So I've been trying out a few different things in FL since I first started, but I'm starting to get bored of them. If you guise know anything that is fun AND NOT in the below list, please recommend, and perhaps I will see you in space.
List of things I've done:
Be in the Order (Fighter & GB)
Wreck hunting
Be in the GRN (bomber)
Be in the Xenos
Nomad Trial
Exploration of Sirius (try to get to every single system on one char)
Be an Outcast (not so much, just 2 days)
Please make some suggestions. I'm currently thinking of Rheinland, Kusari, and Bretonia navies, but I'm game for anything NEW.
See, I would think getting bored with disco and perhaps going out and living more in the real world might be a good thing and that by "helping" we would actually be hurting.
' Wrote:So I've been trying out a few different things in FL since I first started, but I'm starting to get bored of them. If you guise know anything that is fun AND NOT in the below list, please recommend, and perhaps I will see you in space.
List of things I've done:
Be in the Order (Fighter & GB)
Wreck hunting
Be in the GRN (bomber)
Be in the Xenos
Nomad Trial
Exploration of Sirius (try to get to every single system on one char)
Be an Outcast (not so much, just 2 days)
Please make some suggestions. I'm currently thinking of Rheinland, Kusari, and Bretonia navies, but I'm game for anything NEW.
I suggest you shoot for getting into another faction. A faction that few people join for whatever reason. If you really like to RP and keep a balance of PvP I would say join Das Wilde or even the Keepers (when, or if, they start recruiting). Das Wilde is a good goal to strive for because there's a good amount of RP and writing involved in order to join and play in the faction (from what I have seen anyways).
I would also suggest making a indie. LSF (or joining the player faction if you want to be more connected). If you decide to make an independent LSF you could try sneaking into Rheinland and RPing a spy.
' Wrote:Take a hiatus...
Come back.
Everything old is new again.
This is also a good suggestion. I ended up leaving for a while because of school and other reasons and came back to see what has changed, and like Jacob said, everything will seem new again.
Oh and one final suggestion, you could try creating a faction if you have a lot of time and resources in game.
' Wrote:Join the upcoming event, Starlfiers vs LN Dread:D
this event is going to be?! :laugh:
1. buy Starflier and and try to get to shrine Shrine
2. buy Straflier and, visit every system, find every Jumphole and jump gate, land on every base which is possible to dock at (except nomad and coalition bases) or join them so you can dock there... :laugh:
Carnage itself flying within void... Proud cardihead ever since 2008...
You all gonna eat cardi!
' Wrote:this event is going to be?! :laugh:
1. buy Starflier and and try to get to shrine Shrine
2. buy Straflier and, visit every system, find every Jumphole and jump gate, land on every base which is possible to dock at (except nomad and coalition bases) or join them so you can dock there... :laugh: