[table=#FF4000] [tr] [td] [font=overpass][indent] [color=#FF4000]Razgriz Company Recruitment[/color] [color=#FF4000]Your name?[/color] [i]HERE[/i] [color=#FF4000]What makes you a great pirate?[/color] [i]HERE[/i] [color=#FF4000]Will you honor our rock paper scissors code?[/color] [i]HERE[/i] [color=#FF4000]Lastly, if you were in a bar, and both a Corsair and a Hessian walks in, what would you do?[/color] [i]HERE[/i] //[color=#FF4000]Ever been sanctioned?[/color] [i]NO / YES[/i] //[color=#FF4000]Interested in Pirate arpee?[/color] [i]NO / YES[/i] //[color=#FF4000]You okay with getting your hands dirty? (PVP)[/color] [i]NO / YES[/i] //[color=#FF4000]What is your Discord handle?[/color] [i]HERE[/i] [color=#FF4000]You'll hear from us when someone decides to push some papers.[/color] [/indent][/font] [/td] [/tr] [/table]