SENDER:Korvettenkapitän Fritz Hoffman, Special Unit 'Stulingen', MND RECIPIENT:Special Unit 'Stulingen', MND LOCATION:RNC Trier, Hamburg SUBJECT:Mission Center
To the entirety of the unit,
Mr. von Strauss has ordered the formation of a centralized comms network following our recent missions. Report in all noteworthy findings, new associates, events, among others; it shall work similarly to the boards the Military and the MND maintain at present.
Make good use of the template below in your reports. Für Rheinland!
SENDER:Kapitänleutnant Richard Segebert, Special Unit 'Stulingen', MND RECIPIENT:Special Unit 'Stulingen', MND LOCATION:RNC Trier, Hamburg SUBJECT:Encounter in New Berlin
Kameraden of Stulingen,
yesterday on the 03.09.829 A.S we got alarmed that an Aegis convoy is going to enter Rheinland space with the permission of the BDM, RM and KPR.
The local BDM units on grid informed us that Aegis wants to engage in a diplomatic talk with the KPR about their future in Rheinland.
Our task was the following, make sure the convoy arrives at their destination without any interruption, while making sure we gather as much intel as possible about any units on grid.
New Berlin was an easy task, all lanes and entries were secured, while the BDM U-Boot Korps checked Dresden about a possible prepared Hessian threat. With Korvettenkapitän Fritz Hoffman on grid, we got the order to support the BDM units in Dresden. We managed to slip past local Hessian patrols and made sure there is no Hessian fleet preparing for an ambush.
While heading out of Dresden, we got interrupted by an Alliance pilot with the call sign "Rabaucke" and a KPR vessel with the call sign "Sonderkraftfahrzeug". The KPR vessel stopped us in New Berlin and demanded that we identify ourselves. Korvettenkapitän Fritz Hoffman informed the KPR pilot about our task and made sure he is aware of which unit we are, but that did not work at all. After a heated argument between the KPR and our forces, the KPR opened the fire on our vessel. With no hesitation, we defended ourselves and made sure the KPR vessel goes down. The SAR got informed about the KPR pilot.
With the KPR pilot down, I got the order from Korvettenkapitän Fritz Hoffman to eliminate the Alliance vessel while the other pilots of Stulingen were heading back into Frankfurt. With the ongoing fight and the imminent destruction of the Alliance vessel, he offered me some "data" that we would be really interested in. I informed Korvettenkapitän Fritz Hoffman, which returned from Frankfurt into our grid and continued the interrogation of the Alliance pilot.
[09.03.2024 18:03:47] Wilde.Rubezahl: Fritz: This is yours to handle. Kuhn, we're moving back.
[09.03.2024 18:03:50] Wilde.Engel: Feuer frei!
[09.03.2024 18:03:56] Wilde.Dunkelheit: Kuhn: Copy. In formation
[09.03.2024 18:04:10] Wilde.Rubezahl: Fritz: We're just as interested in that, hunter.
[09.03.2024 18:05:31] Rabauke: Hmh.
[09.03.2024 18:05:40] Rabauke: Aren't you men of data, the lot of you?
[09.03.2024 18:07:39] Wilde.Engel: Data you said?
[09.03.2024 18:07:46] Rabauke: Hmph.
[09.03.2024 18:07:52] Rabauke: Indeed.
[09.03.2024 18:07:57] Wilde.Engel: What kind of data?
[09.03.2024 18:08:10] Rabauke: A funny reading I've picked up earlier in Dresden.
[09.03.2024 18:08:33] Wilde.Engel: A funny reading?
[09.03.2024 18:08:52] Rabauke: Well.
[09.03.2024 18:09:00] Rabauke: An Order vessel.
[09.03.2024 18:09:21] Wilde.Engel: And where did you see that big Order vessel?
[09.03.2024 18:09:55] Rabauke: How well are you informed about Dresden's.. well, lava fields? You're aware of the second one nearby the nebula?
[09.03.2024 18:10:03] Rabauke: Not the one Kruger exploited until a few ago.
[09.03.2024 18:10:21] Rabauke: Outskirts of it, looked to me like a massive warship. Didn't approach it, felt like a very stupid idea.
[09.03.2024 18:10:33] Wilde.Engel: *Checks his navmap* On my data there is no second field, but I guess we should wait for the Rubezahl that can check theirs.
