I've seen this come up a few times in other topics. What if we had Discovery Home, UK, and USA all tied together? That way if Discovery Home is down (Excluding the hacker attack, since Beta 7 it has been very unstable), we can merely go onto another server and work on our characters. There were some times when I didn't feel the Urge to roll play, and just move a few characters around. But the main server was down.
It's possible, but incredibly impractical, as a server would have to be shut down to synchronize and you could only play on one sever in between shut downs as it would probably have to key off the most recently played.
I really like this idea, but being half the age of most people here and having a significant lack of computer information - I can't tell you if it's possible or not.
Don't forget that the other servers are independant of the Official server. They already have an established playerbase and character database. Merging of those would be impossible for a multitude of reasons (several characters with same name, more than 5 characters belonging to one FL account when it was used on more servers). Saying "Forget your characters, ours are what matters." wouldn't work either.
Also notice that I didn't even get to the actual continuous synchronisation.