If you are interested in joining our ranks - do not hesitate to post an application in this thread. Please use the form below. Applications that have not been filled in appropriately will be denied immediately. Every question is to be considered as out of roleplay. After your application had been processed, you will begin a trial period which will determine whether you're fit to be one of us or not.
[align=justify][color=#067979][font=Tahoma][size=11][pi amount=10][size=x-large][color=#FFFFFF][font=Segoe UI]Recruitment Form - <YOUR FORUM NAME>[/font][/color][/size][/pi]
[color=#FFFFFF][size=large][font=Segoe UI]1. How did you find out about us? What sparked your interest to join us?[/font][/color][/size]
[pi amount=7] <YOUR ANSWER HERE> [/pi]
[color=#FFFFFF][size=large][font=Segoe UI]2. As a Wild, your role will be that of a global antagonist. Do you consent to your character being perceived as a threat to humanity's existence and have almost every encounter result in combat?[/font][/color][/size]
[pi amount=7] <YOUR ANSWER HERE> [/pi]
[color=#FFFFFF][size=large][font=Segoe UI]3. Do you have any experience roleplaying a Wild character or a Nomad? And if so, could you provide the links to?[/font][/color][/size]
[pi amount=7] <YOUR ANSWER HERE> [/pi]
[color=#FFFFFF][size=large][font=Segoe UI]4. Do you plan to have one of your already existing characters become infected? Do you already have an infectee that you want join our cause with? Or do you plan to begin from scratch?[/font][/color][/size]
[pi amount=7] <YOUR ANSWER HERE> [/pi]
[color=#FFFFFF][size=large][font=Segoe UI]5. What do you expect for your main focus be as a member of the faction? Do you intend to be more focused in participating in PvP situations? Do you want to enjoy the RP antics of the Wild RP? Or a bit of both?[/font][/color][/size]
[pi amount=7] <YOUR ANSWER HERE> [/pi]
[color=#FFFFFF][size=large][font=Segoe UI]6. Have you made yourself acquainted with [url=https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=119197]The Nomad Extended Lore[/url] and [url=https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=201919]Die Wilde Jagd Lore?[/url][/font][/color][/size]
[pi amount=7] <YOUR ANSWER HERE> [/pi]
[color=#FFFFFF][size=large][font=Segoe UI]7. Do you know somebody who, as a member of Die Wilde Jagd, could vouch for you? (please note that the lack of that kind of a person will not affect your application)[/font][/color][/size]
[pi amount=7] <YOUR ANSWER HERE> [/pi]
[color=#FFFFFF][size=large][font=Segoe UI]8. Have you joined Das Wilde discord? Could you provide the name under which you did?[/font][/color][/size]
1. How did you find out about us? What sparked your interest to join us?
Darius was interested in remaking the old Das Wilde and so I joined the discord. I've been wanting to learn more about infectee RP in depth so I decided to apply here.
2. As a Wild, your role will be that of a global antagonist. Do you consent to your character being perceived as a threat to humanity's existence and have almost every encounter result in combat?
Of course. This doesn't mean I'll drop engagement lines at other humans in sight, some bit of RP should flavor the encounter before the engagement commences. In rare cases, even trying to seduce them into becoming thralls is one pathway, as it could potentially mean one more member.
3. Do you have any experience roleplaying a Wild character or a Nomad? And if so, could you provide the links to?
I've played indie Vagrants and Wild before, so I already have the background experience. I know the basics of Nomad and Wild RP and would like to improve it further through further encounters. Unfortunately I have very little forum RP, so this is my first avenue in doing so.
4. Do you plan to have one of your already existing characters become infected? Do you already have an infectee that you want join our cause with? Or do you plan to begin from scratch?
No. I made a new character to serve the Wild as an overt, and another as a covert one. I intend to develop it further.
5. What do you expect for your main focus be as a member of the faction? Do you intend to be more focused in participating in PvP situations? Do you want to enjoy the RP antics of the Wild RP? Or a bit of both?
