1. Contents
2. Short Summary
3. Blood Dragon Background
4. The Rising Sons History
5. NPC faction ID and IFF
6. Goals and Objectives
7. Description of Activities
8. Ranking System
9. Useable Equipment
10. Useable Ships
11. Policies
12. Blood Dragon RP
13. Faction Rules
14. Influence
15. Diplomacy
16. NPC Diplomacy
17. Current Roster
18. Recruitment Policy
19. Useful Links
- Short Summary:
The Blood Dragons are an ancient faction descended from the body guards of the deposed Shoguns of the Hideyoshi Dynasty. Still stuck in the past, yet with an ambitious future, the Blood Dragons are dedicated to defeating the Kusari Naval Forces in hope of returning Kusari to the rule of the Shoguns, they attack Government targets mercilessly.
The Rising Sons movement is made up of direct decedents of the Shoguns that have united under one flag to reach a common goal. Tired of the overall failure of the Blood Dragons to meet their ultimate goals, the Shoguns of The Rising Sons have put aside their differences and fight as one.
- Blood Dragon Background:
The Blood Dragons were formed after the Sakura festival ended in Shugon Hideyoshi being placed under arrest in the palace by the Kusari Military and his body guard was forced to surrender. The remains of Hideyoshi's royal guard fled into the northern space of Kusari. Soon after they adopted a new name, The Blood Dragons. This was 321 AS.
The Blood Dragons were left in ruins. Fleeing what was now being called Imperial Kusari Space, they headed to the remote system of Chugoku. Here they set up a base in the heart of a large asteroid. This base would be named Kyoto, and still stands today as the Blood Dragon's centre of operations.
Kyoto Base, Chugoku. The centre of Blood Dragon activity.
However, not long after the construction of Kyoto Base, a small group of Blood Dragons known still as Hideyoshi's Guard propsed a large base known as Mito Shipyard and built it in the neighbouring system of Tau 63. This shipyard would be the centre of operations of Hideyoshi's guard, a small faction of the Blood Dragons who prefered piracy to terrorism, and did not hate Gaijn as the majority of Blood Dragons did.
Over time the Blood Dragons formed a powerful organisation and ventured out back into Kusari space to avenge the death of Shogun Hideyoshi. The Blood Dragons turned into terrorists after the majority of their actions were blocked by the current military power - the Kusari Naval Forces. The Blood Dragons then sought to overthrow the current Kusari Empire to re-install a direct descendant of Shogun Hideyoshi and restore the rule of the Shoguns.. The Blood Dragons slowly grew in size and number, and began to slowly attack foreign traders and Samura, lowering Kusari profits.
In the midst of the Blood dragon's Success, in 642 A.S, Yuyu Matsuda, a young but critically acclaimed poet, publishes "Golden Chrysanthemum in Bloom". Charismatic and well-spoken, Matusda has a considerable following among young Kusari women who find their lives lacking in direction but are reluctant to become married and fulfill their traditional role in Kusari society. The Golden Chrysanthemums terrorist group is founded. The Blood Dragons recognizing a severe need for allies, begin working with the Golden Chrysanthemums. These relations turned into agreements, which furthur turned into a long-standing alliance between them. Both after very different futures for Kusari, but are united as one to take down the Kusari Empire.
Ainu Depot. Centre of Golden Chrysanthemum activity.
Not long after the formation of the alliance between the Blood Dragons and the Golden Chrysanthemums, the Blood Dragons began altering the current Kusari Naval Forces ships they had been using since their founding. They formed a new line of ships consisting of the "Katana" Blood Dragon Heavy Fighter, the "Tanto" Light Fighter and the Nodachi Bomber. Around 690-700 A.S, the Blood Dragons finished a masterpiece Dragon Gunboat, the "Hachiman" Blood Dragon Gunboat
Desipte their recent success in ship production, the recently discovered system, Tohoku was found to have KNF activity, who ventured there through deserted systems from Honshu, Okinawa and Nagano. In response the Blood Dragons secretly began a small base in the west cloud, known as Ryuku base, which was used to monitor and destroy Kusari Naval Forces patrols and protect the jumphole to their home system, Chogoku.
After years of monitoring, it was discovered that the Naval Forces and samura were building a base in a large asteroid not far away from Ryuku. This base would be known in the short future as Tekagi's Arch. Not long after the completion of the installation, Governor Tekagi claimed the base as his own residence.
Heaven’s Gate, now known as Tekagi’s Arch. Centre of Wilde and Nomad activity in Kusari Space.
The Blood Dragons continued to watch over Tekagi and his arch, monitoring his movements and activities. It was soon clear that he was schemeing plans of his own, and his constant meetings with representatives of the Chancellor of Rheinland were seen as suspicious by the Blood Dragon movement. Not long after, the Blood Dragons were contacted by The Order, an organisation determined to eradicate hostile alien forces from across Sirius.
The Order identified that the Kusari Politician, Govenor Tekagi, was under alien influence, possibly infected by the Chancellor of Rheinland. The two factions lead a strike force against Tekagi's Arch. The Blood Dragons wanted Tekagi dead, and The Order were after a mysterious alien artifact, known only as the Proteus Tome. The Blood Dragons and the Order were successful in this event, destroying much of the interior of Governor Tekagi's Fortress, along with the Battleships Ishioka, Musashi, and Senna, and killing Governor Tekagi. The only regret of this mission was the death of honourable Blood Dragon veteran, Ozu.
The Himeji, the last surviving battleship that guarded Tekagi’s Arc, managed to jump into Okinawa. It was finally disabled on the other side, near Sendai Research Complex, a recently developed Blood Dragon Base. Golden Chrysanthemum and Blood Dragon soldiers boarded the ship, and assisted by agents of the Order from Sendai, captured the vessel, destroying all traces of Nomads found onboard. The ship was discovered to have too extensive damage to move it too far, so it was slowly nudged into a parking orbit of the research station and left there under the control of Golden Chrysanthemum techs and soldiers, in gratitude for their assistance.
