Comm ID: Sen Tsudo
You bloodthirsty, ignorant gaijin! You had best commit seppuku for your sins now, the Ronin are coming for you!!!
-Transmission terminated
Comm ID: Peter Kristall
So, I've been developing a rather satisfying buisness arrangement with a group of GMG pilots known as Ronin.
I escort their convoys full of H-fuel and Plutonium down to Omega-49, and guard our Deuterium on the way back to Okinawa or Kepler. They pay me for my services, and I occasionally sponser a load of cargo myself. One such cargo was nearly to its destination about an hour and a half ago, when it was intercepted by Tuco Pacifico and two of his friends, all in Corsair Gunboats. This one wasn't escorted by me, but by a close friend, captain Melliar of the Corvo cruiser Determinance. Now Ronin policy is to NEVER give money to pirates, so you can imagine that the order to '6 million or die' didn't go over well. Captain Melliar, knowing that Tuco is wanted by the TAZ, decided to sacrifice his ship to save the transports.
I arrived on the scene about a quarter of an hour later to tractor in escape pods and take the Determinance in tow. It was a slaughter. Not one ship of the 5 ship convoy survived.
Tuco, I've had it with you. Name a time and place, and we'll go one on one. Otherwise, I, the Ronin, and whoever else we can get are coming after you to dig you out of whatever rat hole you've hidden yourself in.
To the Council of Corsairs and the heads of the various Corsair Pirate guilds: If you don't want to turn Tuco over to us, well, I guess I can understand that. From your point of view, he's done nothing wrong. But warn your ships to steer clear of his, because there's about to be an awful lot of antimatter flung in that direction.
To the TAZ, BAF, BHG and anyone else with a grudge against Tuco: Want to come pirate hunting? Contact me via private communication, we'll coordinate plans.
One last thing. I'm not representing the Council of Zoners in this. If any council members have a grudge against Tuco, see the previous paragraph, but let's deal with this scumbag seperate from the larger Omega-49 issue, please.
-Peter Kristall
Be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
J.M. Barrie
You been noticed as in constant disrespect with our Zoners allies, and their rules, which the rest of the Corsairs seem to abide. Your constant contempt of rules and arrangements is about to end.
The Ronin are sounding the hunting boogle to put down this vermin that tries to pass as Corsairs, tough Corsairs are our enemies they are honourable enemies, a concept that seems alien to this particular group. Plus, attacks on our allies from the Council of Zoners are not to be tolerated.
You will be hunted, your ashes scatered to the winds and the memories of your existence burried and sealed.
*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]I.K.S. Vor'cha
Target ID: Tuco.Pacifica
So, Coward,
I see you are still up to your tricks. You remind me of that scrawny little kid on the grade school playground, the one that continually taunts the playground bully and when you realize you are about to be pounded, you run and hide behind the teacher.
YOU, Coward, are responsible, for the ruckus in the Omega 5 system many days ago in which several were either killed or injured. You taunted Zoners, ran for help and others paid for your cowardice. Now, you are responsible for the damage and injury caused in a pointless attack.
I'm still puzzled how honorable warriors such as the Corsairs allow you to be amongst them. They fight with honor and recently, condemned another Corsair pirate for charging excessive tax, which you did. It is my hope that a Corsair elder sees these transmissions and decides to cast you out of it's ranks. You, Coward, aren't worthy to wear the Corsair ID.
Be warned that if ever I find you outside of Corsair space, namely Gamma or Omega 5, I will kill you. I respect the Corsairs enough, more than you, to infringe upon there space. I will kill you like the verengen ha'dlBAH that you are!
Sum Yungai takes a drink, some nearby Zoners are listening intently as he regales them with stories of battles in Sigma-13.
"...but things haven't been the same since the bottom dropped out of the Diamond market in Kusari.
I guess you Zoners are getting a taste of what it was like for us eh? Well I can tell you we know a thing or two about fighting off a horde of gunboats.
