I think we should can all get together, find a way to have fun, then all leave a message, say some epic or funny things, screenshot them and make a little e-card or something for Victor.
I do not know this person myself, but I think a good number do.
Lets get together have fun, leave messages, then we screenshot them, and edit them all together into one giant e-card for Victor that can be a hellspawn of the Internet that can be printed by his bedside! I think it could raise his spirits that he's being thought of, and in a hospital, trust my idiocy, its a big help.
Everyone post your ideas for what we can do if a lot of us get together! A big fight or just a big party or communal for him would be great.
If we do screenshot a lot of messages, let us rip up some Discovery Ship Renders that are around here, and post a few messages from people! Like from the LPI as an example! "Get well soon! The donuts are on us!" With the LPI logo, or Liberty logo! It could be a mini booklet! It can be done with MS Publisher and similar software.
So then. Who is with me?!:rtfm:
EDIT: Feel free to ask questions, I'm useless at conveying my thoughts.
Ideas on the table
Starfliers vs unshielded Liberty Dreadnought aka The Fleas strike back!
SOB gather together somewhere, make a parade formation and send their best wishes.
Donations to fund his characters into a bank
We spell get well soon with ships, or names
Post more! Or I'll release the lightsaber wielding monkey ninjas!
Serp has had a character in SOB since damn near the beginning, Count us in, we'll be adding to your great idea & let me know where to send our tribute.
Zealot Wrote:Just go play the game and have fun dammit.
Treewyrm Wrote:all in all the conclusion is that disco doesn't need antagonist factions, it doesn't need phantoms, it doesn't need nomads, it doesn't need coalition and it doesn't need many other things, no AIs, the game is hijacked by morons to confuse the game with their dickwaving generic competition games mixed up with troll-of-the-day.
' Wrote:Serp has had a character in SOB since damn near the beginning, Count us in, we'll be adding to your great idea & let me know where to send our tribute.
How about all the SOB get together in one system, line up in a parade formation, take a high quality picture of the formation. This can be printed, and all SOB members can send a messege that can be printed, on or around the image. A personal SOB card! A simple Publisher software can get this done, or Photoshop!
' Wrote:A good old Serpantis.
What do you think of an event to gather donations incase his characters should be deleted, it could be stored in a bank account in case of need.
Get well soon:)
This is likely a good idea, unless Alice is a Disco player. I'd gladly fork some cash over, despite my burning hatred to trading :nyam:
' Wrote:I'm in. Tell me what to make and you've got it.
Starflier parade of doom? Can do.
That is an idea! Starfleas vs Liberty Dread with no shields?