I would prefer both, but it depends mostly on the circumstances.
Yes, ever since Darius introduced it to me several months ago.
7. Do you know somebody who, as a member of Die Wilde Jagd, could vouch for you? (please note that the lack of that kind of a person will not affect your application)
Hope and Chron.
8. Have you joined Das Wilde discord? Could you provide the name under which you did?
1. How did you find out about us? What sparked your interest to join us?
One day I stumbled upon one of Darius' posts on the forums about reviving Das Wilde so I joined the discord. I was always interested in flying as infected Military and Intelligence, doing some covert and overt ops which could possibly lead to House Wars or at least some local faction conflicts. Not gonna lie, Manhattan's Ride of Valkyries sparked interest the most
2. As a Wild, your role will be that of a global antagonist. Do you consent to your character being perceived as a threat to humanity's existence and have almost every encounter result in combat?
Yes indeed. It's fun.
3. Do you have any experience roleplaying a Wild character or a Nomad? And if so, could you provide the links to?
I've been mostly playing as indie Nomads and Wild. When I was playing a Nomad I was describing the entity's actions in the third person. Roleplaying as a covert Wild doesn't really differ from roleplaying as an ordinary Rheinland Military officer or an MND agent. Roleplaying a Hybrid is like finding a balance between its humanity and infected chaotic personality. Unfortunately, I don't have much forum RP.
4. Do you plan to have one of your already existing characters become infected? Do you already have an infectee that you want join our cause with? Or do you plan to begin from scratch?
I plan to begin from scratch and have 2 characters, one is covert and the other is overt.
5. What do you expect for your main focus be as a member of the faction? Do you intend to be more focused in participating in PvP situations? Do you want to enjoy the RP antics of the Wild RP? Or a bit of both?
RP might not be my strongest side due to language and brain issues, but I do enjoy both aspects.
7. Do you know somebody who, as a member of Die Wilde Jagd, could vouch for you? (please note that the lack of that kind of a person will not affect your application)
8. Have you joined Das Wilde discord? Could you provide the name under which you did?
1. How did you find out about us? What sparked your interest to join us?
I've been keeping track of this new iteration of Das Wilde brewing back when it was yet to have that name and included but a single player and two ships. I always enjoyed the Wilde's role of everyone's sworn enemy... and universal equaliser.
2. As a Wild, your role will be that of a global antagonist. Do you consent to your character being perceived as a threat to humanity's existence and have almost every encounter result in combat?
Eh. Wouldn't be the first time.
3. Do you have any experience roleplaying a Wild character or a Nomad? And if so, could you provide the links to?
I used to play Wilde while |Aoi were still active and sporadically had nomad chacracters, although with no big idea behind it, or with links to refer to.
4. Do you plan to have one of your already existing characters become infected? Do you already have an infectee that you want join our cause with? Or do you plan to begin from scratch?
I'll more likely start from scratch.
5. What do you expect for your main focus be as a member of the faction? Do you intend to be more focused in participating in PvP situations? Do you want to enjoy the RP antics of the Wild RP? Or a bit of both?
7. Do you know somebody who, as a member of Die Wilde Jagd, could vouch for you? (please note that the lack of that kind of a person will not affect your application)
8. Have you joined Das Wilde discord? Could you provide the name under which you did?
1. How did you find out about us? What sparked your interest to join us?
I have been following the faction's RP for a while as well as activity, what essentially made me want to actually apply was to expand a little on Wild RP angle I've been working on for the past...maybe two months?
2. As a Wild, your role will be that of a global antagonist. Do you consent to your character being perceived as a threat to humanity's existence and have almost every encounter result in combat?
Yeah, I'm used to the concept.
3. Do you have any experience roleplaying a Wild character or a Nomad? And if so, could you provide the links to?
I've got plenty of experience (previously K'Hara and Aoi), although I haven't got links to provide. A large portion of what I wrote barely reflects of what I've refined my writing into as of late.
