I have been a bit remiss in my flight time, and I apologize for that.
I have in the last 2 months been diagnosed with Severe sleep apnea and
narcolypsy with possible brain damage. I haven't quite been feeling like
myself and have kinda withdrew unto myself and my family.
However the last thing Im am going to do is sit back and watch the LPI die a
slow painful death because other groups are seeking to have us hunted to extinction
and to be afraid to play our characters.
You all are good people, fine players, and I respect you for playing
the most hated and loathed police force on the server. I am proud to call
you a faction mate.
Yeah, I know, your sick of the x on 1 gankings, the continual assaults,
the no word engagements, 3 or more gunboats versus your patriot / liberator,
the derision in other chats and groups about you being in the LPI....
So here is what the LPI means to me while I am here playing:
So, dont be a stranger, drop by the station house, and be proud.
The Bast***s cant keep us down forever.
See ya out there.
P.S. This thread isn't for spamming, anti LPI rants, and other assorted B.S. Got a Beef? Use the feedback thread , make your own thread, or STFU. Plain and simple.
Formerly known as LPI Police Chief Hull O'Brien.
Creator of Sgt. V. Price, 207th Precinct out of Chula Vista Station
You've been a good friend Hack. Hope you get better, with both your health problems and the other crap you go through in Real Life (landlord comes to mind...)
Hey Hack, I think I speak for most of us when I say we're happy and proud to call you a faction mate, and a friend as well, and the amount of work you by yourself have put into the LPI, is well...Really more than alot of us could've done together as a group, yet you managed some how to do so much for the group by yourself, and it's greatly appreciated by myself and anyone else in the LPI who has any idea what's going on half the time, hehe.
So, I hope you get well and I hope things turn around for you, even if you don't get in game so much holler at me over skype sometime so we can stay in touch, yeah?
So yeah, I hope things get better for ya, and I hope to see you around Disco still, but of course, Real Life takes priority.
I don't know you very well Hack, but just from this post I acn tell you're a good person. I hope you get well soon, and get sort everything out so you can get back to helping us put down those damn unlawfuls!
Sorry to hear mate, Get well soon Hack so you can come back on your LPI and order us around to take <strike>bribes</strike> fines from those nasty smugglers.:P
Recipient of the Hispania Memorium, Golden Fourragere, Halo of Valor, Order of the Red Star, and the Hero of the Revolution