After reading Gloucester's topic on Planetform and flying through Kusari to find that it's EMPTY. I somehow got motivated into creating this topic that should be a helping hand to those with the motive to get kicking with new characters and/or factions. As i think we can call the Outcasts, Liberty authorities and Order to have enough if not more than their fair share of players.
So heres a list of all Factions on discovery and the matching official factions that may or may not still exist. Alongside each i've also posted in general as to weather players are needed in those factions from a Discovery universe overview.
Saying that the faction needs players does not claim that the official faction may need players as this is up to the faction owners/administrators. To say that a faction needs players is in general and in reference to other sirius factions. To say that a faction has too many players is not to point a finger or blame that particular faction in any way whatsoever. The stats are taken by totting up the encounters i've had with both independant and official players from each faction.
LPI - LPINeeds players Liberty Navy - [LN]Doesn't Need Players LSF - =LSF=Needs Players Ageira Technologies - NoneNeeds Players DSE - NoneNeeds Players Universal Shipping - KoF, [*USI*]Doesn't Need Players Interspace Commerce - ICNeeds Players Liberty Rogues - LRDoesn't Need Players Xenos - XADoesn't Need Players Lane Hackers - LH, HLDoesn't Need Players
RFP - RFP|Needs Players Rheinland Military - [RM]Doesn't Need Players Republican Shipping - RepExNeeds Players Kruger Mining and Minerals - NoneNeeds Players ALG Waste Disposal - ALGNeeds Players Daumann Heavy Construction - DHCNeeds Players Bundschuh - VFNeeds Players Unioners - Alster UnionNeeds Players LWB - ?Needs Players Red Hessians - RHADoesn't Need Players The Wild - Das WildeNeeds Players
Bretonia Police Authority - [BPA]Needs Players Bretonian Armed Forces - [BAF]Doesn't Need Players BMM - BMM - Doesn't Need Players Gateway Shipping - Gateway - Doesn't Need Players Border Worlds Exports - BOWEX - Doesn't Need Players Planetform Inc. - NoneNeeds Players Mollys - MRNeeds Players Gaians - NLHNeeds Players
Kusari State Police - KSPNeeds Players Kusari Naval Forces - KNFNeeds Players Hogosha - [|]Doesn't Need Players Samura Heavy Industries - SamuraDoesn't Need Players Kishiro Technologies - KishiroNeeds Players Farmers Alliance - AFANeeds Players Blood Dragons - NovaPG, BDNeeds Players Golden Chrysanthemums - GCNeeds Players
Outcasts - SOB, 101st, RoSDoesn't Need Players Corsairs - TBH, OPGDoesn't Need Players The Order - OrderDoesn't Need Players Zoners - TAZ, (|c|)Doesn't Need Players Bounty Hunters GuildBHG, CoreDoesn't Need Players NomadsKeepersDoesn't Need Players
Note: To say that a faction does not need players is not to say they do not deserve them, it is simply a statistic applied to how many plaers they should have iff all factions were averaged out.
Good idea Ash, new players should be refered to this page for ideas of characters.
The RFP tag isn't [RFP], it's RFP|, but apart from that you've done a good job.
[17:45:39] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): Tom, you have problems. Go kill yourself.
[19:25:12] Johnny (Jam): Tomtom, I will beat you with a spoon.
[14:22:56] Prarabdh Thakur: KILL HIM WITH A SHEEP.
[17:40:48] Eagle (Junes): Tom should be slapped with a spoon.
[11:32:18] Warspite: Thank you for being so awesome Tom. <3
[18:17:36] Metano: I love you tomtom
[20:06:24] Warspite: I will seriously give you epic head.
' Wrote:Edit: also, Tomtomrawr, fappin' like a boss.
Also, with the ammount of daumann and republican indies i have seen, they dont really need more players, just more factionalised players as opposed to indies.