[09.03.2024 18:10:52] Wilde.Engel: For now, keep your mouth shut, and repeat everything you said, once the Rubezahl is here.
[09.03.2024 18:11:12] Rabauke: How.. oh, well I suppose I know why you're not aware of it.
[09.03.2024 18:11:26] Rabauke: Too deep into Hessian patrol routes.
[09.03.2024 18:11:31] Wilde.Engel: Probably.
[09.03.2024 18:12:21] Wilde.Engel: He will be in scanner range soon.
[09.03.2024 18:12:27] Wilde.Engel: Less then 30 seconds.
[09.03.2024 18:12:53] Rabauke: [Whilst waiting, the Pilot starts a damage analysis. Sighing to himself as he realizes his backup plan would be bound to fail.]
[09.03.2024 18:13:01] Rabauke: Hm? Yeah, I hope so..
[09.03.2024 18:13:24] Wilde.Engel: *beacon activated* You should see us now Rubezahl.
[09.03.2024 18:13:30] Wilde.Rubezahl: Fritz: Apologies for the wait, Engel. What is it that you need help with?
[09.03.2024 18:13:57] Wilde.Engel: This Alliance member is telling me that he saw a Order "big one" in Dresden.
[09.03.2024 18:14:02] Wilde.Engel: Now, repeat your words Alliance pilot.
[09.03.2024 18:14:13] Rabauke: Ja-ja.
[09.03.2024 18:14:40] Wilde.Rubezahl: Fritz: I am all ears.
[09.03.2024 18:14:41] Rabauke: An Order vessel, judged by size a warship. A big one. Already told your man here where I've spotted it briefly.
[09.03.2024 18:14:54] Wilde.Rubezahl: Fritz: That does little to help us. Do you have scans?
[09.03.2024 18:15:09] Rabauke: Do I look stupid enough to approach it?
[09.03.2024 18:15:22] Rabauke: It went by "CV-Montana", that's about all I have.
[09.03.2024 18:15:45] Rabauke: Spotted it at the outskirts of the second lava field. Your man here has no clue where that is, apparently.
[09.03.2024 18:16:20] Wilde.Rubezahl: Fritz: Alright, that's fair enough for us. Engel, get rid of hi-
[09.03.2024 18:16:27] Wilde.Rubezahl: Fritz: Nah, you're too useful.
[09.03.2024 18:16:28] Rabauke: Hey-hey-hey.
[09.03.2024 18:16:42] Rabauke: Made my heart skip a beat, shit.
[09.03.2024 18:16:42] Wilde.Rubezahl: Fritz: Listen well. How often do you venture around the Dresden system?
[09.03.2024 18:17:31] Rabauke: Eeeeh, guess I got no real choice? Mom's a Hessian, Dad's a farmer, was.
[09.03.2024 18:17:35] Rabauke: Does this answer it?
[09.03.2024 18:18:07] Rabauke: Why? Want me to track that freakish Order spooks down for you?
[09.03.2024 18:18:14] Wilde.Rubezahl: Fritz: Suppose it does. Here's the deal, you get us a great-looking scan of that warship if you spot it again and-
[09.03.2024 18:18:19] Wilde.Rubezahl: -we'll give you a new life.
[09.03.2024 18:18:46] Wilde.Rubezahl: Fritz: A million credits, a new ship, whatever you'll ask for. But if you dare cross us, we'll make sure you end up another-
[09.03.2024 18:18:53] Wilde.Rubezahl: -piece of the graveyard that's Dresden.
[09.03.2024 18:19:11] Rabauke: Hold up. A million cre- He could.. we could. Okay, okay deal. Scheisse ja.
[09.03.2024 18:19:13] Wilde.Engel: And next time, I won't power down my guns.
[09.03.2024 18:19:26] Rabauke: Let me get this trash bucket fixed and I'll fucking find them!
[09.03.2024 18:19:48] Rabauke: Wait. How, eh, who do I contact then?
[09.03.2024 18:19:55] Rabauke: You?
[09.03.2024 18:20:05] Wilde.Rubezahl: Fritz: Now get out of faces, miserable pirate and don't stumble into us again before you have those scans sent to my-
[09.03.2024 18:20:08] Wilde.Rubezahl: -neural-net.
