So here is a backstory of what was happening at the time.
Myself and |>R<|RCV-Reaper of the Order faction known as "|>R<|" were running missions in Omicron Mu, during one of our missions we got intercepted by a Core member called "Echo_7".
Echo_7 claimed to be an "elite unit Hard from the Core"- (His words exactly), during our attempts to squash this pesky fella we were joined by an AI unit which later leaves and a neutral "ALG-V-22" pilot arrives, After about 5 minutes of trying to kill him he asks us to stop and says "I'll give you one last chance to surreneder" even though out numbered and outshiped (We all know bombers are op atm and probably would have solo'd both the battlecruisers) he continued to harras us, the fighting continues for a few more minutes at which he gains some distance and well the video explains the rest of the story.