i wonder why it dosnt have weapons in the first plase?, i have seen it in use 1 time and i bet if it had weapons many more Zoner Guard sutch as me whud use it, so whud you make a smal patch to add a few wepons on it?
PS: again sorry for some englsh words, my englsh is bad
oh i guess i cud put this in as well, do this server have any ventrilo or teamspeak, if so please give me a link to the infoes
because zoners are neutral to all except nomads,phantoms, so no reason to have weapons?
and maybe because it is the most agile 5k ship, and the only 5k cargo ship with CM ? ....
it is not enough?
definately zoner whale is better without weapons...
It doesnt have weapons because it has 5000 cargo space , which is the most traders can have. Also , it has a CM, making it ( one of) the best trader ship out there. So , nope , not gonna happen. If you want a ship with alot of guns , get a liner.
zoner guard cant use liner, the Whale it has CM yes, it is the only 5 k ship whitout weapons all other have atlest 1 weapon but yes no CM
i whud love to buy it but whitout weapons it is defensless agains player pirates, AI pirates sure it can avoid them but players not that easy, but ok, guess i am stuck whit my 4100 cargo ship
' Wrote:zoner guard cant use liner, the Whale it has CM yes, it is the only 5 k ship whitout weapons all other have atlest 1 weapon but yes no CM
i whud love to buy it but whitout weapons it is defensless agains player pirates, AI pirates sure it can avoid them but players not that easy, but ok, guess i am stuck whit my 4100 cargo ship
you can use the CM to run.
and the gaurd ID.
Quote: Price: 1000000 - Zoner Guard ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a Zoner Guard, who :
Can trade and escort traders
Can demand Zoner pilots from any ship carrying them and can attack if the demand is ignored or refused
Can only attack those who are : directly attacking Zoners or Zoner NPC faction allies, carrying Zoner pilots, diplomatically hostile to Zoners, or those who have violated Freeport neutrality
Cannot ally with anyone except against Zoner faction enemies, or to defend Zoners, Zoner bases, or Zoner allies
Cannot participate in any unlawful actions
Cannot fulfill bounty contracts except against Zoner faction enemies
The Zoner ID does not make you immune to piracy; pirates may choose at their discretion whether to exempt you from being pirated.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Bombers, Freighters, Transports, Liners, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships
Carrying unmounted IDs in your ship, as well as not equipping an ID, is a serious crime.
yeah, you can use the luxury liner as zoner gaurd.
' Wrote:<span style="font-family:Century Gothic">Violence is Golden</span>
not always that simle, i have been kills sevral time trying to escame form player pirates whit ship that has weapons, bit wqhever nevemind you guys think it dont need it, fine, delete this post it dont have any meaning anymore
' Wrote:Use your diplomacy and words to stop pirates from robbing you, instead of weapons.
player pirates, hm
only ships, that can defend themselves against pirates are luxury liner, and container/bretonia transport... but only when you have luck on pirate in fighter with cd, or pirate in bomber without skills....
skilled pilot in bomber can destroy every trade ship ...