After much discussion, I am solidly convinced that this should be redone, which is why I haven't posted us moving on to the next one. I'll first start by apologizing. I am sorry for the 17 vs 4 last attempt. The spirit meant behind these events weren't meant to be a drive for numbers. We as GMG| have never been the ones outnumbering our foes and it's a first for us. An idea that was first posted by Friday in the last Event thread stood out in a Skype chat I had with a member of Hogosha. I believe that an idea based on this could work and can be tried. The chat was pasted to each other's respective factions to work with and some time was given for both sides to give it some. I believe both sides should start putting their ideas on ths down and work on co-ordinating it all.
Him: This is my current thought process (the other Hogosha are still tossing around ideas), but I really liked Friday's 3 system battle and come up with this
Him: Okinawa is the main battle, set number of GMG Vs set number of Hogosha and AFA (we simply don't have numbers, it would take an act of god to have 5 [|] ships out there)
Now we then have 2 seperate battles with agreed upon numbers divided between the two, simple attacker - Defender forces there;
1)Blood Dragons/GC/Ect. have to go through Honshu to join in the battle and have to get by KNF/KSP vessels whom can not enter Okinawa.
2)Corsairs have to do the same against Ronin and Kishiro fleets who can't go into Okinawa.
Him: Other ideas are have multipule 'slot battles' with forces like 4 Vs 4
the way I see it is we only have like 5 or 10 ships in the other systems, and we have to decide between wich of the two systems we want to place them, as the defenders can't go into Okinawa after the battle. The question is do we (GMG and Hogosha) tell one another how many we put in each system?
[24/05/2009 7:31:36 PM] Felix Larouche (ProwlerPC): perhaps we should or maybe an agreed upon limit for each location
Him: yes, I know a concern of myself is a poor internet connection and too many people in one system will plauge us with lag
[24/05/2009 7:37:22 PM] Felix Larouche (ProwlerPC): Having allies starting at a different location to get to the fight by fighting through enemies in hopes that the survivors make it to their allies in time to reinforce them at the 11 hour keeps realism to the events. Each battle having max of 5 for each side for example will keep the reinforcements of both sides from lopsiding the battle so drastically
[24/05/2009 7:38:41 PM] Felix Larouche (ProwlerPC): so that at the most in the main battle, if the reinforcement make it there in time GMG or Hogosha will be at a max of potentially 10 for each side
[24/05/2009 7:39:00 PM] Felix Larouche (ProwlerPC): which makes for a good battle
Him: exactally!
I also just want to add that the option is still open for a "Horde" if it can be done. GMG has an incredibly strong grudge against both Hogosha and Corsairs. Hogosha convincing the Corsairs to roll in makes perfect sense as both are have been GMG targets since both have cut GMG out of the artifact trade.
Ok so incentive a bit in? Alright, lets put it on the table about when and how we can get this done.
Well to be sure sir, please feel free to give your opinions and suggestions with regards to this event.
Here are mine:
1) Leadership: In such a major action, the Hogosha might be considered the 'brains', and the Corsairs the 'muscle'.
To my mind, this makes the major challenge to the Hogosha not one of combat, but of leadership. This means it isnt essential to have large numbers of Hogosha in the field - but it IS essential for the Hogosha to be well briefed and having input into this event.
This is especially important as the Hogosha would want to be seen as strong leaders in and around their own space.
2) Numbers: The Hogosha dont have the numbers to take on the GMG in a straight up fight. Hence they would stir up the Corsairs to join with them.
And we can certainly generate the numbers! The Hogosha should get in touch with the Corsairs and generate as much interest as they can. I am willing to heckle the Corsairs over various channels to rile them up if need be;)
That being said - I think we can all agree that too many ships in the one location just drags down the server, so lets consider some ways of dispersing the fight.