[09.03.2024 18:20:21] Rabauke: Right, right.
[09.03.2024 18:20:36] Rabauke: Might as well skip the repairs and try to find it again now.
With the intel we got, we decided it's time to return into Thuringia.
Friendly forces on grid:
Wilde.Rubezahl - Safely returned into Thuringia.
Wilde.Walkuere - Safely returned into Thuringia with technical difficulties on the ship.
Wilde.Dunkelheit - Safely returned into Thuringia.
Wilde.Engel - Safely returned into Thuringia.
SENDER:Korvettenkapitän Fritz Hoffman, Special Unit 'Stulingen', MND RECIPIENT:Special Unit 'Stulingen', MND LOCATION:Valhalla Shipyard, Thuringia SUBJECT:Segebert's Mission Report
Thank you for the valuable information. I will amend, if slightly, the report, then forward it to the Direktor herself. We shall catch these Order fools even if all of Sirius stands between us...
SENDER:Korvettenkapitän Fritz Hoffman, Special Unit 'Stulingen', MND RECIPIENT:Special Unit 'Stulingen', MND LOCATION:Valhalla Shipyard, Thuringia SUBJECT:Something is afoot
Mr. von Strauss,
Your presence is required in Thuringia at the earliest convenience. We have to discuss an affair related to a recent encounter, as soon and as swiftly as possible as it concerns Rheinland and other "guests", as a Buro agent put it.
SENDER:Soldat Gunter Schwarz RECIPIENT:Special Unit ‘Stulingen’, MND LOCATION:RNC-Fenrir SUBJECT:Rheinland Patrol
Guten Tag Kameraden,
My formal report of the Failed interception of the Corsairs fleet, and subsequent patrol of Hamburg and Cologne on 20th September, is as follows. Scrutiny of my actions during this day fall to my Superiors, as I myself also suffered to perform adequately in time for our Great House. It was shameful that such a sizeable force slipped right through the heart of Rheinland, without so much as a speeding ticket issued!
The vessel assigned was in servicing when the Intercom called me to action. A contingent of Corsairs had been sighted in the borders, between us and Gallia. Rather than dismiss the crews, I allowed them to continue servicing the vessel. I felt that if this was complete, I would stand more of a chance to intercept, rather than risk faulty systems hindering my attempt. At 19:37 hours, Twenty-two minutes late to the scene, I arrived in Hudson, alongside another agent but recently deployed. We both were late to the border, the Corsairs managing to depart into Liberty.
Superiors were already on-site, and this was not a welcome sight. It seemed even they had also missed the tail-end of the convoy. Otto and I took up position nearby Manitoba. I gave my apologies to them, and the reason for my delay. It seemed it fell short during the conversation, so I remained silent while I awaited instructions. Command would not be happy with this slip-up of our forces, least of all that we all seemed to fall short in a time where swift action was desired. The comms chatter between the RNC-Bietigheim, KKS-Luebeck and other Military units did not sound so good for us, but the highlighting of every deployed unit's failure likely softened the blow a bit for all of us.
Some more discussion upon which other weaknesses in our defences now became our concern. With a large portion of our active personnel situated within the confines of Hudson, there would be no knowing of any other potential attacks within the area. Just shy of 20:00 hours, instruction to begin patrol of first Hamburg, then Cologne was given. I was to take point, with Operativ-01 and a wing of fighters as company. As patrol wing leader, I decided our route would be best taken away from the lanes, to observe and report upon the places where eyes do not normally reach.
From the Hudson gate in Hamburg, we navigated through the Nordheide to the Bering gate, of which there was no activity. Before we breached the asteroids, a flash of contact upon sensors. The flash was too brief to make out what the transponder of the vessel even was, but if my eyes did not deceive me, the momentary IFF identifier read as if it was an Order vessel, that passed straight in towards Hudson behind us. We had our orders, we did not pursue. Patrol observed no disturbance around the gate when we arrived, nothing unusual on sensors. We continued onwards, around Planet Hamburg, where another fighter escort was assigned to our formation. Although I was not expecting any combat, nor much action at all, the extra support was welcome. Passing by Alster, there was the occasional Unioner vessel darting away. Nothing that would not be handled by local Polizei. Patrol halted at the New Berlin gate and I awaited the escorts that had begun to fall behind. When all craft were in formation once more, we moved out, reporting no activity from the jump gate. So far, rather an uneventful flight of Hamburg. This continued through the Sudheide asteroid field and around the Planet Hannover. Patrol formation halted some way into Kielfeld, and took some time to observe the area. There was nothing.