Since the events of the Nomad War, the Blood Dragons have continued their attacks on the Kusari Naval Forces and Samura, with many successes and failures. A remnant group of Red Hessians called the Nova PG fused with the majority of the Blood Dragons, and conducted many of the terrorism acts throughout Kusari and the Sigma systems. Together with Hideyoshi's Guard, Nova PG made up half of the Majority of Blood Dragons.
Sigma 13, a non-stop fighting zone between Lawful and Unlawful factions.
In 814 A.S, Bretonia began an invasion into Tau 31. This provoked the current Kusari Empire, and started a war between the two houses. Although the Blood Dragons and Bretonia were both fighting a common enemy, the Blood Dragons decided not to intervene in the war, unlike their Golden Chrysanthemum allies. Relations between Bretonia and the Blood Dragons currently remain at a neutral level.
Through the events of the War, in 815 A.S, the first prototype of the Blood Dragon Battleship, the "Togo", was completed. Along with the recently developed "Kagutsushi" Blood Dragon Cruiser, the Blood Dragons were now a feared and powerful force within Sirius with a Capital Ship line of their own.
Unfortunatley, the Hideyoshi's guard has slowly died out over the years to the present, although Nova Power Generation still exists in motion today. With the passing of Hideyoshi's Guard, a new power has risen, The Rising Sons of Kusari.
Interior of Kyoto Base
This new Blood Dragon movement holds one of the most powerful seats in unlawful Kusari. Headed by descendants of the deposed Shoguns of the Hideyoshi Dynasty, the Rising Sons unite the different Piracy and Terrorist policies of both the old Hideyoshi's Guard and NovaPG. The Rising Sons of the Blood Dragons now make up the majority of Blood Dragon Activity.
- The Rising Sons History:
Founded in 815 with the creation of the first Blood Dragon "Togo" Battleship, the Rising Sons set aside their differences and competition for power to fight as one for the original Blood Dragon Cause, the installation of a direct Hideyoshi descendant and the destruction of the Traitorous Kusari Empire, a cause which does not focus so much on Terrorism and Piracy (although the Rising Sons will commit these acts only to slowly bring down the Empire, not for the money and fun of doing so). Weilding the Blood Dragon's tag as a show of Honour and Bravery, the Rising Sons seek to restore the original cause, thereby reclaiming what, as they see in their eyes, is rightfully theirs.
The Rising Sons movement originally consisted of three shoguns, each descended from the three most powerful Shogunsof the Hidyoshi Dynasty, deposed during the bloody Sakura coup of 321 A.S. Today, these shoguns are an awesome display of power and millitary right. Headed by a descendant of the honourable Shogun Hideyoshi, the new Rising Sons movement fight to restore Kusari to what it orginally was.
After the merging between the two most influential parties in the Blood Dragons, Hidyoshi's Guard and Nova Power Generation, the Blood Dragons were cast into a long year of Unbalance. As this unbalance grew, the Rising Sons movement sought to declare themselves amongst the general public of the Blood Dragons.
Embraced and cherished by the citizens of the True Kusari, the Rising Sons are often seen working with Nova PG and the Golden Chrysanthemums in the plight against the dishonourable and traitorous Kusari Empire. As the plight continues to bring the downfall of the Kusari Empire, the Rising Sons movement have made diplomatic arrangements with the most unlikely of allies, attempting to construct a monsterous fleet, so that one day, it will be possible to take down the Kusari empire, unlike the Blood Dragons who have joined only to pirate and terrorise the citizens of Kusari.. With rumors of a new power rising, the Kusari Empire is about to face a threat beyond the expected.
As the Blood Dragons continue their goals, the Sakura Coup still echoes in the mind of every Blood Dragon man, woman and child. The bloody massacre is far from over.
But the Blood Dragons have come a long way since then. They have grown. They have prospered. They have flourished. But they will never forget.
- NPC Faction ID and IFF
All Blood Dragons of the Rising Sons movement must have either the Blood Dragon ID or Blood Dragon Guard ID. All IFF transmitters are to be set to display either a Blood Dragon or Blood Dragon Guard IFF.
In addition to this, all official Blood Dragons of the Rising Sons movement must display the ]bd[ tag before their name or callsign.
- Goals and Objectives
Goals and Objectives of the Blood Dragons are as follows:
• Destruction of the Current Kusari Empire
• Re-Introduction of the Shogunate Government
• The destruction of Samura, the Hogosha and the Farmers Alliance
• • Eradication of all dishonourable Gaijn in Kusari, as well as those foreign traders who service our enemies.
• Eradicatoin of Cardimine and Artifacts from Kusari
• The installation of a direct descendant of Shogun Hideyoshi
- Description of Activities
The Blood Dragons primarily concern themselves with the Destruction of the Kusari Empire and driving off all foreign Gaijn. All forces are to operate within only within our Zone of Influence. Please report to us any ]bd[ tagged vessel that are found operating out of Blood Dragon ZOI (see ZOI before).
The Blood Dragons uphold their primary objectives by striking key points of the Kusari Empire. Our efforts to pirate along with the GC have been a great success, and kusari profits have dropped by a reasonable number with many traders either destroyed or terrorised.
In addition to piracy, terrorism not only appears in Kusari Space but also on planets such as Honshu, Kyushu and New Tokyo. Primary targets amongst the planets include:
• Ship making Facillities
• Millitary Hospitals
• Official government Building
• Research facilities
• Gaijn Headquaters
- Ranking System
Tier 1 - All Ships
Taishogun –
The head Shogun. The Taishogun is the leader of the Blood Dragons. A direct descendant of the original Shogun Hideyoshi, the Shogun has access to all ships and commands any Blood Dragon Officer. No person is to set foot upon any area 100 feet away from the Taishogun's presence without the Taishogun's permission. No person other than the Shoguns is allowed to know the Taishogun's real name. (Only one person may achieve this rank at any given time.)
