anyway - the nomad light fighter ( keeper version ) is - by far - the fastest ship in the entire game with tremendous firepower for its size and agility - it is able to take up the roles of an ultra light interceptor up to a threat to a VHF and bomber - and while being a jack of all traits - it doesn t suffer in every role, but outshines everything else in all roles.
an interceptor just has no place there anymore. - you cannot be faster than the nomad light fighter - cause even this one needs pilots to get used to.
However, I wasn't really asking about ship stats. I was more wondering why this ship is no longer in discovery, nor (as far as I can remember) is it mentioned in the Nomad Lore.
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The ships aren't that great. It's the nomad equipment, really. Whatever they have, the missiles or the torpedoes, they own the hell out of you. I'd fight a nomad for a good seven minutes and then somehow, while my shield is still up, be exploded in one shot.
' Wrote:The ships aren't that great. It's the nomad equipment, really. Whatever they have, the missiles or the torpedoes, they own the hell out of you. I'd fight a nomad for a good seven minutes and then somehow, while my shield is still up, be exploded in one shot.
It's another one of those admin factions, I'm pretty sure nomads have the .kill command.