We were having a discussion on Skype about this and I thought we'd look for feedback from people.
The question is this:
Do you actually need real skill to fly a cap ship?
On the one hand, some people suggested that flying caps is a statistical game, and that flying a capital ship would be like playing one of those free online browser games where you click a button every half hour to be matched up in a random fight that the computer decides for you. Just move and click the fire buutton, as it were.
On the other hand, it was suggested that they simply require a different set of skills.
Is it a question of practice? We're not talking about dealing with fighters and bombers. Is it true that most cap pilots dont actually get any real practice in in what the caps are supposed to be for, ie. other caps?
Some input from seasoned cap pilots, with examples, would help here.
Remember, this is not about the presence of cap ships in the game per se. Is there any skill involved, or is it all about the numbers?
From my experience as a cruiser captain, there is some skill required, as a cruiser uses a slight element of agility as well as firepower. You need to be able to strafe well (in lighter cruisers and destroyers), know when and how to turn to face your opponent before he can do the same, and most importantly, there is still skill in the stratagy of perfecting a loadout, and being able to make use of it, as a cruiser has a rather limited power supply.
A BS however requires less 'skill', unless you are flying a very light one (osiris, BHG BS etc.), in which it is still required to evade the enemy, especially if he is in a heavier BS (RH BS, Legate, Kusari BS etc). Heavy BSs and dreads require you only really to find a good loadout, and know how to use it effectively.
In short, it is mainly a question of knowing what your ship can and cant do, and stratagising to take advantage of it, which imo still requires a degree of skill.
in a fighter class ship, your survivability is mostly determined by your ability to predict and dodge incoming damage.
in a capital class ship ( battleship ) - you take damage. - your greatest skill is to deal with a much greater danger that is hardly of significance for a fighter..... and that is your weapons energy bar.
you must know how to use your energy to your greatest advantage. - when to fire what weapons. - crush the enemies shields quickly to do hull damage? - slowly but steadily chew them up? - a quick burst damage?
furthermore - you need to know when to use your bats and bots. - save a few for when you see a HM incoming. - time your missiles - use your flaks to shoot down missiles / torps.
and NEVER panic.
the level of skill you need to win in a battleship is as great as the skill you need to successfully fly a fighter - but its a more calculating skill. - predict and evaluate your enemy. you don t need to adjust as much situational - but you should also very well know the capabilities of your oponent and your ship - to know when to retreat. cause a retreat must be planned much better than in a fighter that can practicly retreat whenever it wants.
I'd say skill is definately needed. I mean, certain ships have certain advantages, while having clear disavantages. If you don't know what those are, you're most likely going to be beaten by somebody that does.
Turret placement, size of your profile and energy useage/efficiency are all key things that will help you in a cap fight, if you know about them.
I think, that the biggest skill as a capital ship is to know When you are needed and How your actions will help those you fight with.
If you are a Support kind of capital ship, you are a Meat shield of sorts for your fighters and bombers, a ressupply point, you can carry SW missiles, nova torpedos for restocking your teammates.
If you are an offencive ship, then the task is simple, in a large fight involving caps, fighters and bombers, you WILL go down...so your soul task is to do as much damage to the enemy capital ships and anti fighter ships as possible. Priority targets are gunboats, as they will tear up your bombers and fighters. BSs cannot do so, without flack turrets, and it still is a skill to master.
The flying is even more complicated, you need to fly the ship so, that your aim is always on the enemy...but you are moving, evading incomming fire as much as you can.
You have to find the correct Sweetspot of your ships turning, the angle at which it turns the best and the strafe pattern which will let you doge fire the best, while keeping your own aim on the opponent.
well you certainly need a hefty amount of skill to hit fighters or bombers when flying anything larger than a gunboat or smaller than a battleship... Point defense weapons suck for cruisers and battlecruisers right now.
Flying capships is less about tactics and more about strategy. You have to manage the damage coming in to your ship while trying to put as much on the enemy as possible, while picking an advantageous direction to fly and perhaps doing a little dodging if you can. Less twitch reactions, more cerebral activity.
It's basicly all about strategy. Strafing can help sometimes, can make sure a few shots don't hit, which can make a crucial impact on the fight. Choice of weapons is very important, and choosing when to fire wisely (like Jinx said). Aiming is important for fighting against smaller targets (like gunboats, bombers and fighters). Using the infernos and battle razors for the smaller targets is a big advantage, if you can actually hit them.
It's not about skills really, it's really about common sense. Skills you need to practice, I wouldn't say that strafing in a Battleship you really need to practice.
[17:45:39] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): Tom, you have problems. Go kill yourself.
[19:25:12] Johnny (Jam): Tomtom, I will beat you with a spoon.
[14:22:56] Prarabdh Thakur: KILL HIM WITH A SHEEP.
[17:40:48] Eagle (Junes): Tom should be slapped with a spoon.
[11:32:18] Warspite: Thank you for being so awesome Tom. <3
[18:17:36] Metano: I love you tomtom
[20:06:24] Warspite: I will seriously give you epic head.
' Wrote:Edit: also, Tomtomrawr, fappin' like a boss.
' Wrote:Also, it is easyer to co-ordinate the battle in a cap, you dont have to worry about 1 hit SNAC or MR kills.
I actually think it's easier to co-ordinate in a bomber...they have the durability and the range, caps seem to just die too fast, and then you're left un-lead...
"Capitol Ships" here, encompasses everything from the BHGS to the RHBS, and I can tell you for a fact that BHGSes require skill to fly...(I don't have it:P)