1]Ok, im finally up to doing hardpoints on ships in ms3d. Ive read drizzts tutorial but I dont know how to get those little arrowhead thingys. How do I move hardpoints and basicly make them?
2]You know how when you look at the vinilla ships on wireframe and they seem to be constructed out of one shell? My ship has like, alot of parts that go inside the model that make it look messy on the inside. How do I get rid of this? And is there anyway that I can 'group' the model or something aswell becuause I see other models are grouped by thier textures.
I strongly advise you hardpoint using HardCMP, and not do it the way Drizzt suggests: Using Ms3d.
Open your .CMP model, and then hold down Ctrl and Click where you want the hardpoint.
Also, there are 20 or so tutorials on this around, and if you want a question answered quickly, posting in the "Want to start developing?" thread in the Developers forum usually works wonders.
Honestly Ms3D is a poor example of modeling software, but to remove the interior mesh collisions you'll be needs to weld the each vertex to the mesh and then make sure all of your seams are set.
But from the sounds of your model that is going to be too much work, read some tutorials, find your style and groove. Work on that before hard pointing.
If you need some help PM me for my Skype and I can talk you through it.