Shogun -
Welcome to Tier 1. Shoguns are the Military Commanders. Often known amongst Kusari Unlawfuls as the "Rising Sons", the Shoguns are descendents of the other Shoguns of old Kusari and are chosen from among the elite Shogunate. The Shoguns command every ranked officer within the Blood Dragons and may use any ship. No person is to set foot upon any area 50 feet away from a Shogun without the Shogun's permission. (Only two people may achieve this rank at any given time.)
Tier 2 - Cruisers, Gunboats, Fighters and Bombers
Daimyo -
Welcome to Tier 2. The Daimyo is a lord of the Blood Dragons. Elitest among their ranks, a Daimyo should be a feared name amongst the ranks of the Kusari Naval Forces. A Daimyo may equip themselves with a cruiser in addition to a Gunboat, Fighter or Bomber. (Only Three people may achieve this rank at any given time.)
Tier 3 - Gunboats Fighters and Bombers
Roju - Usually translated as "Elder", a Roju has acended the ranks of those below him. A Grand Master at war, a Roju will be able to beat nearly everybody in the Blood Dragons at Combat. A Roju may equip a Gunboat, Bomber or Fighter and may command all ranked officers below him.
Hatamoto –
As a Master Warrior, a Hatamoto commands many officials within the Blood Dragons. A Hatamoto may equip themselves with a Gunboat in addition to a Fighter or Bomber.
Gokenin –
Welcome to Tier 3. One rank below Hatamoto, only a fine line defines the difference in the two. Whilst a Hatamoto may gain clearance to speak to a Shogun, a Gokenin may not. After passing through the ranks of Tier 1, a Gokenin is expected to know the Blood Dragons like their own home, and treat their allies like their brethren. A Gokenin may equip themselves with a Gunboat in addition to a Fighter and Bomber, and can often be found leading Taekiyari patrols in Tau 63.
Tier 4 - Fighters and Bombers
Taekiyari –
Equivalent to a "Captain" of the modern world, a Taekiyari leads Blood Dragon Patrols throughout Kusari. Limited to a fighter or bomber, a Taekiyari may command fellow Ashigaru under their command. Taekiyari may be found patrolling Tau 63, the Blood Dragon Guard System. A Taekiyari may command Oban and Ashigaru officers.
Oban -
An Oban is the guard of the House, usually of Kyoto or Ryuku, in some cases, Mito Shipyards. A higher rank than Ashigaru, a Oban is deticated to protecting the Blood Dragons and the Taishogun. A Oban may use a Fighter or Bomber in combat.
Ashigaru –
A new recruit of the Blood Dragon, an Ashigaru may equip themselves with a Fighter or Bomber, patrolling through Kusari Space, targeting and destroying hostile vessels. An Ashigaru may weild a Fighter or Bomber.
Capital Ships -
-Civilian (basic, Cerberus, etc)
-Kusari Naval Forces (sold on Mito)
- Useable Ships –
Battleship Class:
“Togo” Class Blood Dragon Battleship
Gun/Turret Mounts: 0/13
Armor: 780000
Cargo Space: 1400
Max Batteries/NanoBots: 1600/1600
Power Output: 70000000
Max. Impulse Speed: 90
Equipment Mounts: CM
With the divide within Kusari many craft of the line were usurped by crews loyal to the true Emperor. When the call to battle was sounded many of the first battles were waged within the halls of these mammoth vessels. Those that were secured were sequestered away amongst the clouds of the Crow Nebula until a time would come that they could be restored to their former glory to restore the old order.
Possessing only a small handful of these aged craft, of fewer still can be put to active service, the venerable Togo line now serves as a last defense line for Blood Dragon interests, until such a time comes that the full power of the Blood Dragon movement is to be unleashed upon the descendants of the traitors who dishonor Kusari.
Cruiser Class:
“Kagutsuchi” Class Blood Dragon Cruiser
Gun/Turret Mounts: 1/7
Armor: 250000
Cargo Space: 700
Max Batteries/NanoBots: 650/650
Power Output: 1800000
Max. Impulse Speed: 80
Equipment Mounts: CM, CD
This fearsome cruiser is noted for its enormous forward firing cannon. Crafted from technologies provided by the Order during their tenure of cooperation, the Kagutsuchi was crafted to provide the raw stopping power needed to combat the feared tides of Wild infested Kusarian fleets. Built upon the designs of an ancient naval cruiser, the vessel contains the graceful lines and imposing agility that defined the fleets of the age.
Gunboat Class:
“Hachiman” Class Blood Dragon Gunboat
Gun/Turret Mounts: 1/6
Armor: 105000
Cargo Space: 410
Max Batteries/NanoBots: 350/350
Power Output: 500000
Max. Impulse Speed: 80
Equipment Mounts: CM, CD
Based upon the escort craft designed to ensure the safe passage of the Emperor of old, the Hachiman retains little performance to suggest itself as a dated craft. Bearing state of the art communication equipment to dictate the flow and ebb of battle, these front line command posts command battlefield situations as readily with the command of flurries of fighter vessels as they do with the gun.
The sanctified nature of these craft dictate that they pass from father to son, from family to family. Each ship is a treasured tribute to battles fought and lives lost. To find one outside Blood Dragon hands is unthinkable and the deaths of those whom try is undeniable.
