This is James Houston, the new Chairman of the Royal Bank of Bretonia.
We have decided to introduce a new stage into our development as the primary provider of funds and investments in Bretonia.
To that end, the Royal Bank of Bretonia now has an Armoured Transport dedicated to the servicing of its patrons, parked right beside Waterloo Station in the New London system.
We are asking for investments from anyone feeling charitable enough.
The Royal Bank of Bretonia wants to makes it customers as comfortable as possible, both on its vessel and in their transactions with us.
We offer some of the most competitive rates in the whole Sirius sector, right here, outside your doorstep!
Royal Bank of Bretonia Policy Statement:
-Any customer of the Royal Bank of Bretonia must have a forums account.
-Any customer of the Royal Bank of Bretonia must have been active on the forums for at least week prior to recieving services provided by the Royal Bank of Bretonia.
-The customer must state their reasons (legitimately) in this thread or face refusal of services provided by the Royal Bank of Bretonia.
-The Royal Bank of Bretonia is willing and able to retain the services of Bounty Hunters and other mercenaries to reclaim any funds it deems lost due to circumstances outside of its control. These paid administrators of the regulations of the Royal Bank of Bretonia are given full license to pursue any perpetrators of these conditions.
-The customer must accept the Royal Bank of Bretonia's terms or no services will be forthcoming from our end.
-The Royal Bank of Bretonia reserves all rights to ask and recieve any and all of its funds within 48 hours of said request, given sufficien reason, in any situation.
-The Royal Bank of Bretonia reserves all rights to negate any and all loopholes found in its policy.
Please, these regulations are in accordance with the Laws of Bretonia and are used to cover our butts.
The Royal Bank of Bretonia has on call at all times two Bounty Hunters, Izaak.Kohlman and These two will act as the retainers of the Bank's policies, and crossing the Royal Bank of Bretonia will result in a visit from them, to the miscreants misfortune.
Financial Statement:
The Royal Bank of Bretonia currently does not have unlimited funds. We currently do not allow loans exceeding the amount of 25 million credits.
In the near future, if all goes well, the bank will be increasing its funds reserve to a much larger amount than is currently available.
All loans are subject to an 8% simple interest rate for 14 days, or two weeks. After the two weeks, the 8% interest rate is compounded daily until payed back in full plus the interest. There is a 2% transaction charge delivered to all bank customers, for a grand total of 10%.
The Royal Bank of Bretonia's funds alotment to this venture is only viewable to senior bank staff and management. The details cannot be released to the general public.
Transaction Statement:
Please, all customers are welcome to negotiate a deal which works the best for YOU. The Royal Bank of Bretonia is about the convenience of its customers.
Upon agreement of a deal, the Royal Bank of Bretonia will send an invoice in the amount that you have requested.
-London Drugs Incorporated currently has a deal with the Royal Bank of Bretonia to reduce interest rates on its loans. However, the details are privy only to the Bank and the London Drugs Incorporated leadership.
-The freelance trading vessel "Ultra" currently has a deal to reduce interest rates on its loans. However, the details are privy only to the Bank and the captain of the "Ultra".
I have been gone for 3 months on my exploration mission to find new artifacts, during this exploration I found a new Jump Hole. With my curiosity, I jumped in. There, I found an irregular radiation which was beyond my ships hull. Seeing what was in the middle of the system, I realized it was one of the Omega systems. Turning on my cruisers, I had began flying as fast away from the radiation of the star as I could, however, I reached just so far until I found a mysterious ship flying around. He offered me help and I quickly ejected out using my pod, and he tractored me in. I lost everything I had in my ship, as well as teh ship itself. That is why, I am asking for either a credit or a loan, of as much credits as you can give me. I was part of [AW] and [Helghast] before I left for my 3 month exploration.
Allow me to welcome you the the financial community. You seem to have your Royal ducks in a row over there.
A bit.. stuffy in your delivery, but I must keep in mind that it is a Bret Bank, what?
Good luck over there. And, should you need any "leveraging" on any huge projects, we are happy to offer investment capital on a temporary basis.
Our CEO, R. Waverly, also sends his warm regards, and do have your hospitality folk consider Laughing Goddess Bakeries. They make the most scrumptious tarts and crullers.
Well, I was wondering when we'd hear from the 1st Flax.
Thank you for your most warm welcome, and if we need any funds at anytime, the RBoB will consider your proposal.
Alas, the Bretonian Government is rather stuffy, and has imposed upon us these regulations.
RBoB will not be requiring the Laughing Goddess Bakery, as we have our own scrumtious suppliers, although, thank you for your offer.
Transaction Statement:
Spidervlad, your loan application has been approved, thank you for your time and money!
The vessel Spider-Trader has taken out two 25million credit loans, in agreement of and subject to the clauses of our Policy and Financial Statements.