Normally Sirius is kinda in war with Gallia. I know Council is not really fighting against Sirius. It looks like they are so wrong there. In the Contraband topic which is around here is also written doen Gallic Weaponary, but i am not sure.
So are they allowed to leave Gallia? Do they have to stay in there?
I dont really know it, because no-one except Junkers is allowed to go into there.
"Who is it doing this synthetic type of alpha beta psychedelic funkin'?"
I believe the Tau's are fair game until someone lays claim to the whole place, NY is just ridiculous.
I personally once had a council bomber in Gallia, and it was a complete pain to be, there was hardly anybody online, and I would see the reason why somebody would ditch it to come to the 4 houses.