I believe now is the time for me to contact you to set a few things in motion. I have a lot to prepose in terms of work, business and mutual prosperity.
I trust our previous dealings indeed confirm my credits work well in your legal accounts...
Many events have unfolded since our meeting which require my direct attention. My time is limited. Let's hear your proposal and we will determine if it is worth our interest.
Ricin, Hauptkommissar
Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts
Indeed I'm sure you have, in the long run this won't take much of your time.
I'll be to the point.
Rheinland has many materials we'd like to get our hands on.
We have materials Rheinland pays a lot for which we can provide cheaper, as demonstrated we can also pay for the requested goods.
In addition, with a mutual understanding of the above then there's no need for Rheinlands people to lose any life or resource in fighting us, when all mutual efforts can be placed in beating down the barbaric Corsairs and the miners who are full of gas...
Furthermore, I'm sure you and your direct colleagues have a use for an untraceable line of usable credits.
Best of all? All I need you to actually do is put in a good word for me with a couple of people and let nature take it's course... This won't take much of your time All without even a hint of Cardamine... unless you want some.
I only ever hold my word, Senorita, it's never broken.
My Direktor has taken a specific interest in the case. Please provide specific terms of what you are looking for, and I will tell you, in turn, how you can help us.
Should your proposal prove reasonable, we will consider your offer.
Ricin, Hauptkommissar
Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts
There is a lot of angles to look from, many steps over a long period of time.
I'm sure it'll come as no surprise at all that I've personally been watching Rheinland and her efficiency for quite some time now. The greatest interest I have is with the DHC. The company moves an incredible amount of goods and always has capacity for more. The goods I'm requesting even at best hopeful efficiency I can't see happening until at least six months to a year from now.
The very first stage at this moment in time is I require an audience with the top lady or gent in charge of the Rheinland Military. This is to arrange a total cease fire between our people and agree on terms.
My desires are rather simple. Outcasts have no real need to be in Rheinland unless we're gunning down Corsairs. It'd be bad for business for Rheinland and ironically ourselves if Outcasts were loitering around Rheinland.
Basic terms would be:
We need not enter Rheinland unless requested to do so to specifically target a common enemy.
The vast majority of our encounters are within the Sigma 15 system. Within this system, a form of mutual respect is to be demonstrated whereby zero hostilities take place. To encounter Corsairs or any other common enemy here would result in working together to clear the pests, followed by going our separate ways.
There is a very active Corsair installation within Sigma 15 which forms a bit of a blockade if you will. Contact with the Rheinland Military would be most beneficial to assist in removing or perhaps even capturing their installation allowing future endeavours to take place.
As to what we can offer? Niobium, Titanium and Credits, the added kicker of a nice buffer zone between yourselves and the Corsairs and Gas Miners alike.
What I'd eventually like? Other building resources, equipment and robotics. All things very achievable to obtain.Perhaps more Weaponry too, if that's on the table.
It all sounds very odd, but your organisation makes a perfect "middle man" so to speak.
I had almost a half-mind to believe you were serious about a ceasefire between our forces, that is, until my agents were tasked to an Outcast incursion into Sigma-15.
You might want to talk to your people about their intentions in the system, and come back to me with a better offer. Until then, this channel is closed.
Ricin, Hauptkommissar
Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts