Just an interesting thought that popped into my head when I was reading Tinkerbell's response to one of my posts, regarding the wilde/nomads and how gallia is "unvaccinated" against them.
Junkers, in recent years, have been fighting nomads and wilde in numerous systems, primarily new berlin, omega 15, and sigma 13. Junkers have developed advanced ships, piloting tactics, equipment, and weaponry in order to defend their stations against these alien threats - while the entirety of gallia (from what little we know) has never even encountered an alien race.
So, what if, when the rest of gallia is revealed, the nomads or wild find their way into the house. It would cause havoc - but Gallia has a group of individuals (the junkers) who are experienced at fighting the threat. In essence, the junkers would become a group very much like the order within gallia, operating in league with the gallic government to combat alien invasion.
The nomads will likely take interest in gallia, considering that - junkers aside - nobody there knows anything about them, or how to fight them. If the nomads could control gallia, they would have infected fleets that rival those of all four houses.
Interesting thought, Junkers = Order in Gallia. Could present some really interesting RP opportunites. Perhaps, even some sort of relationship with The Order.
You have to ask how unified the Gallic Junkers are with the Sirian Junkers, though. Aside from a few agents running between the two states they've been largely separate from one another.
' Wrote:You have to ask how unified the Gallic Junkers are with the Sirian Junkers, though. Aside from a few agents running between the two states they've been largely separate from one another.
From the rumors I've read those agents keep the Gallian Junkers apprised of activity going on in the rest of Sirius that they have dealings with, and the Junkers have lots of dealings in all houses except Kusari. I would think news as big as the Nomads would be passed along.
I would think that, with how close-knit the sirius junkers are, they would have quickly developed lines of communication and trade with the gallic junkers once the path through the minefield was open.
Back when the minefield was still intact, and there were only a few mine-runners in gallia that could cross it, yea... there wouldnt be much link between the two - but now we have full paths open through two seperate systems.
As a side note, I think we need some profitable scrap fields in gallia... junkers would also likely act as the ALG of the gallic house, since none of their corporations do clean-up work.
1-Wild-Nomad Fighter with Yanagi background.
2-Junker Diplomat in Gallia rallying on need to prepare to fight Wild.
3-Building Research center to show evidence to Gallia.
But independent of the actual "Order". A Junker effort hopefully in union with Gallics (when they open it and let ships out--I'm about to SRP a Gallic ship to be able to come and go soon.)
Its a bit slow to develop now as Galics can't leave.
' Wrote:As a side note, I think we need some profitable scrap fields in gallia... junkers would also likely act as the ALG of the gallic house, since none of their corporations do clean-up work.
Feel free to PM me thoughts and suggestions on that. I'm having the devil's time finding anyone who knows enough about Gallia to throw together a workup for scrap/general mining for that region of space.
1.) Get ships (Gallia Has)
2.) Aim guns (Gallia Has)
3.) Pew Pew (Gallia Has)
4.) Laugh at exploding blue smudge while making sushi-related jokes (Gallia still working on that)
Junkers as some kind of alien fighting taskforce; Steal ships, recruit new people, find a planet to hide on, rename yourselves to the Order and vow to kill all threats to humanity.
From the backend of things, I can assure you that Gallia is well aware of the existance of Nomads and the threat that they post to humanity in the Sirius sector.
Given the conduct over the past 18 years on behalf of the other four houses I dare say they've put more energy into considering that threat than those who have actually fought them.
As to the idea that the Junkers are even remotely like the Order in vision or purpose... I dare say not so much.
' Wrote:Feel free to PM me thoughts and suggestions on that. I'm having the devil's time finding anyone who knows enough about Gallia to throw together a workup for scrap/general mining for that region of space.
There are tons of scrap fields but I am still hunting for mining ones. Most seem to be just "rocks" but I'll know a bit more shortly myself.
Tinkerbell's Rp as a Junker is atypical--always has been--but it is consistent in focus. I'm not trying to define all Junkers--only mine. He does see the Wild-Nomads as a threat to all humanity (though he for the most part is only concerned about how that will affect Junkers--the rest of Sirius can burn if needed.)
Gallia is the first "real power" he MIGHT have a chance of winning over to his view and it is also the "birthplace" of all Junkers and filled with them. Tinkerbell doesn't see Gallic Junkers as a "differnt kind of Junker"--he just sees them as Junkers.
I would relish seeing a full blown Nomad invasion attempt into Gallia though--would be an epic battle (I will watch from my collector;))
Anyway...I am today getting the posts finished regarding all this so good timing.