I want to discuss nanites, and in this definition, a sort of aggressive nanobots, a polar opposite to the Nanobots that repair our vessels.
If we took them to Discovery, its a pure RP weapon to me. I think these would be used as a secret weapon against small craft or even people god forbid.
' Wrote:I want to discuss nanites, and in this definition, a sort of aggressive nanobots, a polar opposite to the Nanobots that repair our vessels.
If we took them to Discovery, its a pure RP weapon to me. I think these would be used as a secret weapon against small craft or even people god forbid.
Theoretically it's certainly possible. If you have the technology to construct nanobots that can quickly repair advance spaceships, you can definitely make nanobots which can take the same spaceships (and people) apart. However, it's possible that all ships and most anything else has a dedicated 'swarm' of defensive nanites which protect it from intruders. It's also possible (likely?) that the use of offensive nanites on people would be considered just as horrible (more?) as using bioweapons on people today, and therefor universally outlawed. Of course, that doesn't mean they never get used...
I think Drake hit it on the head. I mean, if I remember correctly I've seen nanites used as a mission commodity, so I'd assume that they've been used as a weapon in the FLverse and outlawed.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
Well, we "used" to have experience with malvolent nanites as =CR=
Yapped some with the harvesters last year - their big fault was building a lot of repair nanobots, reverse-engineered to take control over a ship they get used on. They'd be sold along the usual bots, but doing their lil' malvolent thing once activated by the crew. Just so that when they activate - it's already too late. Like a computer virus, but more... direct. Impossible to remove, because... material. They'd embed themselves in the ship's systms, take them over. Propulsion, navigation, life support. Eventually turning the ship entirely to AI/harvester control.
oorp - it was all about us having some funny scanners, capable of detecting the bad nanites - wether the scanned ship was ok or not - was decided by means of coin toss. Then the guy either jettisons all his nanites or gets blown up at compensation. The event failed due to the lack of cooperation from some.... individuals...
The only purpose I can see for them is to be a hull busting weapon of an alternate type (similar to laser, tachyon etc) that acts as an opposite to Pulse weapons. Meaning they do very low shield damage and high hull damage. The same would also be possible for a shield type.
The real question I suppose is balancing them. Although, assuming this is in the Freelancer forum, it's for a non-disco related project anyway.
It would be cool if it could be a new kind of equipment, just like CD or CM or M.
it could be a weapon called Nanites Launcher or something alike. It could have multiple effects like: Countering Nanobots. They make the use of nanobots useless (Let's say you have a 50 nanite anti-nanobot package, it neutralises 50 nanobots)
Another one could be a power disrupting weapon. It sucks the energy out of a ship until it self-destructs (it drains the energy output of a ship for a imited time or ower it's maximum power)
Another one could be a device disabling unit that attacks weapons and other tools by making them go offline for a limited time. (I.E. You use it: it randomly selects the cruise disruptor and makes it go offine for.. idk.. 15 seconds?)
Another one could reduce the power of the evemy ship's weapons by let's say X% for X seconds
And as a drawback, this weapon coud require to disable the enemy's shield or get through them with the ship and use the weapon within it's shield.