One of the largest Bretonian corporations, specialized in mining operations and ship manufacturing. With 80% of profits coming from mining operations, the company has managed to be profitable for the last 500 years. BMM has grown from a government-subsidised company, to an extremely influential and powerful corporation with many different commercial interests across Bretonia, the Tau and the Omega systems. Ever since the early days, employees have been mining and constructing ships, infrastructure, factories and industrial products, most of the time under harsh working conditions, to make BMM what it is today. BMM's shares are entirely owned by the Crown, making the corporation nationalised like its partner Bowex, and giving the Bretonian Government control over appointments to the Board of Directors and the setting of company policy. This is exercised through the company's Royal Charter, and by weekly meetings between the BMM Board of Directors and members of the Department for Trade and Industry. The former CEO William Relic stepped down in early March 817 A.S., so the company now starts a new chapter of its history under a new board of directors. Bretonian Mining and Manufacturing's new CEO, as recently appointed by the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, is Paul Ashton and under him BMM has the intention to become once again one of the most powerful and influential corporations in all of Sirius.
Our company has stations throughout Bretonian space and is under constant attacks from pirates and occasionally other companies. Mollies are particularly aggressive towards us throughout most parts of Bretonia, but especially in Dublin where we maintain Graves Mining Station, which has a rich history. In 752 AS, in what came to be known as the Founders Day Revolt, The mollies attacked our station and murdered BMM Chief of Operations Sir Edmund Graves and his senior staff. Ever since that day they have fantasized that Dublin is their own country. Since that date we are at war with them. Now the station is under the command of Lord Graves' granddaughter Selena Graves. Also opposed to us is the extremist movement of violent eco-terrorists known as Gaians, who hold unfounded objections against our industrial activity in Leeds on the grounds that it is polluting. Nonsense. Everyone knows that Leeds is an extremely clean and healthy system, and the smog clouds only add to the attractive features of the system.
BMM is considered by some to be the prime instigator of the brutal Kusari-Bretonia war in the Tau systems, due to its aggressive nature in expanding at the expense of the IMG and Kusari corporations in Tau 23 and Tau 29 respectively. The IMG, in another case of dissatisfied workers, beat BMM to the rich mineral fields in the Tau 23 system, by using risky jump holes. BMM, thinking they had time, started the construction of the Tau 31-Tau 23 Jump Gate and trade lane system with Deep Space Engineering. Trade lane construction in Tau 23 has been postponed, due to the current political situation in the Tau systems. BMM however, still maintains their construction site in Tau 23, which acts as a major supply base for Bretonian forces in Tau, and is regularly attacked by Colonial Remnant and Kusari-aligned forces. Many employees think this site is a waste of resources, but BMM still sees potential in the fields in tau-23, and are pressured by the BAF to keep the base operational as a vital staging post for BAF forces in upper Tau and Orkney.
The various stations of BMM: Mining operations:
*Stokes smelter in Leeds: this base has tragically fallen into the hands of the Kusarians - many BMM workers and station crew lost their lives whilst defending it from the invaders. *LD-14 MOX processing plant in Leeds. *Birmingham polymer production plant in Manchester. *Graves mineral extraction facility in Dublin. *Douglas mineral extraction facilityin Omega 3. *Tau-31 construction site in Tau-23: the gate construction site between Tau-31 and Tau-23 and base of mining operations there.
Manufacturing: *Southampton Shipyard
This is the massive assemblage of floating steel where most of the BAF Naval Fleet is constructed, at the heart of New London. The yard is organized around an enormous structure known by most employees as "The Bridge." The Bridge is a well recognized object of pride for most Bretonians, symbolizing the brilliance and dedication of the Bretonian people. Though Southampton is largely controlled by Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing (BMM) and the Bretonia Armed Forces, it is frequented by almost anybody who has business in New London space.
Headquaters: *Thames outpost in New London.
This is is the company's headquarters.
Every new employee has to report here to get their ID and IFF transponder.
Most of the time the BMM-Wolverhampton is stationed in the area of Thames.
This ship is used as storage and bank for new recruits and official business.
The fleet of BMM: Mining vessels: *Mining vessel: the backbone of our company, because without these vessels how would we get to all those precious minerals?
Transports: *Heavy lifter: The little workhorse for small transport operations over short distances.
*Percheron transport: The oldest but most reliable transport class of the fleet, it has enough armour and speed to operate in the most dangerous zones
*Bretonian Shire container transport: A new train which has gone on to replace the standard trains over the years in the service of BMM.
Capable of accommodating the crew in relative luxury and haul a big load of cargo under heavily armoured protection, this ship is the number one choice for modern BMM transport captains.
Captains often refer too it as a Ctrans.