Bomber Class:
B69-R “Nodachi” Class Blood Dragon Bomber
Gun/Turrets Mounts: 4/1
Armor: 16000
Cargo Space: 80
Max Batteries/NanoBots: 85/85
Optimal Weapon Class: 9
Max. Weapon Class: 10
Additional Equipment: M, CM, 2xCD/T
Bearing only a vague resemblance to the original craft that grandfathered itself and its counterpart, the Umibozu, each Nodachi is a tailor crafted vessel passed through family lines with history as rich as any Samurai sword of old. While favoring maneuverability and deftness of control over sluggish fortitude the exact specifications of each craft is melded to fit with that of its pilot. Refined and refitted time and again to meet the styles, thoughts and will of its pilot these craft provide a stunning and unearthly show of martial prowess upon the battlefield.
The sanctified nature of these craft dictate that they pass from father to son, from family to family. Each ship is a treasured tribute to battles fought and lives lost. To find one outside Blood Dragon hands is unthinkable and the deaths of those whom try is undeniable.
Fighter Class:
B50P “Katana” Class Blood Dragon Very Heavy Fighter
Gun/Turret Mounts: 6/0
Armor: 9600
Cargo Space: 65
Max Batteries/NanoBots: 62/62
Optimal Weapon Class: 8
Max. Weapon Class: 10
Additional Equipment: M, CM, CD/T
Bearing only a vague resemblance to the original craft that grandfathered itself, each Katana is a tailor crafted vessel passed through family lines with history as rich as any Samurai sword of old. While favoring maneuverability and deftness of control over sluggish fortitude the exact specifications of each craft is melded to fit with that of its pilot. Refined and refitted time and again to meet the styles, thoughts and will of its pilot these craft provide a stunning and unearthly show of martial prowess upon the battlefield.
The sanctified nature of these craft dictate that they pass from father to son, from family to family. Each ship is a treasured tribute to battles fought and lives lost. To find one outside Blood Dragon hands is unthinkable and the deaths of those whom try is undeniable.
J90 “Tanto” Class Blood Dragon Light Fighter
Gun/Turret Mounts: 4/0
Armor: 6200
Cargo Space: 45
Max Batteries/NanoBots: 40/40
Optimal Weapon Class: 7
Max. Weapon Class: 9
Additional Equipment: M, CM, CD
Forgoing virtually all defence save the wit and skill of her pilot, the Tanto pushes not just the limits of modern spacecraft design to the limits of durability, but those of their pilots as well. Specially conditioned to endure the intense forces generated by the wild manoeuvres this craft is capable of, Tanto pilots represent a rare breed of warrior, capable of outclassing any and all fighters on the field of battle.
The sanctified nature of these craft dictate that they pass from father to son, from family to family. Each ship is a treasured tribute to battles fought and lives lost. To find one outside Blood Dragon hands is unthinkable and the deaths of those whom try is undeniable.
- Other Ships: Bombers
J50P-B3 “Umibozu” Class Kusari Bomber
J17P-95P “Chimera” Kusari Very Heavy Fighter
J7P-34 “Wyrm” Kusari Light Fighter
J10P-15P “Dragon” Kusari Heavy Fighter
J7P-7Q “Drake” Kusari Light Fight - Policies:
All Foreigners (Gaijn) who enter Kusari Space are to be treated with hostility. We are very suspicious of the activites of foreigners seeing as one of the reasons Shogun Hideyoshi was deposed is because of foreign influence in Kusari.
Bretonia-Kusari War -
We want this war to go on for as long as possible. Should Bretonia win the war, we will have trouble fighting them off again to reinstall a direct descendant of Shogun Hideyoshi. Should Kusari win, they will gain more power and resources, making our job many times harder. Therefore, this war must continue. The longer this war goes for, the more advantage we have, as it weakens the current Kusari Empire. Blood Dragons headed for the Leeds system should currently treat both sides as neutral.
Contraband -
All ships smuggling Cardimine or Synthetic Marijuana are to be destroyed immediatley unless being smuggled by the Golden Chrysanthemums or Outcasts (see our relations with the outcasts for furthur information). Do not bother Pirating these ships, destroy them. Artifacts are to be destroyed on sight, reguardless of who is smuggling them. Slaves, Black Market Munitions and Counterfeit Software are to be deposited at Kyoto where we can make very good use of them. Gaian Wildlife, Human Organs and Blood Daimonds can either be sold, or made to good use (Human Organs to Kyoto to heal injured patients, Gaian Wildlife if you are after a pet, Blood Diamonds for jewelery).
Pirating -
All ships taking goods to Kusari are to be stopped and taxed. All ships taking goods out of Kusari to Liberty, Rheinland, the Borderworlds or Gallia are also to be taxed. All ships headed for Bretonia are to be taxed UNLESS the ship is a bretonian coorporation. GMG and Kishiro are NOT TO BE PIRATED. All samura ships are to be DESTROYED.
Terrorism -
Terrorism in Kusari is highly encouraged, scaring people away from Kusari is one of our goals. Try to terrorise everyone except for Kishiro, the GMG and the GC. However, the Blood Dragons are not just terrorists, and RP must be formally held when "Terrorising", in accordance to Blood Dragon RP. The Blood Dragons are not a faction who can blow up everybody they see, but should be able to scare them away a bit. Terrorism within Kusari must be reasonable and fair to everybody, and should be done with the Honour and Dignity of the Blood Dragons.
-Blood Dragon RP
The Blood Dragons are decended from what is depicted to be the most honourable faction ever created. Thus, we must honour everything and everybody that strays across our path.
The Blood Dragons MUST ALWAYS have an honourable character, and an honourable manner of speaking must be upheld at all times. Your temper is not to be lost at ANYONE and you should respect and mourn each friend and foe you encounter.
-Faction Rules
Chat and System Communications:
• All posts in system chat must be in character and fully RP.
• All posts in group chat must be in character and fully RP unless indicated by a // before the OOC sentance
Weapon Rulings:
• Each blood dragon Fighter or Bomber must have at least 2 blood dragon weapons upon their ships.