3) Dispersion: Spreading out the fight gives the attackers numerical advantage - which if there is supposed to be a Corsair fleet in tow should be true. I can identify the GMG faction in Okinawa, Ronin squadron in the Sigmas, and the Sentai Dragons in Kusari space as three separate groups most likely to participate.
Instead of simply slugging it out in a single system, all parties must now consider strategy, as well as combat tactics.
4) Strategy: Simply put, this event can include an element of Chess, moving the pieces around the board, trying to anticipate the enemies next move...we can talk about that more if we like.
Staggering the event in this way also allows for the inclusion of other participants, without detracting from the core event. I like to call these WILDCARDS.
5) Wildcards: Here are some other possible types of participant, and their possible role. I am only forming these ideas now and would love some input.
- Mercs. Unlike in the previous event, the staggered fights should mean that mercs wont add to overwhelming numbers, but instead provide a vital support role as was intended.
- KNF. A definite wildcard in Honshu. Running into one of their patrols could provoke all manner of reactions, from the embarrassing to the hostile.
- Trade ships and escorts. Could be all manner of vessel, from smugglers in the Sigmas, to hapless Rhineland bystanders, to Guild or Kishiro Transports.
Trade ships could be targets of opportunity worth points, or a distraction, or a hinderance. One type of
trade convoy I have in mind would act as a time marker for the event.
6) Time Marker: A trade convoy can do a simple run between Fujisawa Mining Facility and Aomori Station. The convoy sets out when the event starts, and every successful circuit awards points to the defenders.
The attackers can decide whether or not to engage it, and how fast to advance and deal with any threats along the way.
I shall do a few timings with the run to give everyone an idea of how long it takes, then we can decide how many points a run is worth.
7) Points: This time around, we can have a think about an actual score for the event. Kills of course, but also primary objectives, secondary objectives and time.
I know all of this sounds complicated, but with discussion and planning it should take care of itself on the day. The main thing people will have to concentrate on is their strategic decisions...and staying alive!
To be sure sir, I am Australia too. These events have been kicking off at midnight on a Saturday. I usually get to bed early, and get a couple of hours sleep before it starts. Perhaps you would like to suggest a more appropriate timeslot?
In terms of our ideas being 'strange' I am not putting out my ideas just to dictate terms to people - why not get involved in the planning instead?
If you want to defend Isehara, then say 'I want to defend Isehara, so make sure there is room for us'.
And if, as you say, we cannot rely too much on Kishiro being present at the event - then whoever is there will not overpower the opposition in any case.
Well, the way I've invisioned it is that Hogosha has back up comming from the Sigmas (Corsairs) and the GMG has back up comming through Honshu (the Dragons/GC). Now, in Honshu, KSP and KNF would act as defenders and thus not be allowed to enter Okinawa; their only role is to stop the GMG's allies from entering Okinawa. The GMG have defenders in Sigmas against the Corsiars, maybe it's not Kishiro but this would be an excellent place for Mercs and other hired guns to be placed.
Friday, I've been quite in love with your ideas so far about Okinawa events, the attacker/defender point based scenario you've posted is good, however, due to the last events I'm of the idea we should run an event that's basically even, where we both are at a neutral point. If this works, future events can be attacker Vs defender. Of course, I am far from the final word on the Hogosha side, so maybe this can be turned around, but those are my thoughts.
If anyone would like the scenario to be explained further please PM me or ProwlerPC or quite simply just ask on this topic.
Assuming that all interested parties are agreeable upon the scenario, the next hurdle is finding a time slot. The Black Dragons have requested GMT 2100-2200 on a weekend. This time slot is very much open to debate and discussion.
Duty and honour
Elder Ruuku Ochi, So-Honbucho of The Black Dragon Society
I very honestly, as someone who has been involved in many events on the server, is that this whole thing is way to complected. The general rule if you want to have a successful event, is to keep it as simple as possible, and this is no where near simple.