As patrol wing moved onwards, towards Cologne, I reported in that our sweep of Hamburg was complete with minimal activity. The report was affirmed and instructions were to continue as intended. Our first motions were towards the Stuttgart jump hole. At first, it looked about as uneventful as the previous system of patrol. Then, a disturbance. An active anomaly, one not previously noted before. It looked newly formed, but not as a gateway, more as a single link from A to B. The readings seemed to correlate that Cologne was point B of this tunnel. Could this be what the Corsairs used to bypass our defences so easily? This exit point was a mere five klicks from Stuttgart jump hole! It was conveniently around this time where my vessel's comms relay malfunctioned, where I found myself unable to talk to neither my escorts nor commanding officer aboard the Bietigheim. It would do us no good to continue without patrol lead able to communicate, so I remained exactly where I was. Manual temporary repairs inside gave me enough time to fix the fault, but not before our Unit commander was reassigned, leaving me on-point.
Fylgja joined us shortly after more scans of the anomaly were performed, as both Eta-0 and Konrad Bergman were reassigned to Thuringia and Bering respectively. They also brought news that the Bietigheim had moored with Hamburg at around 20:42 hours, to monitor from the surface and file their report on the ongoing situation. One can only hope we do not see a repeat of such an event. Zurich gate was as quiet as the rest of them which, while once more a welcome sight, did not shed us any light. The remaining nebulae and asteroid fields were then also scouted. The Stuttgart gate became our last stop and the point where our paths mostly split.
While dismissing everyone, it came to my attention that one of the accompanying escorts had kept mostly on the ball throughout the patrol. Otto had also malfunctioning equipment, and needed to return to our post in Thuringia, of which he suggested a joint return flight together. It was on this flight I asked him his thoughts about the anomaly we saw, and what he thought about it himself. He stated his observations, and also did not like how "convenient and coincidental" it was, coinciding with the day that Corsairs escaped our grasp. We could be looking at the answer to how we were breached with little warning or ability to respond, but it could very well be exactly a coincidence, and nothing more. It may be advisable for command to dedicate a unit to the patrolling of Rheinland and its borders, with these rifts the priority to locate and monitor with the utmost speed. It could well be that this happens again, and such an opening would humiliate our Great House once more.
SENDER:Soldat Gunter Schwarz RECIPIENT:Special Unit ‘Stulingen’, MND LOCATION:RNC-Fenrir SUBJECT:Rheinland Patrol
Guten Tag, mein kameraden,
Gunter Schwarz here, reporting the successful extraction of Thirty Exotic Entertainers from aboard various "Synth Paste" vessels over the previous week. They have all been delivered to RNC-Hoffnung for the time being, pending the successful capture of numerous armored transport vessels. Unfortunately, each vessel of the previous encounters were damaged beyond usefulness, as Breaching to liberate the entertainers proved to be extremely difficult.
A wing of fighters and a boarding freighter have been dispatched to Omegas to intercept a suspected Synth Foods convoy of "Civilian Armored Transports". These vessels are rumoured to be departing from Rheinland in Stuttgart, and are bound for the Tau-31 system. New orders are for me to rendezvous with them and lay an ambush within the Omega-3 system. Should this operation prove successful, we are to report in and confirm the mission went as planned, as well as receive new orders.
SENDER:Soldat Gunter Schwarz RECIPIENT:Special Unit ‘Stulingen’, MND LOCATION:RNC-Trier SUBJECT:Rheinland Patrol
Guten Abend, mein kameraden,
Gunter Schwarz, reporting in on the operation within Omega-3.
My instructions were to head to Omega-3 and rendezvous with a wing of fighters. A checkpoint was to be established at the wreck of Aland, and to monitor traffic for one such convoy passing through between Rheinland and Bretonia. I was first into position, with each of the fighter wing en-route. The boarding freighter was unavailable at the time of operation. Instead, this was replaced with a Gunboat.