• Each Fighter or Bomber may not equip more than 2 weapons that require authorisation to use.
Hostile Targets
• An engagement notice and RP must be used before and after the attack. Try to uphold an honourable characteristic on all your Blood Dragon characters.
• Each member of the ]bd[ are recommended to have Skype for the skype group chat
• Each member of the ]bd[ are recommended to have xfire for communications and screenshots/videos.
• Insubordination will not be tolerated. You will be either demoted or expelled from the faction should you attempt to do so, unless you have a majority within the blood dragons that your actions were logical.
The Blood Dragons prefer RP to PVP, despite the fact we are a terrorist organisation. Try to RP as much as possible before and after engaging. Do not look for trouble, wait for trouble to come to you.
Ship Restrictions
Ship restrictions MUST be obeyed, and in addition to current Blood Dragon ship restrictions, you must ALWAYS have a fighter character at all times. This rule includes bombers; you must still have a fighter even if you have a bomber.
- Zone of Influence
Home Systems: Gold
The Home systems of the Blood Dragons, where all our activates are centred and all our ships are made. These systems are to be protected at ALL COSTS. No Matter What.
Tau 63
Allied Space: Green
Allied systems are the home systems of our allies. These systems are to be protected if under siege.
Tau 65
Zone Of Influence: Blue
Feel free to go amongst these systems. Destroy all hostile and unfriendly vessels.
New Tokyo
Sigma 13
Sigma 19
Sigma 17
Tau 29
Tohoku Restricted Access:
Traversing these areas is not recommended unless its an extreme circumstance. We don't want to lose any more of the precious little (elite) pilots we have left.
Tau 31
Tau 23
Tau 42
- Diplomacy
Allied - If they are in danger, head to them and help, reguardless of the current situation:
Golden Chrysanthemums - [GC]
Our allies since 642 A.S. These Kusarian women fighting for their rights have quite a different view of Kusari future than us, however we are willing to work with them to bring down the Kusari Empire. Their services to us have to us have been great, and in return we have given them a battleship, we helped develop their guns and their new ships. We give them access to our bases and our resources and are often found working together. This alliance is one one most dear to our hearts, and will not be broken any time soon.
Nova Power Generation - NovaPG
Nova Power Generation are a current party affiliated with the Blood Dragons. Treat them kindly and respond to them if in need of aid.
Friendly - If you see them in trouble, help them out. Protect and serve them until they are on their way:
None for now.
Neutral - You are outside our zone of influence, or we do not know much about you. We don't particularly care about you. If you show hostility, we will have no hesitation in fighting back in self defence
All Other Factions. Special Relations -
The Order - Order|
The order have a long standing relationship to help us combad wilde and nomad forces in Kusari. Together we operate a blockade of the Tohoku system. Any wilde and/or nomad pilots are to be handed over to order specialists.
Kishiro -
Kishiro sees vality in the cause of the Blood Dragons. Originally they believed that the Blood Dragons were pests to Kusari and should be treated hostilly, however a series of under-the-table diplomatic events has lead to a neutral peace-treaty between the factions. Kishiro's common enemy is Samura, not the Government, and Kishiro follows the people of Kusari as opposed to the Governmment of Kusari. The Blood Dragons are still people of Kusari, and their rule would mean the end to Samura and the slaughtering of many of their members.
The GMG are a close party we hold with a somewhat friendly attitude. As the GMG takes pity on us and grants us access to their bases and supplies, and sometimes offeres training and financial support. The Blood Dragons hold our relationship with the GMG with high esteem. However, this alliance must NOT be revealed to the Kusari public. Do not act too friendly with them or the Kusari Empire may get suspicious. They know in their hearts, just as we know in our hearts, were our true loyalties lie.
Outcasts - All Outcast Affilliated Factions
You are currently stated as neutral, and cardimine smuggling will not be tolerated within our space unless you are under the protection of the Golden Chrysanthemums. You have been warned. All non-cardimine smuggling Outcasts will be treated neutrally.
Unfriendly - If you see them in your area, shoot them.
The Brotherhood - [+]
Their alliance with the Hogosha and the Farmers Alliance have made you a dangerous threat. Your artifact smuggling through Kusari is dangerous activity and will not be permitted by the Blood Dragons. If you see this faction in the system, feel free to engage. Ties with the Brotherhood and the Corsairs are unfriendly.
Omega Pirates Guild - [OPG]
The Omega Pirates Guild bear the tag of the Corsairs. Any corsair vessels are to be destroyed if sighted.
The Benitez Familia - _Bentiez
Yet another corsair faction. Known goals are to expand the corsair territory, and this cannot be accepted. If in the area, kill them.
Nature's Last Hope - [NLH]
Known to support the Kusari Empire fighting against bretonia. This faction has been known to capture Blood Dragon Pilots in order to secure healthy relations with their Kusari allies. This cannot be tolerated any longer. If you see them, Don't hesitate to kill them.
Harvesters - Harvester
Harvesters are known to kill many innocents across sirius and thus should be treated with caution. If you see them harassing our allies, shoot to kill.
Liberty Navy - [LN]
The Liberty Navy have once sought quarrel with the many of our allies. Hostile enemies to the Outcasts, this faction should be treated cautiously.
Liberty Secruity Force - [LSF]
The Liberty Security Force are a secret organisation, however we Blood Dragons have found intelligence of them. Should they be snooping around Kusari, put an end to their mischivous lives.
Liberty Police Incorporated - LPI
Liberty Police, a faction deticated to the protection of Liberty. Often seen engaging our allies, the Liberty Police should be treated with high caution.
Xeno Alliance - XA-
A group of xenophobic terrorists known to operate around the independant worlds bordering Kusari and Liberty. If they start terrorising, give them something real to fear about.
The Sirius Coalition Revolutions Army. Currently a small threat but could grow quite fast. Known to have agents within Kusari. If you see one, treat them with high caution. If they do anything suspicious, kill them.