*Shetland class Bretonian train: A behemoth class train for hauling huge loads of cargo. There are rumours that a few of this class fly under the flag of BMM. They are very expensive and to lose one to a inexperienced captain is not an option.
*Royal liner: Only one ship of this type flies under the BMM flag at this moment.
It is used for official business in other Houses and to transport senior BMM officials.
Escort ships:
Keep in mind we are a trading company and not a military one, we dont search for pirates but if they engage our vessels we need some ships too defend our fleet.
*CTE-4000 Griffin: a small and agile fighter used mainly for scouting.
*CTE-6000 Eagle: for escorts and security of our property and goods we use this agile fighter, which has proven itself in dozens of skirmishes.
*CTE-10000 Bomber: As for now we dont have any. Perhaps in the future they will add to the security squadrons to protect our ships from pirate capitals, or in dangerous regions of deep Tau and Omega, but there are currently no plans for implementing a bomber wing.
Allowed weapons:
*Civilian class weapons.
*Bretonian class weapons.
*All available missiles, torpedos and mines.
*Code name weapons: these weapons are not installed on regular escort fighters/bombers, only on rare occasions would the CEO allow these weapons to be mounted on your fighter/bomber.
Allies: Accord all possible assistance to these loyal Bretonian citizens.
BPA, BAF, Bowex, Planetform.
Friendly: Trusted friends, you can work with them safely and build mutual partnerships.
LN, LSF, LPI. Liberty corporations. Gateway.
Neutral: We don't know these people, their intentions or their stance towards us. Act towards them on a friendly base, but don't give away corporate information.
Zoners RM, RFP, Rheinalnd corporations, Junkers, Bounty Hunters.
Unfriendly: Not to be trusted, though our Government has told us to avoid confrontation as they are supportive of our war effort. Try not to get into fights.
Outcast, IMG.
Hostile: Because our Government is at war or has hostile status towards these groups/individuals so do we. These people are to be avoided at all cost.
Mollys, Gaians, Corsairs, Hessians, KNF, Kusari companies, Hackers, Colonial Remnant.
Some company guidelines:
Our number one goal: make profits by mining the resource fields in Bretonia, Tau and Omega systems, and transport resources to their respective destinations.
Avoid going into Kusari, our government is at war with that house.
Support the Bretonian Government and the war effort of the BAF; not only because we are loyal citizens, but remember the Government pays our wages - don't upset them!
When you are stopped by a pirate you have to use common sense; escape if you can, if not then pay up - whatever you do don't lose your ship, crew or cargo.
Never, ever smuggle contraband; BMM does not wish to be involved in that kind of business. If you are captured with contraband aboard, you will be kicked out of the company.
Remember you represent the company, all your actions will affect BMM so act with pride, honour and respect.
Rank structure of BMM.
------------------CEO of Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing---------------
BMM-CEO. Paul Ashton. (Husher)
#Director of mining and transport operations
Well, as it says you lead the mining operations and transportation.
Miners need a place to work and its your job to organise this.
Also you have to make sure there is a transport on standby to carry the mined minerals to their destination.
Most captains know their way around Sirius, but sometimes they need advice on where best to go for them and the company
You have to assist the director of operations in his task by leading the mining division.
Allowed ship: Miner/ Heavy lifter/ Percheron/ Shire C. Transport/ Shetland Train
As a captain you have gained the trust of BMM required to fly a bigger ship.
You have proven that you can command a crew and find your way around Sirius.
Allowed ships: Heavy Lifter/ Percheron/ Shire C. Transport/ Shetland Train (the Shetland is only allowed on request by the board of directors.)
Welcome to the company - you're now entering the trade division or you are one of many who work aboard the mighty mining ships of the company.
As a new member of BMM you have to prove yourself worthy of commanding a vessel.
BMM will be providing you with a standard mining vessel or percheron freighter.
Each captain of a transport or miningship must choose a name for their ship; BMM is using the names of towns in old earth Britain.
In charge of organising the fighter wings to defend our assets and arranging the escorts of the miners and trade ships.
Also allowed to hire mercenaries to bolster the escort strength, making sure they are not hostile towards Bretonia or any of the lawful companies where you are going.
Also has the role of training our new escort pilots in how to defend our fleet from enemies.
Allowed vessels : all fighters/bombers in the BMM fleet.
#Squadron Leader:
If the director is not available the squadron leader takes over command of the escort wings.
Also allowed to hire mercenaries to bolster the escort strength, making sure they are not hostile towards Bretonia or any of the lawful companies where you are going.
Allowed fighters: all fighters/bombers in the BMM fleet.
#Squadron member:
BMM-William.Relic(E) (Orison Kac-ion)
The standard escort pilot.
Allowed to fly the griffin or the eagle to escort traders to their destinations.