While each agent was en-route, one Zoner Transport passed me by towards Rheinland. A full compliment of Artifacts were carried within its cargo. As I was the only one in position, I was unable to hold the vessel. Agents Fylgia, Serpopard and Nacht were en-route alongside one of the Noth Squadron. Nacht intercepted the cargo vessel on their way to my location, both destroying the vessel and its contents.
At 1900 hours, all vessels besides Noth-1 were in position at the checkpoint but there was no word that the intended targets had departed from Stuttgart. We stationed one scout by the Omega-7 gate, ready to alert us of any vessels pressing forwards. One Bretonia Police vessel showed up, designation “Montgomery”. Worthy of note, there may be complications with their involvement and observation of our operation.
1920 hours brought us to the first sighting of the vessels through Serpopard. They were instructed to let them through to the checkpoint. Concerns were aparrent when the vessels were confirmed. Being close to Bretonia, a boarding was out of the question. Instead the decision was to escort them back to Rheinland. While we successfully extracted the vessels back under Rheinland Control, we did not successfully avoid suspicions of the Police Officer on scene. There may be some follow-up from them in the foreseeable future, especially considering the reporting in of Noth-1 being that a second officer was called to the scene at their intended destination. Plausible that the Officer wanted to interrogate one or two of us. He handled the situation effectively, without bloodshed.
The journey was relatively unhindered through Rheinland. We were able to bring them to the intended destination in Deeper Omegas for the transponder modifications. Both captains were detained, both vessels were searched and cleared out. Preliminary checks of the transports show that both are in full working order and once the third has been acquired, will be able to be moved onwards.
After some minor setbacks in the locating of a third "Civilian Armoured Transport" vessel, I found myself prowling among the Independent worlds that separate both Liberty and Bretonia. During such timing as my arrival to the star system, quite the commotion remained prominent throughout my initial hunt. Vessels bearing known hostile affiliation identifiers.
Some of these were of "Order" origin, a well-known terrorist organisation. This was a surprise, but so too was the contents of their cargo. Slog. Several of these haulers, as highlighted in the guncam snapshots and scanning array. One such file on the LV-Thoroughbred corrupted, its cargo manifest. I can attest to all vessels found, each and every one contained "Slog".
Ordinarily this would not be troubling news, as it is a matter concerning Liberty, and not us. It is the detail, however, that these are the very same "proclaimed saviours of Humanity" that quite clearly do not really care about our lives at all. If this was not already clear enough, this organisation is merely masquerading as the Saviour for its far darker aims to push the populations to their knees. Many such transporters were observed, one most iconicly resembling the general shape of one "Barge Type 1" class vessel. Let this be known across the colonies, that no matter our differences there is one threat that knowingly works against us, seeking not our protection but our subsequent demise. Let us arm ourselves to combat this threat, strike down those who wear the mask of protection of Humanity while their actions serve a knife within our backs.
Gerhardt Stahl reporting on the recent engagement in Sigma-15. This report details a swift and decisive action against a Corsair raiding force.
Two days ago I received an emergency alert from station scanners. Multiple unknown vessels were detected, registering as a potential threat within Sigma-15, near Planet Harmmesee. Responding to the call, I immediately engaged engines and proceeded to the designated coordinates.
Upon arrival, I observed several Rheinland military fighters already in orbit, alongside other familiar ship designations, including that of Soldat Gunter Schwarz. The unknown vessels were indeed hostile, a Corsair squadron comprised of a dozen fighters and bombers, supported by a Bustard-class carrier. Their intent was clear: a raid.
The Corsairs, foolishly believing themselves unseen, made their move. Their attack was swift, but ours was… swifter. The defensive battlegroup unleashed a torrent of firepower. The Corsair ships proved no match for the combined might of Rheinland’s finest. They fell from the sky like burning embers, their existence extinguished in the blink of an eye.
The Bustard carrier, the heart of their raiding force, simply… froze. Its captain, seemingly paralyzed by the suddenness and ferocity of our response, did not attempt to maneuver or escape. It sat, a hulking target, as our weapons found their mark, its shields buckling under the relentless assault.
The engagement was… devastating. The Corsair squadron was utterly annihilated. Their attack, meant to sow chaos and reap a harvest of destruction, ended in their own… obliteration. Our losses were… minimal.