The Bounty Hunters Guild- BHG| BHG|Core.
The Bounty Hunters Guild attempts to help the houses get rid of "pests". Unfortunatley, we are one of those pests. Kill them if they are in the area.
Hostile - Kill on sight. It does not matter where they are, or who they are. Just kill them.
Kusari Naval Forces -
The ones who arrested Shogun Hideyoshi. Kill them. Explaination should not be necessary.
Kusari State Plice - [KSP]
Upholding Kusari Law. Often found meddling in our affairs. Kill them.
Supporting the Kusari Naval Forces and organised much of the event of the arresting of Shogun Hideyoshi. Kill them.
Hogosha - [|]
The hogosha are petty low-life criminals who blend in with Kusari society. Known to work with Samura, the Hogosha are to be killed and wiped out.
Artisan Farmers Alliance - [AFA]
Doing the dirty work for Samura. Allied to the Hoghsha and Corsairs. Kill them, as they meddle with our affairs.
Keepers - Keepers.
An alien race that thretains Kusari and mankind in general. The Blood Dragons worked for a long time to stop their advancement into Kusari. Kill them to prevent another governor Tekagi.
Wilde - Wilde.
Already infected humans who can slip through human society undetected. Should you find one, exterminate them before they infiltrate Kusari.
Hatamoto Laklas Hatamoto Markus Janus Gokenin Fred Stix
Taekiyari Jacob S. Taekiyari Yamato_Takeshi
-Recruitment Policy:
The recruitment thread for the Blood Dragons may be found in the "Useful Links" section. You post there, or PM me your background story following the rulings stated on the Recruitment Thread.
-Useful Links
(none at the moment, please PM me all character bios for acceptance into this faction. BE AWARE that this faction is NOT official as of yet, but will hopefully be accepted by the admins.)
The blood shed burning inside Kusari since 321 A.S. is still far from ending.
For nearly 500 years it has seen Kusari's Sons killing each other in the name of lost honour.
The old 'days of the Novas' are still a live recall in the Kusari Naval Forces actual Command,
most of those Officers were just Shois at that time and can remember.
Some didn't make it.
When those days passed away leaving a mark, the Blood Dragon threat has been gradually lowering to
persistent but scattered groups while another danger to Kusari was arising from Bretonia, forcing many eyes to look elsewhere.
Now, the rumors of a new growing power capable of unite them all grip the minds of the High Command.
They were about to face a threat beyond any imagination...
Okay... since I've not seen you today, I'll just post... I'm still convinced this proposal can be improved to a more... interesting, vision of how the Blood Dragons should be, rather than just conforming to the black and white alliances that most factions now have... As I'd said in PM, I didn't address all the issues in one post.
My main concern now, is the ranking system...
The head Shogun. The Taishogun is the leader of the Blood Dragons. A direct descendant of the original Shogun Hideyoshi, the Shogun has access to all ships and commands any Blood Dragon Officer. No person is to set foot upon any area 100 feet away from the Taishogun's presence without the Taishogun's permission. No person other than the Shoguns is allowed to know the Taishogun's real name. (Only one person may achieve this rank at any given time.)
Shogun -
Welcome to Tier 1. Shoguns are the Military Commanders. Often known amongst Kusari Unlawfuls as the "Rising Sons", the Shoguns are descendents of the other Shoguns of old Kusari and are chosen from among the elite Shogunate. The Shoguns command every ranked officer within the Blood Dragons and may use any ship. No person is to set foot upon any area 50 feet away from a Shogun without the Shogun's permission. (Only two people may achieve this rank at any given time.)
The idea that you're going to rule the whole Blood Dragon faction, with one of the few remaining direct descendent of Hideyoshi under your control, it's a little... over-ruling, of anything any other faction can do. It would basically be what you say, or execution.
You've mentioned the "Rising Son" but you've also used "Blood Dragons" through out... it's a conflict.
I'd say stick to the "Rising Sun" idea, dropping the references to leading the Blood Dragons.. you can have elite members, sure... Just not the leader of the whole NPC faction. It'd be more reasonable to have the leading rank of the "Rising Sun" as a Shogun.
To adopt this "Rising Sun" idea, I'd also change the tag... ]bd[ doesn't seem disimilar enough from [BD], BD-RS|? RS-? This request needed a little more time...
This requires a change in the back ground story, but not a complete overhaul.
You've also not included the its I've said about the HG... i.e. it was a 101st-eqsue Blood Dragon faction, we certianly did -NOT- do any piracy. The only "piracy" we did, was asking people to drop whole cargo-holds full, to destroy it, which was only because we could not, at that time, simply destroy them. We only did this in Chugoku. Neither did HG "die out" entirely, we re-merged into NovaPG.
Initially, it was due to the fact that Exile and I wanted a different vision of the Blood Dragons, we re-merged due to chronic inactivity, though I would've simply deleted the character had NovaPG not repositioned since the split to attempt to emulate the vanilla Blood Dragon faction as well as possible.
The GC side of the coin has also not been addressed... I think pipboy was in agreement over the issue, honestly, it'll make the Kusari unlawful scene a -lot- more interesting and a -lot- more accurate... Simply having them as allied would lose the Blood Dragons in the PR department in Kusari. Certainly enough to make them extremely wary of any attempt to do such a thing...
Now to be sure, Kusari culture tends to be distrusting about foreigners. But are there any rumours, news or infocards that specifically state that the Blood Dragons hate outsiders as a rule? I mean apart from the usual pirate/victim relationship?
I would like to suggest that this faction not be another xenophobic Kusari faction. The Farmers have cause to be the most xenophobic, suffering directly from foreign imported goods and the outsourcing of labour.
