlegroup "Alabarda" without reasonable justification will incur the wrath of the Executor. If you notice any suspicious behavior, contact Deterrence's high command directly and we will open an investigation.
From: Decurion Alphonso Ximenez
To: empire
Topic: Insurgency
Buenas tarde Senor,
In the past, The Brotherhood been reminded by Deterrence that we could take unilateral decision for the empire without approbation. We would like to remind you works both ways. The Brotherhood have say in this story. We request that all the liberty insurgency capital ships to stay on omega 41 or Theta Freeports until the council of elders gather and talk about this matter. As usual, we will contact custodi regardind this decision and concider their opinion.
We will allow, per laws, any transport size vessels transporting useful goods and snubcrafts. Which mean that anything bigger including gunship nd bigger, will be asked to leave on sight by our pilots.
27) Neutral warships (including Gunboat and Gunship classes) are not welcome in Corsair territory. Unless they have the Corsair Council of Elders’ approval, neutral warships should be escorted out of our space and the use of force is authorized if they refuse to comply.
The law regarding the visitor will be upheld by any corsairs who respect the empire. Non respect or violation of our laws by the gringo will result in destruction of the said ships. We would like to remind you, they aren't allied of the empire and merely you pets which won't grant them any perks nor privileges within the empire.
And for last, even if you concider them your "own" they aren't as they don't fall under:
5) Citizenship can be acquired by birth only with both parents being of corsair ancestry.
5 a) Residency is not considered for those of non-Corsair heritage.
This is the current status of the Brotherhood and any corsairs affiiliates who protect the empire, our traditions and our way of living.