I set up a private server today, with FLHook, all the plugins (except cloaking - discovery doesn't have the cloaking devices AFAIK), and I managed to get IONCROSS to work with the Discovery files.
Okay, so what I didn't know before was that you needed to copy the files from Freelancer\IONCROSS to IONCROSS Freelancer Server Operator\... Epic Failure.
Anyway, so I got it set up, but I couldn't find any of the Gallic ships on the ship list:(
Can someone pleeeaaassseee give me the correct 4.85 gamedata_ships.txt?
Hey, I'm not stupid, I did try search first.
And yes, search fails every time.
EDIT: I also need the correct base list for beams in FLHook.
2ND EDIT: Never mind about the FLHook base list, I got that from a list of data UK server admin Josh gave me, and put it through this:
$data = $_POST["data];
$line = explode("\n",$data);
foreach($line as $line){
$splitline = explode(" = ", $line);
echo $splitline[1] . " = " . $splitline[0] . "<br>";
It worked - I have a proper base list for FLHook now:)- and I can use explode():D
But I'm still looking for those IFSO files... I might go and make them manually once I figure out how... I can get the ship nicknames from FLStat... Then put them through IONCROSS Freelancer Gamedata Creator... I think...
It's beginning to annoy me aswell, as account manager can't see some kinds of equipment (those in question lately have been any Gallic ship, as well as the Recruit and Hellfire Legion ID's).
There may and probably are more, with all 4.85's updates - I just haven't found them. I might look for a changelog to speed up the process.
' Wrote:Warnings will be issued. Accounts will be banned. In game characters will be deleted. I will drive to your house and punch you in the mouth.
Well heres my FLHook base list if anyone's interested.
@Josh: The name of your account manager means something other than "Discovery Account Manager" I'm thinking more like "D A M N". Also, I can't add or edit IDs either...
Oh... You never told me it was his... Erm... Oh, maybe you did, but I'm half falling asleep here, trying to work out why in php this stupid foreach() language construct is starting on an array's second element... not it's first...
To... Tired...
Well, I know the IDs are implemented as tractor beams... That's what gives some people a different tractor beam colour... But I can't get their nicknames from FLStat because of that... Oh! In ioncross's errors section... I think it shows all the unknown hashcodes... Take a look... I'm off to bed...
Not sure what chat it was in (I currently have more than 100 going), but I told you on Skype when you asked me to add the new IONCROSS entries to CD. I told you I have one, not that I made one. Cannon is the FLHook/DAM god.
Hear that Cannon? You're a god:)
I will take a look at the hashcodes a bit later on, I'm doing some modelling/texturing for the Hellfire Sector at the moment.
' Wrote:Warnings will be issued. Accounts will be banned. In game characters will be deleted. I will drive to your house and punch you in the mouth.