So recently I made a rouge char named Englishman.
Englishman isn't really human, but he was 'created' in an experiment 2 years ago on LPI Sugarland.
Then the experiment went very wrong, and his body was dumped into space.
Then recently, a rouge found his body thick into one of the dark matter clouds, so the rouge brought him back to Buffalo, just for kicks.
And then once the body was brought back out of space, it somehow came back from a 1.5 year death, but it was no where near human, the dark matter had some how altered his DNA.
And his brain.
He now has 3 split personalitys, and he doesn't even know it.
He also has the strange abilty to think of somthing, and have a appear in front of him, but when he does so, he blacks out, and appears somewhere else, with a new personality, but the same idenity.
I know, it is a little far fetched, but I wanted something different.
On an RP side, when his ship is destroyed, he may bring it back, but then he 'blacks out' and appears elsewhere
so it goes like:
Death: Englishman was killed by XXX
XXX: Taget down.
Englishman: Not for long... *appears back on buffalo*
Englishman: *brings back ship*
Englishman: Ha! what are you goin...ugh...*blacks out*
Departing player: Englishman
New player: Englishman-[M]
and vice verca
P.S. The 3rd Englishman is Englishman-[T]
So after taking a break for about a year I've decided to get back in to Disco. So yeah.