' Wrote:I very honestly, as someone who has been involved in many events on the server, is that this whole thing is way to complected. The general rule if you want to have a successful event, is to keep it as simple as possible, and this is no where near simple.
OK I think we need some basic rules for the event to help clarify some things:
1. The event will take place in 3 system simultaneously (Honshu,Okinawa,Sigma19) at a time agreed by all chosen players and factions.
2. The event will consist of two teams: Team A - Hogosha/Farmers Alliance/Corsairs/KNF/KSP
Team B - GMG/Ronin GMG/BD/GC/Mercenaries
3. Okinawa battle will consist of Hogosha and Farmers from team A and the GMG from team B and the aim is for the members of Team A to defeat the defending team B members at a chosen defensive position.
4. Honshu battle will consist of KNF/KSP from team A and BD/GC from team B and the objective is for the members of team A and B to engage in battle, if any members from team B (BD and GC) manage to defeat thje other team they may proceed to the Okinawa event as reinforcements. If team A defeat team B they may not enter Okinawa as reinforcements.
5. Sigma 19 battle will consist of Corsairs from team A battleing the Mercenaries and Ronin forces of team B, if team A manage to defeat team B then any remaining members of team A may proceed through to Okinawa as reinforcements to team A, team B members may not Okinawa.
6. Other than the KNF/KSP and BD/GC players no one else from one team are allowed to join in combat in Honshu but may use it as a route through to the Okinawa battle.
7. Each team must have a pre-agreed number of players in all three events.
8. Once any reinforcemts have arrived in Okinawa they may engage any team member from the opposing team.
9. The factions that wish to participate must submit the team members on this forum prior to the event taking place.
10. Each team must nominate an appointed leader for this event.
11. The event can only be cancelled if the appointed leader of each team agrees.
12. If a player fails to show for the event the event must still take place, unless both team leaders agree otherwise.
13. The rules of the event can only be chaged if both leaders are in agreement.
' Wrote:OK I think we need some basic rules for the event to help clarify some things:
1. The event will take place in 3 system simultaneously (Honshu,Okinawa,Sigma19) at a time agreed by all chosen players and factions.
2. The event will consist of two teams: Team A - Hogosha/Farmers Alliance/Corsairs/KNF/KSP
Team B - GMG/Ronin GMG/BD/GC/Mercenaries
3. Okinawa battle will consist of Hogosha and Farmers from team A and the GMG from team B and the aim is for the members of Team A to defeat the defending team B members at a chosen defensive position.
4. Honshu battle will consist of KNF/KSP from team A and BD/GC from team B and the objective is for the members of team A and B to engage in battle, if any members from team B (BD and GC) manage to defeat thje other team they may proceed to the Okinawa event as reinforcements. If team A defeat team B they may not enter Okinawa as reinforcements.
5. Sigma 19 battle will consist of Corsairs from team A battleing the Mercenaries and Ronin forces of team B, if team A manage to defeat team B then any remaining members of team A may proceed through to Okinawa as reinforcements to team A, team B members may not Okinawa.
6. Other than the KNF/KSP and BD/GC players no one else from one team are allowed to join in combat in Honshu but may use it as a route through to the Okinawa battle.
7. Each team must have a pre-agreed number of players in all three events.
8. Once any reinforcemts have arrived in Okinawa they may engage any team member from the opposing team.
9. The factions that wish to participate must submit the team members on this forum prior to the event taking place.
10. Each team must nominate an appointed leader for this event.
11. The event can only be cancelled if the appointed leader of each team agrees.
12. If a player fails to show for the event the event must still take place, unless both team leaders agree otherwise.
13. The rules of the event can only be chaged if both leaders are in agreement.
There was something I was wondering about with these. Isn't any overt connection between the GMG and Dragons bad? Especially considering all the Dragon attacks on the DSE site in Hokkaido and all?
With that in mind, simplification would be a good thing. Taking a glance at things, it seems there's a whole bunch of complexity. Perhaps one step at a time?