4. Do you plan to have one of your already existing characters become infected? Do you already have an infectee that you want join our cause with? Or do you plan to begin from scratch?
I have two infectee characters. One is/has been a former Aoi character which I was pondering to incorporate into 'Das Wilde Jagd', while the other is sort of 'fresh', but not quite. Alas, the second one started off as an indie.
5. What do you expect for your main focus be as a member of the faction? Do you intend to be more focused in participating in PvP situations? Do you want to enjoy the RP antics of the Wild RP? Or a bit of both?
Tough to say, actually. PvP is something I've largely left behind. Pure RP has been my go-to as of late. At the end of the day though I can and will swing in either direction.
I made use of the Nomad Lore every now and then in some of my other RP projects with the intent to follow some sort of narrative that doesn't stand out way too much with outlandish ideas. I have also read through 'Das Wilde Jagd' once or twice when you first posted it.
7. Do you know somebody who, as a member of Die Wilde Jagd, could vouch for you? (please note that the lack of that kind of a person will not affect your application)
I do, and if they'd see this app they'd be able vouch for me on their own accord as opposed to mentioning them here because...[insert reason here].
8. Have you joined Das Wilde discord? Could you provide the name under which you did?
1. How did you find out about us? What sparked your interest to join us?
<By Wild‘s operation in game and RP,actually I have always been a fan of Nomad since I knew about Freelacner.Take apart in my favorite faction would be really nice for me! PASSION!’>
2. As a Wild, your role will be that of a global antagonist. Do you consent to your character being perceived as a threat to humanity's existence and have almost every encounter result in combat?
<Sure! I love combat encounter! RP encounter sounds cool for me too! But I'm still learning the way of RP!>
3. Do you have any experience roleplaying a Wild character or a Nomad? And if so, could you provide the links to?
<Usually RP in game,I don't know too much ppl in this server. Can't do too much fourm RP. But I would have a try to creat my own character!>
4. Do you plan to have one of your already existing characters become infected? Do you already have an infectee that you want join our cause with? Or do you plan to begin from scratch?
<I may start with a human character who has not been infected, and then gradually infect him deeply
5. What do you expect for your main focus be as a member of the faction? Do you intend to be more focused in participating in PvP situations? Do you want to enjoy the RP antics of the Wild RP? Or a bit of both?
<Main atI'm not a native English speaker,but I could do some simple RP! Keep learning from everything!>
<Absolutely YES,I have read it a thousand times already>
7. Do you know somebody who, as a member of Die Wilde Jagd, could vouch for you? (please note that the lack of that kind of a person will not affect your application)
<I know Hope! Hope know me!>
8. Have you joined Das Wilde discord? Could you provide the name under which you did?
1. How did you find out about us? What sparked your interest to join us?
I have observed numerous role-playing stories related to Das Wilde, and I am intrigued by the theme and style of this organization. I also appreciate the diverse backgrounds of its members, as there is an opportunity to learn and gain valuable experience from them.
2. As a Wild, your role will be that of a global antagonist. Do you consent to your character being perceived as a threat to humanity's existence and have almost every encounter result in combat?
Certainly, that is quite interesting.
3. Do you have any experience roleplaying a Wild character or a Nomad? And if so, could you provide the links to?
I was a member of an official faction called The Void Faes and the Vagrants. I participated in various activities and would be happy to provide more information if you would like to discuss further in PM.
4. Do you plan to have one of your already existing characters become infected? Do you already have an infectee that you want join our cause with? Or do you plan to begin from scratch?
I have a specific character in mind that I would like to see infected; however, I prefer not to disclose details publicly until the process has commenced.
5. What do you expect for your main focus be as a member of the faction? Do you intend to be more focused in participating in PvP situations? Do you want to enjoy the RP antics of the Wild RP? Or a bit of both?
I am eager to engage in both role-playing and PVP activities, as I am enthusiastic about exploring all available avenues for development.