As I suggested in the feedback thread, perhaps have the dragons be more selective in their targeting of foreigners - rather than making it a stated goal to drive out all 'gaijin'.
Perhaps change the wording of your goal to "• Eradication of all dishonourable Gaijn in Kusari, as well as those foreign traders who service our enemies."
To make this faction one of the stereotypical 'racist' Kusari factions is to ignore the Dragons dealilngs with foreign agents of the Order - many of whom served with great distinction.
Please, allow for a spectrum of sentiments and RP within the group. You would have conservative elements who are as racist as can be - as well as more liberal minds who have no problems with honourable outsiders.
P.S - Yes I would be willing to join this faction. I believe I can contribute some roleplaying concepts that can create depth and complexity to this faction, and its interactions with other factions.
' Wrote:Okay... since I've not seen you today, I'll just post... I'm still convinced this proposal can be improved to a more... interesting, vision of how the Blood Dragons should be, rather than just conforming to the black and white alliances that most factions now have... As I'd said in PM, I didn't address all the issues in one post.
My main concern now, is the ranking system...
The idea that you're going to rule the whole Blood Dragon faction, with one of the few remaining direct descendent of Hideyoshi under your control, it's a little... over-ruling, of anything any other faction can do. It would basically be what you say, or execution.
You've mentioned the "Rising Son" but you've also used "Blood Dragons" through out... it's a conflict.
I'd say stick to the "Rising Sun" idea, dropping the references to leading the Blood Dragons.. you can have elite members, sure... Just not the leader of the whole NPC faction. It'd be more reasonable to have the leading rank of the "Rising Sun" as a Shogun.
To adopt this "Rising Sun" idea, I'd also change the tag... ]bd[ doesn't seem disimilar enough from [BD], BD-RS|? RS-? This request needed a little more time...
This requires a change in the back ground story, but not a complete overhaul.
You've also not included the its I've said about the HG... i.e. it was a 101st-eqsue Blood Dragon faction, we certianly did -NOT- do any piracy. The only "piracy" we did, was asking people to drop whole cargo-holds full, to destroy it, which was only because we could not, at that time, simply destroy them. We only did this in Chugoku. Neither did HG "die out" entirely, we re-merged into NovaPG.
Initially, it was due to the fact that Exile and I wanted a different vision of the Blood Dragons, we re-merged due to chronic inactivity, though I would've simply deleted the character had NovaPG not repositioned since the split to attempt to emulate the vanilla Blood Dragon faction as well as possible.
The GC side of the coin has also not been addressed... I think pipboy was in agreement over the issue, honestly, it'll make the Kusari unlawful scene a -lot- more interesting and a -lot- more accurate... Simply having them as allied would lose the Blood Dragons in the PR department in Kusari. Certainly enough to make them extremely wary of any attempt to do such a thing...
Sorry long work day today, just recently got home. What PM are you referring to?
We never claimed that just because he is a descendant of Hideyoshi that it makes him the default leader of ALL the Blood Dragons. He is "A" direct descendant, not "the". So he has "A" claim to leadership. Whether or not anyone chooses to follow him is up to them. The other Shoguns (leaders) are descendants of other Shoguns from the era of Shoguns that have decided to back his claim and fight under his flag.
On the Rising Sons thing, I sort of originally wanted that to be the name of the whole faction but I'm not the only one that has a say so there you go. We are still Blood Dragons just like the NovaPG and anyone else and we're using the name and a tag that goes along with that. That still does not make us the leaders of the whole faction. We won't ever claim that, and that was never our planned RP. As it stands now we are the Rising Sons which is a movement among the Blood Dragons, but we're still Blood Dragons and if anyone else wants to make a faction called "Blood Dragons" they're free to do so. We're still the Rising Sons movement. Our tag even is ]bd[ and doesn't stop someone from using a [BD], BD-, BD| or whatever. I do get what you're saying and I'm not against the idea of changing the name of the faction to The Rising Sons but that decision isn't entirely up to me. Could even use a tag like ]*[ or something to get the idea of a rising sun.
The title Taishogun is the exact same thing as Shogun, the definition is exactly the same. Shogun is nothing more than an abbreviation of the word Taishogun. We needed a title that differentiated the faction leader from the other Shoguns so we just used the whole word rather than the abbreviated version. It's an OORP way of designating the faction leader.
On the GC issue I agreed with your ideas on it, but Reaven reminded me of current RP in game:
(Quoting Reaven)
"The GC are no longer loosely affilliated in my mind. We gave them a battleship, we helped develop their guns and their new ships. We give them access to our bases and our resources and are often found working together. Right now I think they are staying as allies."
The giving them a battleship is the part that makes an alliance in a way to me. Granted this is all part of the Okinawa system RP which I will admit I'm not really a fan of. So honestly I'm not personally sure how this is all supposed to be in RP...
' Wrote:Okay... since I've not seen you today, I'll just post... I'm still convinced this proposal can be improved to a more... interesting, vision of how the Blood Dragons should be, rather than just conforming to the black and white alliances that most factions now have... As I'd said in PM, I didn't address all the issues in one post.
My main concern now, is the ranking system...
The idea that you're going to rule the whole Blood Dragon faction, with one of the few remaining direct descendent of Hideyoshi under your control, it's a little... over-ruling, of anything any other faction can do. It would basically be what you say, or execution.
You've mentioned the "Rising Son" but you've also used "Blood Dragons" through out... it's a conflict.
I'd say stick to the "Rising Sun" idea, dropping the references to leading the Blood Dragons.. you can have elite members, sure... Just not the leader of the whole NPC faction. It'd be more reasonable to have the leading rank of the "Rising Sun" as a Shogun.
To adopt this "Rising Sun" idea, I'd also change the tag... ]bd[ doesn't seem disimilar enough from [BD], BD-RS|? RS-? This request needed a little more time...
This requires a change in the back ground story, but not a complete overhaul.
