New to FL discovery..Ive been hunting for Lvl 9 Elite shields for my Executioner...but I cant seem to find it..can someone point me to the system/station where I can get one?
If it's an Executioner, I'd say poke around Virginia/Illinois/Ellesmere, these are guard systems, respectively Navy, LPI and LSF, those have level 9 shields for sure.
Also, you can try Barrier Gate Docking Wing in Coronado, the station belongs to Freelancers so I guess you can get the shields there anytime.
Beware entering a guard system that your are not aligned with. I.E. If you have a LN id and IFF, its ok to go to Virginia, but if not, be prepared for the consequences.....
Formerly known as LPI Police Chief Hull O'Brien.
Creator of Sgt. V. Price, 207th Precinct out of Chula Vista Station
' Wrote:Beware entering a guard system that your are not aligned with. I.E. If you have a LN id and IFF, its ok to go to Virginia, but if not, be prepared for the consequences.....
guard systems arent all they are cracked up to be, you can usually traverse them (in an incredibly out of role play way fyi) by cruising. Yes, just cruising. Don't go near stations and if the server has more than 100 people you will be fine, just don't count on docking:D
' Wrote:guard systems arent all they are cracked up to be, you can usually traverse them (in an incredibly out of role play way fyi) by cruising. Yes, just cruising. Don't go near stations and if the server has more than 100 people you will be fine, just don't count on docking:D
And since this is a ROLE-PLAYING server, just because the server has many people on board, that still doesn't give you a license to act in an Out of Role Play way.
There's a reason WHY those of who belong to factions with guard systems tend to get twitchy on them. They should all be defended by large quantities of fighters and weapons platforms at all times, regardless of server population - and you should PLAY that they are, whether they are or not.
If you wouldn't go into that system in single play because your ship would get nailed badly - then don't do it in Multi-player.