I have thoroughly reviewed and comprehended the contents of this stories
7. Do you know somebody who, as a member of Die Wilde Jagd, could vouch for you? (please note that the lack of that kind of a person will not affect your application)
8. Have you joined Das Wilde discord? Could you provide the name under which you did?
1. How did you find out about us? What sparked your interest to join us?
I discovered Die Wilde Jagd through the Discovery Freelancer community and the Discord . The idea of playing as an enigmatic, antagonistic force that operates in the shadows is quite appealing. The faction’s unique RP opportunities, the challenge of playing a Wild character, and the potential for high-stakes encounters are what drew me in.
2. As a Wild, your role will be that of a global antagonist. Do you consent to your character being perceived as a threat to humanity's existence and have almost every encounter result in combat?
Yes, I fully understand and accept this role. Playing a global antagonist is an exciting challenge, and I’m prepared for my character to be treated as a menace by the wider Sirius sector.
3. Do you have any experience roleplaying a Wild character or a Nomad? And if so, could you provide the links to?
Yes, I have roleplayed as a Nomad and have some basic experience with playing as a Wild. While I do not have immediate links to past interactions, I am familiar with the RP style and mechanics involved and am eager to deepen my experience within the faction.
4. Do you plan to have one of your already existing characters become infected? Do you already have an infectee that you want to join our cause with? Or do you plan to begin from scratch?
I am open to both options, but I am leaning towards creating a new character from scratch to fully embrace the transformation process and develop their story within the faction’s lore.
5. What do you expect for your main focus to be as a member of the faction? Do you intend to be more focused on participating in PvP situations? Do you want to enjoy the RP antics of the Wild RP? Or a bit of both?
I am interested in a balance of both PvP and RP. The thrill of combat is always appealing, but I also want to delve into the psychological horror and infiltration aspects of Wild RP, making encounters immersive and unsettling for others.
Yes, I have read through both lore pages and familiarized myself with the faction’s history, goals, and internal structure.
7. Do you know somebody who, as a member of Die Wilde Jagd, could vouch for you? (please note that the lack of that kind of a person will not affect your application)
Not directly, but I have interacted with several members of the Discovery Freelancer community and am eager to prove myself.
8. Have you joined Das Wilde discord? Could you provide the name under which you did?
Yes, I have joined the Das Wilde Discord under the name Burnsie.
1. How did you find out about us? What sparked your interest to join us?
My curiosity started when the Kusari and Wild “Pawns” IDs were added to the game years ago. My interest grew in recent months, thanks to the frequent activities organized by Wilde and the interactions I shared with its members. I am also drawn to the various unique possibilities offered by the RP of covert and overt military or intelligence agents, and I look forward to learning more about it.
2. As a Wild, your role will be that of a global antagonist. Do you consent to your character being perceived as a threat to humanity's existence and have almost every encounter result in combat?
Yes and this is one of the unique perspectives offered by this faction. I never say no to a fight.
3. Do you have any experience roleplaying a Wild character or a Nomad? And if so, could you provide the links to?
Yes (although not on the forums). I have been frequently part of the different activities and events involving Wild factions in the last 3-4 months. It was useful in order to observe and learn more about the way to RP as an infectee - both covert and overt.
4. Do you plan to have one of your already existing characters become infected? Do you already have an infectee that you want join our cause with? Or do you plan to begin from scratch?
My characters are infected and have recently become almost entirely overt due to recent developments. I am also planning to create fully covert characters.
5. What do you expect for your main focus be as a member of the faction? Do you intend to be more focused in participating in PvP situations? Do you want to enjoy the RP antics of the Wild RP? Or a bit of both?
I appreciate and will gladly participate in both when my time allows it.
7. Do you know somebody who, as a member of Die Wilde Jagd, could vouch for you? (please note that the lack of that kind of a person will not affect your application)
Accordion, Nepo and even Tekagi (Werdi) I suppose.
8. Have you joined Das Wilde discord? Could you provide the name under which you did?