OORP: This is a planned event for July 4.
All characters from all official or unofficial factions may join the event.
No registration is needed, but registrations would be greatly appreciated.
The Bretonian Armed Forces, the Bounty Hunter Guild, the Colonial Remnants, the Outcasts (including Indies), as well as Pirates, Freelancers or Mollys are specially invited to join.
Further informations will have to be found in this topic in the RP messages from Ghost of the Pirates and from Iago.
Have a nice reading and preparing.
_________Incoming Transmission_____________
_________Ghost of the Pirates Vessel__________
_________Location: Omega systems___________
_________Stealth sender____________________
From: Unknown Cpt.
To: Ghost Pirates Ships
Subject: GST secret convoy
Priority: Top
Gentlemen, we're probably not the only ones that are gonna be on that track... Soon enough, Bretonian lawfuls, Bounty Hunters and other lawfuls will get some information about this, since, as you know, there's a House spy in the GST since the beginning: the well known 'Iago'.
Therefore, we have to take some steps right now and position our vessels to be the first ones to intercept GST freighters on that day.
Informations gathered by our secret service show there are already 3 things we can count on:
1) On July 4, an unknown number of GST vessels will undock of some base in Newcastle with extremely dangerous cargo they've been buying from yet unidentified middlemen.
2) Their destination is unknown, but can probably be deduced from their cargo.
3) There's a great probability GST will be helped by members of the Outcasts on part of their run.
Our plan is the following: approach the convoy with a harmless vessel and scan a freighter to know what cargo they're smuggling this time. Deduce their destination. Launch an attack at the best route point. Take over their cargo. Escape all persuers.
Further informations may follow.
<div align="right]from aboard the Ghost of the Pirates,
From: Dervin Malfient
To: Ghost Pirates Ships
Subject: GST secret convoy
Priority: Top
I do come representin' the Liberty Rogues. If ya'll dogs do enter Liberty Space, them GST can expect some most unfriendly welcomes from me and mine. I do hope they pay their escorts extra, or I'm thinkin' they won't make it two clicks into Liberty.
From: Codename 'IAGO'
To: Bretonian Armed Forces HQ, MI-5, MI-6
Cc: Liberty Security Forces
Following informations were collected by me.
1.1. The GST has been hired by an unlawful faction or some unlawful factions to smuggle NUCLEAR DEVICES from System Newcastle (Bretonia), to the Omicrons. Implication of the Corsair or the Outcast faction is obvious. Maybe the two of them are waiting for this highly unwanted technology transfer.
1.2. The GST has already been paid 100.000.000$ for this very sepcial operation. Its leaders CEO John Burton and vice-CEO are planning this convoy at any price. Which means they're ready to sacrifice a whole S-Wing squadron to make sure their freighters will reach their destination.
2.1 The GST convoy will start on July 4 3009 from Newcastle at 9:00pm (GMT/CUT+2, so 7:00pm GMT/CUT). I don't need to tell you where they could get these nukes from, normally. But I have no evidence the GST is getting these devices from the Mollys. Maybe they just stored the material on lawful bases in Newcastle. As you all know, there has been some 'security problems' in Newcastle's safiest official Nuclear Devices Stocking Facilities.
2.2. Security Leader of the GST S-Wing squadron will probably be Lt. Takeshi Kitano, piloting a Raven's Talon for years. He is, like GST Security Adviser Lt. Kusanagi, a former member of KNF (7th special unit 'Kagemucha') and it is not sure yet wether he's lost all contacts to some members of KNF Intelligence members.
These may be the last and most precise informations I will be able to collect on that operation.
Alas, I was not allowed to participate in this action and will not be able to help you from inside the Convoy.