You've also not included the its I've said about the HG... i.e. it was a 101st-eqsue Blood Dragon faction, we certianly did -NOT- do any piracy. The only "piracy" we did, was asking people to drop whole cargo-holds full, to destroy it, which was only because we could not, at that time, simply destroy them. We only did this in Chugoku. Neither did HG "die out" entirely, we re-merged into NovaPG.
Initially, it was due to the fact that Exile and I wanted a different vision of the Blood Dragons, we re-merged due to chronic inactivity, though I would've simply deleted the character had NovaPG not repositioned since the split to attempt to emulate the vanilla Blood Dragon faction as well as possible.
The GC side of the coin has also not been addressed... I think pipboy was in agreement over the issue, honestly, it'll make the Kusari unlawful scene a -lot- more interesting and a -lot- more accurate... Simply having them as allied would lose the Blood Dragons in the PR department in Kusari. Certainly enough to make them extremely wary of any attempt to do such a thing...
The idea with the ranks was only due to the fact that each faction needs a faction leader. Originally we were going to have 3 shoguns as top ranks, but reviewing the requirements for player factions, we discovered that we needed a leader.
The Taishogun's rank description is only there to attempt to make an description of what a leader of the Blood Dragons should be like. In actual fact, a Taishogun is really a shogun with more powers than the other shogun. He still must consult the council of Shoguns, as the two shogun's vote together may over-ride the decision of Taishogun. Im not making this as a desperate plea for power, which is what I gather from much of your post - in fact during this, I have not made any changes/major decisions without his advice or permission. In actual fact, the Taishogun is meant to act like a grand admiral, whereas the Shogun is meant to be the two admirals that follow.
The Rising Sons idea was made by pipboy as a kind of parody of the Rising Suns. It is meant to be the name of the movement of the highest members, not the name of the faction itself. This faction is meant to be a standard blood dragon faction, just nearly every other standard faction (LN, Order, BHG, etc). This faction was not meant to be a "special" faction with their own set of goals and background history such as NovaPG and CR. We were going to rename the tag ]rs[ but we figured that ]bd[ looked better and rs always reminds me of runescape...
Also because the Blood Dragons have not been fully expressed in any faction with their prime goals and objectives. Blood Dragons objectives and goals are quite unique, yet no-one seems to like their general idea.
The part on the HG was taken from the HG's recruitment which I dug out..
Quote:We are -pirates-. Not Terrorists. Terrorism is to be executed by the NovaPG wing of the Council. You will uphold our code of conduct, and treat every trader or civillian equaly. Hostiles are to be -extermindated-. Espescialy within our own space. Chugoku is a fortress. Treat it as one. Tohoku and Tau are -off limits- to everyone but Dragons and GC. We also dream of achieving victory trough diplomacy. Violence is not a must.
Thats what I saw, and thats how I reacted. Im sorry if I got the intention muddled. Ill also fix the point on the HG merging with NovaPG.
The reason the GC has not been adressed is that I don't have many specifics of the actual nature of the bd/gc alliance, nor how deep the alliance goes. If anybody could give me information, I would be glad to address it. However, Like I have previously said: The GC are no longer loosely affilliated in my mind. We gave them a battleship, we helped develop their guns and their new ships. We give them access to our bases and our resources and are often found working together. Right now I think they are staying as allies.
Thanks for those ideas anyway. They will be considered if I could be given a few more particulars.
Quote:I would like to ask about this:
"• Eradication of all Gaijn forces in Kusari"
Now to be sure, Kusari culture tends to be distrusting about foreigners. But are there any rumours, news or infocards that specifically state that the Blood Dragons hate outsiders as a rule? I mean apart from the usual pirate/victim relationship?
I would like to suggest that this faction not be another xenophobic Kusari faction. The Farmers have cause to be the most xenophobic, suffering directly from foreign imported goods and the outsourcing of labour.
As I suggested in the feedback thread, perhaps have the dragons be more selective in their targeting of foreigners - rather than making it a stated goal to drive out all 'gaijin'.
Perhaps change the wording of your goal to "• Eradication of all dishonourable Gaijn in Kusari, as well as those foreign traders who service our enemies."
To make this faction one of the stereotypical 'racist' Kusari factions is to ignore the Dragons dealilngs with foreign agents of the Order - many of whom served with great distinction.
Please, allow for a spectrum of sentiments and RP within the group. You would have conservative elements who are as racist as can be - as well as more liberal minds who have no problems with honourable outsiders.
P.S - Yes I would be willing to join this faction. I believe I can contribute some roleplaying concepts that can create depth and complexity to this faction, and its interactions with other factions.
Thanks for this information. It will definatley be changed. The only reason I put all gaijn was because of this:
Quote:The Hideyoshi’s Guard work towards the same goals as the Blood Dragons, however, their methods are slightly different, they do not believe it is the fault of any Gajiin in Kusari that the Corsair-Hogosha-Samura government is dishonourable, and refrain from performing terrorist acts against them.
This faction's history is based off current events, but is mainly built upon the HG's faction history, however we are not going to become a replacement HG due to the HG having their own goals.
EDIT: Meh pipboy replied. And the PM was sent to me pipboy.
' Wrote:PS: the faction feedback post is still around. I'd prefer if you posted there rather than here.
EDIT: Meh pipboy replied. And the PM was sent to me pipboy.
Ah ok, just making sure I didn't miss it somehow...
And yes the feedback post is there for that reason, just because we are trying to be official doesn't mean we will stop taking feedback. In fact we will continue to take feedback even if we do get official status. Good feedback is always appreciated.
Good Application, and we definitely need some non-trader Kusari action.
I'd like to see the Blood Dragons done and done well, and remember to look for my BD Indy in space (Toshiko.Ugami - Blood Dragon Gunboat AKA-Best looking GB in Sirius)