' Wrote:Stop trying to make FL like EVE. K?k
Been tossed around, nothing happening.more important things, like the mining update( Of which its contents i will not tell)
mining update, indeed forgot about that.
Im not trying to make it more like eve, im trying to make the names of the ships make sense. Carriers in RL and many other places always carry fighters.
' Wrote:Im not trying to make it more like eve, im trying to make the names of the ships make sense. Carriers in RL and many other places always carry fighters.
He actually has a good point there. It's not about being like Eve, it's about role playing a carrier.
Speaking of, Maybe that should be part of some requirement before a carrier can be brought out, have X number of players in fighters to escort it like it's their mother ship. That might reduce some of the cap whoring.
' Wrote:He actually has a good point there. It's not about being like Eve, it's about role playing a carrier.
Speaking of, Maybe that should be part of some requirement before a carrier can be brought out, have X number of players in fighters to escort it like it's their mother ship. That might reduce some of the cap whoring.