"First thing is to always have a scout fly ahead. I mean you can bring half a fleet with you - but your trade ships will be dead-meat before the escorts have a chance to destroy the enemy. Send your smaller ships ahead at least 5K, they can either report on any hostiles, or engage them whilst your trader slips past.
"If you have a big ship, keep that with the trader for mop up. Dont think for one second anyone is impressed by a Cruiser, especially if they have friends to bolster their courage.
"To take on three gunboats? You would need two fighters and two assault bombers. What is an assault bomber you ask? Why its one that is not an interceptor of course! By that I mean one that carries a SNAC and a Nova Torpedo for distance firing. Believe me when I say one hit with a Nova Torpedo will have any gunboat heading for home with half his guns and equipment blown off!
"Just watch the blast radius - dont try to be a hero, coordinate your efforts and you will be richly rewarded!
"And remember, you do have allies in us - allies that are not burdened with neutrality when it comes to the Corsairs...
Lets seee, just a few days ago my friend, capitain Necrontyre was having problems with PFC attacking Zoner's conwoy, now it seems that other folks caling themselfes Corsairs are attacking Zoner protected GMG conwoys... this is just outrageous. I don't have any idea what Council of Zoners will speak in this matter but I do know that Corsair Elders Council should begin to think about all this situations, it seems that many of seems-tobe-Corsairs are attacking Zoner's conwoys as Zoner's allied conwoys under protection of CoZ members themselfes. I have high hopes that Elders Council will speak in this matter as that TAZ will take deason action to stop that acts of violence and I don't want use this phrase but "terrorism". I'm just hoping that this is another incident made without premeditation.
|-Ozai out-|
||End Of Transmission||
||Disengageing Data Conection...||
||...Data Conection Disengaged||
If the likes of GMG think they can enter Corsair space without minor protection donations such as 1 milion credits per ship, they'd be wrong. Very wrong!
I've met Tuco in a bar, he does not seem worried at all about your hollow threats. Your cargo paved his way to great fortune, so feel free to send more ships our way. The corsair economy needs you.
And send me a donation, use sirius bank /givecash Green.Hawk 10000000. Perhaps then you can recive some better treatment in corsair space.
So open your wallet, pay for protection or you will die, your first mate will be forced to drink your blood and the remains of your crew will be airlocked.
*screams demandingly*
*Comm is terminated and angry Corsairs begin their boarding actions upon your ships*
Donate to the Poor Pilot's Fundation via Sirius Bank /givecash GreenHawk 1000000 now, and support poor pilots sirius wide!
Skype: jure.grbec
My primary char: Jose El Nino - Corsair Elder captain of the SS Greenhawk
Currently Inactive due to pursuit of life long dreams, will be back...*edited* As promised am back.
*drilling shape on his monitor throught, with his golden, sharp eyes*
Make that type of threats agains Zoners and GMG, we never take care about You because You hadn't been worth of it, You and others scums in Your type! But now You are gathering with Tuco our attention to You and believe me You don't want this petty human child!
Computer, terminate transmission I have no patience to listen this "words" of drunken and stoned idiot!!
|-Ozai out-|
||End Of Transmission||
||Disengageing Data Conection...||
||...Data Conection Disengaged||
Just take your Zone and shove it... I ain't be respecting you no more Zoners! We'll see who will put who's beard out... *puts on his eye patch*...
Me and Tuco will be seeing you around.
Donate to the Poor Pilot's Fundation via Sirius Bank /givecash GreenHawk 1000000 now, and support poor pilots sirius wide!
Skype: jure.grbec
My primary char: Jose El Nino - Corsair Elder captain of the SS Greenhawk
Currently Inactive due to pursuit of life long dreams, will be back...*edited* As promised am back.
To Green Hawk: No. Just no. I'll bring you food, or mining equipment, or other basic necessities, but I will never pay so much as one sirius credit directly to you, you bloodthirsty leech.
By the way, where are the Corsair Elders these days? I haven't heard so much as a peep from them in at least a week. An official denouncement of these losers would be nice, before this becomes a war between every Indie corsair and the entire rest of Sirius.
Be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
J.M. Barrie